View Full Version : Buried In The Sand: The Deception of America

11-15-2004, 09:43 PM
Has anyone else seen this documentory? if so what where your opinions?

if you havent seen this documentory it is about the brutalities under the Saddam regime in iraq, suicide bombers, and terrorist in general. this documentory shows first hand, in video from the terrorist, the suicide bombers and the aftermath. it also shows Beheadings, executions, and other various forms of punishments performed under the rule of Saddam.

i must say if you go out and buy, rent, or just download and watch this video. that it is VERY disturbing. i for the most part could be considered somewhat morbid but this was almost vomit inducing. so just to let anyone know, this video is very very explicit.

it sure as hell opened my eyes as to what was going on... i really do suggest this video even though most would find this very offensive

11-15-2004, 10:00 PM
I think that would be a nice wake-up call for some people.
Something like that is what we need.

11-15-2004, 10:02 PM
Why do we need that as a wake up call? Do you really think Saddam Hussein was the only person doing that? What do you think is going on in the Sudan right now? A lot of the world is a mean and dangerous place. Living in the comfort of the US, its easy to forget that.

11-15-2004, 10:12 PM

even if saddam wasnt and isnt the only commiting such atrosities, it is still an eye opener for LOTS of people, becuase you get to see how truly sick this world is.

so has anyone else seen this video?

11-15-2004, 10:16 PM
I agree with that 100%. I think I was trying to head off any arguments using the video as justification for invading Iraq. May have jumped the gun there ;)

I havent seen it, but I'll look for it. People need to appreciate what we have, and what other people in the world have to face.

11-15-2004, 10:25 PM
So how about telling us where we can find it?

11-15-2004, 10:43 PM
So how about telling us where we can find it?

Good call...

11-15-2004, 11:16 PM
Why do we need that as a wake up call? Do you really think Saddam Hussein was the only person doing that? What do you think is going on in the Sudan right now? A lot of the world is a mean and dangerous place. Living in the comfort of the US, its easy to forget that.
Because most people dont realise that ethic genocide is happening even to this day. It wasnt just the holocaust. People dont realise that Saddam was horrible, that he tortued his own people, used chemical weapons on them and such. I never said that there weren't any other instances of genocide going on.
Justification for going into Iraq? Well, while oil is a big factor, and no one can deny that, and it was obviously in the country's best intrest, I think it did play a large factor as well. Are you saying that the fact that Suddam was insane and disgusting had no part at all with our invasion of iraq? We diddn't want to stop him, we just wanted to go to war for oil?

I dont really want to start an argument or anything..

I was just saying what you basicly said in your last sentence of that first post.

Living in the comfort of the US, its easy to forget that.
Most people dont realise that this kind of stuff goes on every day all around the world.
I never said in my post that Saddam was the only one doing it :)

11-15-2004, 11:23 PM

If that link doesn't work for some reason just search it on AMAZON. Its there.

11-15-2004, 11:34 PM
Because most people dont realise that ethic genocide is happening even to this day. It wasnt just the holocaust. People dont realise that Saddam was horrible, that he tortued his own people, used chemical weapons on them and such. I never said that there weren't any other instances of genocide going on.
Justification for going into Iraq? Well, while oil is a big factor, and no one can deny that, and it was obviously in the country's best intrest, I think it did play a large factor as well. Are you saying that the fact that Suddam was insane and disgusting had no part at all with our invasion of iraq? We diddn't want to stop him, we just wanted to go to war for oil?

I dont really want to start an argument or anything..

I was just saying what you basicly said in your last sentence of that first post.

Most people dont realise that this kind of stuff goes on every day all around the world.
I never said in my post that Saddam was the only one doing it :)

Good points. Like I said "I think I was trying to head off any arguments using the video as justification for invading Iraq. May have jumped the gun there ." My bad.

On a side note, arent WMD the reason we went into Iraq, not oil *wink wink, nudge nudge*

11-16-2004, 12:42 AM
if we went to war for oil, dont you think the price of crude oil would of dropped drastically by now? say 1.40-1.50 per gallon of gas? im not complaining with the current average price of gas at what 1.95? cuase i mean think of how cheap gas really is. its almost half of what milk cost per gallon. almost a third of what a gallon of gatorade can cost. either way i hardly see any evidence to prove that we went to war for just oil. even though theres people that will argue to there grave that, that is the only reason :rolleyes:

but back to the video, alot of the footage you will see in the video can be downloaded off the net as thats where all the footage came from; becuase the terrorist would only release the footage onto the internet. either way the video is still pretty good and worth watching.

11-16-2004, 12:38 PM
got propaganda?

11-16-2004, 01:49 PM
if we went to war for oil, dont you think the price of crude oil would of dropped drastically by now? say 1.40-1.50 per gallon of gas? im not complaining with the current average price of gas at what 1.95? cuase i mean think of how cheap gas really is. its almost half of what milk cost per gallon. almost a third of what a gallon of gatorade can cost. either way i hardly see any evidence to prove that we went to war for just oil. even though theres people that will argue to there grave that, that is the only reason :rolleyes:

but back to the video, alot of the footage you will see in the video can be downloaded off the net as thats where all the footage came from; becuase the terrorist would only release the footage onto the internet. either way the video is still pretty good and worth watching.

going to war for oil would drop the price of oil how? now that america does have much of the oil leaving the refineries in Iraq, why would they decrease the price? That is not the intentions of the ppl in charge of making those decisions. To me it is " sell oil for a higher price, and we can get even richer off of it"

Honestly, why would they lower the price just cause they obtained a lot of oil?

what is the logic behind that? you think the american govt. is going to give oil discounts just cause they have a lot more? :rolleyes:

11-16-2004, 04:09 PM
got propaganda?

I don't buy Michael Moore movies.

11-16-2004, 05:13 PM
going to war for oil would drop the price of oil how? now that america does have much of the oil leaving the refineries in Iraq, why would they decrease the price? That is not the intentions of the ppl in charge of making those decisions. To me it is " sell oil for a higher price, and we can get even richer off of it"

Honestly, why would they lower the price just cause they obtained a lot of oil?

what is the logic behind that? you think the american govt. is going to give oil discounts just cause they have a lot more? :rolleyes:
America is not in control of Iraq's oil. Iraq is. We were being charged more than the rest of the world by Saddam. The theory is, now that saddam is gone we can get the oil for the same price as the rest of the world. Unfortunately that is not the case because of many factors.