View Full Version : chopping balls

11-15-2004, 07:44 PM
I bought 1000 rounds of (draxxus tiger striped) paint from my shop in town and it is really brittle. I have dropped it from head height and it usually breaks on the second bounce. I have changed my setup from the smallest spring and the 2.0 carrier with no shims to the longest spring and the 1.0 carrier with 2 shims, and I am still chopping. I used the same oring in both the 2.0 and 1.0. I also have a warp feed, is it possible that it's not feeding fast enough? I have all the jumpers horizontal. What can I do to shoot this paint?

chaos lichen
11-15-2004, 08:36 PM
Open the bag and set a glass full of water in, then close the bag and wait overnight, after that remove the water, repeat until the paint is bouncy enough for you.

11-15-2004, 08:49 PM
sounds wierd but i'm willing to try anything. I'll post back tommorrow afternoon. And thanks for the reply.

11-16-2004, 09:30 AM
Keep the 2.0 carrier and no shims if it worked there. Changing to the longest spring is the correct thing to do. Now adjust the velocity so your gun shoots but is still under 300 fps. The bolt should be very gentle. This can be verified by sticking a squeegie agains the bolt face and pulling the trigger. If everything is fine and the bolt is gentle but you are still chopping paint then do the water trick. Also, verify that the paint is actually chopping and not breaking in the barrel.

11-16-2004, 10:03 AM
Are you sure it's chopping. I don't think there's a good way to distinguish barrel breaks from bolt chops. If you're using a barrel system with different bores, try the largest bore. See if that affects the number of "chops".

11-16-2004, 05:45 PM
thanks for the replies guys. I did the water trick and shot it today and didn't break a ball. I going to try to change carriers back to the 2.0 with no shims and try it tommorrow. And yes I am sure it was chopping because there was mad paint on the bolt and spring and inside the feed neck. I also have tested it with the squeege and then my finger and it always stopped then resets. I tried the bounce test after the water trick and they bounced around 6-7 times without breaking. :clap: