View Full Version : What would you consider overshooting?

11-16-2004, 01:56 PM
well? how many balls must you hit someone w/ until it is considered overshooting. Ive been in situations that I could not see the person from where I was that well, so I just launched about 6 balls in their direction and to my suprise 4 break on them. They start screaming and whining like it was intentional.

Then in the same day, I shot some guy once, (and he didnt make it obvious), so I shot him a second time. He gets all huffy about it and yelling like I overshot him.

how bad have you lit someone up, or been lit up.

11-16-2004, 02:02 PM
depends on the field and the level of the players. i play with pretty good people who have angels, etc. and on a really small field... i would consider 6 or 7 overshooting.

11-16-2004, 02:07 PM
pending on the situation, id say 6-7 balls is allowed if its a blind shot at a distance, 5-6 balls allowed when getting bunkered, 3-4 balls if walking off the field.

edit: if the person doesnt make it known that theyre hit, let the balls fly and light them up for not calling out. dont want to have someone look out, but do a run through on you.

11-16-2004, 02:14 PM
i snapped off 3 quick shots at a kid...got him out he walked off the field i contineu playing and from the sideline i hear him :cuss: about overshooting. 3 hits isnt overshooting...but maybe ti was to him..but i cant help it i wanted to hit him and like most people i dont shoot 1 ball at a time. and after game explained it was unententional.

ide feel bad if i did more than 6 and would consider that overshooting

11-16-2004, 02:17 PM
More than six from getting shot to the sidelines. More than three in a bunker move, you gotta shoot 3 to make sure at least 1 hits.

11-16-2004, 02:19 PM
i would say about 6-7 also. and like the other person said if they dont some how show they are hit just keep the balls flying until they let you know. if you dont do this and the balls some how bounced then he will shoot you and you will be kicking yourself for not shooting him more

11-16-2004, 02:32 PM
if the person doesnt make it known that theyre hit, let the balls fly and light them up for not calling out. dont want to have someone look out, but do a run through on you.

If I am playing in a tourny I will shoot till a hand goes up. I have had it happen, I hit a guy 3 times saw a hit but he kept playing and i got hit. So i do not give them a chance, lite them up till they call them self out.

11-16-2004, 02:41 PM
rec ball- over 3 (unless they get hit by a lane or something, then it can be more)
tourney- over 10

11-16-2004, 02:42 PM
i have lit up my cousin and fellow teammete really bad..... I shot him around the area of 15 times with lots o crotch shots.... it was my first day of ever useing a timmy, and well i wasnt thinking straight :p well my cousin didnt play at all the rest of the day.... i wonder why

:shooting: :mad:


edit: he was about 15 feet away

Deep Sixx
11-16-2004, 02:49 PM
Tourney: I'll keep shooting 'till they get up or the ref pulls them out. I don't care if I hit them a dozen times... if you're that slow to call yourself, it's your problem. I've been the "nice guy" one too many times and I'm tired of being shot by dead players.

Rec: More than 3 breaks.


11-16-2004, 02:58 PM
^ what he said theres no being nice to many ppl try to sit there and play it of like they never got hit

11-16-2004, 03:03 PM

11-16-2004, 03:08 PM
I bunkered this one kid from bout 7 or 8 feet away with 3 shots in just normal open play and he like started screaming that he was hit and stuff and got all puffy when we were walking off the field. I tried to explain to him its nothing personal i just had to do it.

since i did that the ref made it 4 on 1. I got 2 and ran outa air so i feel as tho i did good.

11-16-2004, 03:41 PM
5 in bunkering. 6-7 In runs. 15 off the break. Off the break the back guys are mowing, if you cross into a lane youre asking for it.

Rec ball;

3 if they own a spyder
3 for a mag
3 for a tippy
95 for a Dragun gun.

11-16-2004, 03:42 PM
I agree with deepSIx. In a tourney, you should call yourself out as soon as you are AWARE that you have been hit. If you got a break on your pack and didn't feel it, and kept playing, you shouldn't be surprised if a wall of paint is coming your way. But I believe the same thing about rec ball. GET THAT FRIGGIN GUN IN THE AIR WITH A PLUG IN IT IF YOUR HIT!

Also, there is always the travel distance factor. If a guys thirty yards out, you don't necessarily want to shoot just two balls at him, because if you miss you may have blown an oppertunity. I could see a string of six to eight balls in a situation like that. Now maybe you hit him once or twice, or all six or eight times, but you've only "shot at him" once.

I think overshooting could be considered any situation where the opponent is clearly out, but you get a few more licks in anyway. And yes, if your not going to take yourself out of a game (when you should immediately), I got no sympathy for you if you get lit up. :mad: :shooting: :mad:

oh also..................

random bannana :dance:

11-16-2004, 03:55 PM
10 or less is cool...but I do shoot until they call themselves out...if you don't call yourself out quick when you know you are hit you are just asking for it

11-16-2004, 04:04 PM
I got bunkered one time. The guy shot me around 12-15 times. Either his gun wasnt fast or he didn't know how to shoot it cuz it took about 3 seconds for him to shoot me that many times. My gun was pointing straight up in the air while he kept shooting me. I wasn't mad about the overshooting as much as his gun was way too hot. I had softball sized welts everywhere. I have 3 permanent scars on my chest from it. The ref was standing right next to me but it was at the end of the day and he was too tired to do anything about it. Moral of the story is overshooting doesnt bother me as much as a hot gun.

11-16-2004, 04:30 PM

Is definately Overshooting... and a few other things but Overshooting is definately on thing this is.

Deep Sixx
11-16-2004, 04:39 PM
and a few other things but Overshooting is definately on thing this is.

Other things? Like staged? There's nary a speck of pink on his marker, visor or pants. Odd, wouldn't you say?


11-16-2004, 05:26 PM
20 or so shots, if the guy is standing there watching you walk away with your gun in the air or hand in the air and not getting off the trigger, then its overshooting.

11-16-2004, 06:03 PM
Over shooting = Any number of hits (but not fewer than 3) recieved AFTER it has been made apparent that the "victim" is no longer an active player (i.e. hand/gun up (key), standing up backwards, walking to the back of the field with head hung in shame, etc.)

Generally play nice, but not nice enough that it could bite you in the butt later on.

trains are bad
11-16-2004, 06:06 PM
Over shooting = Any number of hits (but not fewer than 3) recieved AFTER it has been made apparent that the "victim" is no longer an active player (i.e. hand/gun up (key), standing up backwards, walking to the back of the field with head hung in shame, etc.)


11-16-2004, 06:23 PM
Over shooting = Any number of hits (but not fewer than 3) recieved AFTER it has been made apparent that the "victim" is no longer an active player (i.e. hand/gun up (key), standing up backwards, walking to the back of the field with head hung in shame, etc.)

Generally play nice, but not nice enough that it could bite you in the butt later on.

Don't forget the big one, the Ref. Yelling, He's out for the 15th time...

11-16-2004, 06:35 PM
You have to expect to get lit up if bunkering someone doesn't go your way. If they come out and see you 5 feet away, they'll be shooting until you stop running.

11-16-2004, 06:39 PM
In rec and relaxed games 3 shots (my fields rule). At a turney id say its not untill the guy calls him self out cuz ive witness on guy bunker another and hit him 3 times and then moves one but the the bunked guy shoots him in the back

11-16-2004, 07:00 PM
First, let me say what overshooting (IMO) is...

overshooting to me is intentionally shooting someone when you know they're out. I can have my gun ripping at 14bps and someone runs in front of them and they get hit by 6, that to me isn't getting overshot. I'm looking for intent here.

Having said that, I generally go by 3 shot rule. If you go to bunker someone and shoot them 3 times and none of them break, you have bigger problems than whether you're overshooting or not. There's no reason you have to put 6 or 7 into someone when you're bunkering them... there just isn't.

11-16-2004, 11:03 PM
well, from playing NPPL, I'd say overshooting is somewhere in the 10+ range AFTER I've left my bunker. I figure anything I get before I start trying to get out is just part of the game, and a few more after that can be chalked to stray shots, but any excessive amount afterwards is just retarded.

But if I'm playing rec. I never put more than 2-3 on the guy. I mean, its all for fun.... right? ;)

11-17-2004, 09:37 AM
I agree with Lethagic...

If Im shooting, unless Im randomly snapshooting/bunkering(3 shot min, unless the paints bad and its prolly gonna be upped to seeing 3 breaks or 5shot min), chances are theres gonna be a good 3-15 balls behind the first one... If your still in the way after the first 3 or so, its your butt... and if your attempting a run though you can expect some extra lovin as well till your hand go up...

Rec, Im gonna be slightly nicer mind you... and will generally go for the pack/gun shots... and the volume of paint isnt going to be nearly as high to begin with...

11-17-2004, 09:51 AM
Overshooting is anything excessive after the player has moved to leave the field. I expect to hit 3-6 times in a tournament as I'm leaving the bunker, gun up or not. I can live with that. The paint was probably in the air when you were standing up.

If you are in your bunker getting hit, and you don't get up, then there is no over-shooting. if you don't obviously call yourself out, then someone will make sure you want to leave.

This is in a tourney, though. For woodsball, anything over 3-5 hits would be overshooting. No need for anything over that.

11-17-2004, 11:26 AM
Real simple, when you continue to shoot the guy when you "know" he's hit and he can't possibly wipe it off. ;)

11-17-2004, 11:37 AM
just figured id share a lil story about making sure the person is out. while playing a 5 man tourney a few weeks agowe had it down to like a 4 on 3 in our favor and i was sitting at the 50. one bunker had a great lane on me that stopped me from getting the flag. the guy in the bunker however didnt see me and was shooting at my teammate and was hanging out of his bunker. i put about 5 balls in the air at him, as i was pulling in i saw a break on him. i pop out again, and see the ref checking him, but dont see the shot that i know broke on his chest. needless to say, as the ref was standing right next to him, the guy took 5 more balls to his side so there was no questions on whether or not he was out.

i do this whenever a ref is checking someone, if the person isnt smart enough to pull in while a ref is checking them theyre getting atleast 5 balls put on them to make sure theyre out.

11-17-2004, 11:58 AM
just figured id share a lil story about making sure the person is out. while playing a 5 man tourney a few weeks agowe had it down to like a 4 on 3 in our favor and i was sitting at the 50. one bunker had a great lane on me that stopped me from getting the flag. the guy in the bunker however didnt see me and was shooting at my teammate and was hanging out of his bunker. i put about 5 balls in the air at him, as i was pulling in i saw a break on him. i pop out again, and see the ref checking him, but dont see the shot that i know broke on his chest. needless to say, as the ref was standing right next to him, the guy took 5 more balls to his side so there was no questions on whether or not he was out.

i do this whenever a ref is checking someone, if the person isnt smart enough to pull in while a ref is checking them theyre getting atleast 5 balls put on them to make sure theyre out.

some would call that overshooting, but like you said, its their fault for not getting behind cover. now if the ref calls them neutral, thats another story

11-17-2004, 12:37 PM
true, if a ref calls someone neutral than that is different. but for all the tourneys that ive been to/ played in ive never seen a player called neutral. theyre either in or out. if theyre still in, theyre gettin hit again, if theyre out but not showing it good enough, not going fast enough, theyre getting hit again too.

11-17-2004, 01:39 PM
Ok a couple weeks ago at a tourney my mid guy got lit up. He was shot probably 8 times and called himself out. He got up with his marker raised then took another 5 or 6. Then the ref came over to protect him and they both took at least a dozen more. At least a dozen. Then when they got to the deadbox before they could get in they each took 5 or 6 more from this team. Granted most of the team was still in and it was multiple players shooting him but come on. I being the team captain hollered out that should be a 1 for 1 and was promptly told to shut up. Nice eh. I don't even know why we have rules meetings anymore. No one we play against cares about them. Just pisses me off.

11-17-2004, 01:43 PM
dedicated tourney?

11-17-2004, 02:26 PM
I won't say where becuase I don't want to bring bad press to anyone.

11-17-2004, 02:31 PM
Mag/cocker lover what team do you play for?

11-17-2004, 03:02 PM
The biggest cause of over shooting is over inflated egos. So many people playing paintball (all kinds of paintball, not just tournaments) have huge egos. They can't bring themselves to properly signal their elimination and just walk off the field. Is it any wonder that they get shot numerous times on their way out? And it's not just the eliminated player's ego that is a problem. You have those who think they must have hit you and you wiped so they are going to get a little payback. I'll never forget hearing this conversation (after a rec. ball game); "He had to have wiped, I'm a better shot than that.". :rolleyes: With so many people who think they MUST have hit their opponent when they haven't and so many players refusing to properly signal their elimination it's a wonder that everyone isn't overshot every time they are eliminated. :wow:

01-11-2005, 09:47 PM
5 in bunkering. 6-7 In runs. 15 off the break. Off the break the back guys are mowing, if you cross into a lane youre asking for it.

Rec ball;

3 if they own a spyder
3 for a mag
3 for a tippy
95 for a Dragun gun.

i'd say over 5 for rec ball. hey havok. u saying i should be shoot 95 times for having a TES???? ;)

01-11-2005, 10:03 PM
Rec, Im gonna be slightly nicer mind you... and will generally go for the pack/gun shots... and the volume of paint isnt going to be nearly as high to begin with...

I'd rather take two or three in the bare chest than one in the gun.

The problem with overshooting in recball is that the noob that usually ends up getting overshot is trying to figure out if it broke or not and thinking about yelling "paint check" so you give him a few more just to make certain and he becomes upset.

The worst overshoot I've ever seen was where the dude put up his hand and the opponent decided to play target practice aiming for his hand over the bunker... That was a day ender...

01-11-2005, 10:38 PM
i really don't get to freaked out if i get overshot - yea, i'm not gonna be happy if i get shot 14 times, but i'm not gonna make a big deal of it

now - if the player's close and it was intentional; he's probably got somethin comin from me

01-11-2005, 10:41 PM
i'd say over 5 for rec ball. hey havok. u saying i should be shoot 95 times for having a TES???? ;)


01-12-2005, 02:04 AM
3 is fine for rec ball but the "rec ball" i get to play every one has timmys so it doesn't matter cause your gonna get hit atleast once and then when you stand up you'll get at least 6 more then you sprint for the dead box and hope you doen't get hit any more.

01-12-2005, 02:38 AM
That's funny, when you left on saturday I got in trouble when we went to fort for shooting too fast. Yet, the guy that was shooting at me had his impulse shooting just as fast as I was and nobody said anything to him. Now I know why you thought it was a bunch of crap when you got yelled at last weekend. Sorry if this was off topic.


01-12-2005, 03:17 AM
Funny I was playing rec once, I'm in a snake on a speedball field, he's sitting in the back and we are snaping at each other, well I nail him in the hopper and yell at him to check his hopper. He ducks back into the bunker for a bit so I post up on him, he then comes out of the bunker with his marker pointed at me, so I lite him up with 3 or 4 shots. He goes ballistic, screaming and cussing at me for shooting him when he was allready out, I was not at all sure I hit his hooper BTW, thats why I posted up on him. Well anyway he heads out the other side of the bunker and a newbie nails him right in the back of the head on his way to the dead box (Which btw was on the other side of the bunker he poped out of when I lit him up). The ref comes over to the newbie (who is maybe 10 yrs old) and says "He deserved it that time for being an idiot, but don't do it again."

I almost collasped at that time in laughter.

anyway, back to the subject matter, when people are shooting 15+ bps, you're going to get lit up, it's after the player has identified himself as dead when overshooting starts.

01-12-2005, 07:54 AM
Well, overshooting in recball is definitely different than in a tourney - but if I see someone's gun go up in the air, I'm going to stop firing. Now with today's markers, I do expect that I'll get hit a few more times while my hand is going up, so that's fine.

Its intentionally shooting someone you know is out that I find to be completely out of line.

01-12-2005, 07:57 AM
in tournaments unless its pretty blatent nothing is over shooting, adrenelin is pumping tempers are flared. if your getting lit up while walking off, and your not crossing a lane then yes you've been overshot.

in rec ball tho, lots of different people play rec, last week i played rec at an indoor field, and there was a coupld guys there who were from a team, and there were also a bunch of new kids there. the thing that bothers me is that the tourny players were playin with the rec kids like it was a tourny. they're walking around with there timmy's lighting up the kids with rented tippmans! that's wrong IMO. in one game i played with them, didn't see a player move and he had a lane on me (my mistake) my whole right side was open to him and i was looking left, he shot three times (all three broke and were visible to him) i put my marker up (he couldn't see it cause i was in a standing can) and instead of calling for a paintcheck (cause he could clearly see my hits) he lit me up like 15 more times, in a tourny that wouldn't bother me but in rec it's not right!

my .02

01-12-2005, 08:31 AM
To me being overshot all depends on who you are playing with, I was new to paintball, hunkering inside of my safe little bunker, when I get bunkered, the guy shot me 20 times, and was shooting very very hot, the blood started seeping thru my shirt. But in another occasion, like an failed bunker move on your part, getting shot 15 times, you have to expect that.

Speedball: 3-10 balls
Rec: 1-3 balls
If i hate you: 1-empty hopper

01-12-2005, 08:55 AM
Well...ive been shot 4 times in the shoulder (all within an inch or so of each other) by a gun that i KNOW was hot because the kid let me shoot it in a later game and it was doing like fricking 400 or something!!


01-12-2005, 09:37 AM
I will overshoot a wiper intentionally (cant wipe a case). :D I over shot a kid last time I played indoor by accident felt like crap. I came around a corner with a 12 year old tag along guy popped around the end of a spool shot my tag along & I shot a 3 round burst he fired a couple shots again so I triple tapped again saw them break on the goggles. When I came off the field the guy was standing there with three welts (bloody type) right on his Adams apple. Evidently my first three were on target & his extra shots were from his finger twitching on his A5 RT. Six shots to the head & throat not good.

01-12-2005, 09:47 AM
if i get shot mkore than 5 time in rec that is normally overshooting. there are instances where a string of paint will be coming at me and as i stand up to come out i get lit up, but thats life.
in tourney expect 10 or more to be overshooting. more strings flying everwhere, you gotta be careful even when you are going to teh deadbox.
wipers that wipe a shot that i seen break=alot of paint flying at them :shooting:

01-12-2005, 12:52 PM
Real simple, when you continue to shoot the guy when you "know" he's hit and he can't possibly wipe it off. ;)

i agree with luke.

also this next part is more then a rant than anything else. what realy annoys me are the players who take there time walking to the dead box and get pissed off when they get hit 4-5 times while walking threw a lane of paint. 9 out of 10 times the person on the other side is not aiming for them they just happend to get hit cause there too slow goin to the dead box.

trains are bad
01-12-2005, 12:56 PM
What they are trying to do half the time in tournaments is get the guy to stop shooting to give his teammates an advantage. People around here often take a specific route to the deadbox that might coordinate with a move. Sneaky.

01-12-2005, 01:00 PM
What they are trying to do half the time in tournaments is get the guy to stop shooting to give his teammates an advantage. People around here often take a specific route to the deadbox that might coordinate with a move. Sneaky.

Like if I walk down the right side of the field the person was to the right side of my bunker, if I walk down the left he was left and if I walk down center he was centered. If my gun is in my left hand he was back towards there side, if its in my right hand he was close to teh 50 or on our side.... sneaky like that ;)

Oops.. wasn't supposed to tell.. and yeh, coordinating your moves by using dead players from the other team or your own also is an interesting moral dilemna... easily solved by just doing it... er I mean, not doing it :D

PBX Ronin 23
01-12-2005, 01:03 PM
Shoot them until they walk-off or give a very clear signal that they've just called themselves out. Rec or tourney, sometimes people just don't want to leave the field. You just have to 'compel' them........;)

Paintball is a gladitorial sport. You have to "take" even though it's something that you wouldn't neccessarily "give".

Plus in the age of 15bps, you get hit by the 5th ball and there's 10 just like it coming your way.

01-12-2005, 05:41 PM
for rec ill shoot 3 at ant time, so they dont wipe. 1 and theyll wipe. but 3 theyll just forget it and walk off. but if im in a tourney then ill shoot until they call out.

01-18-2005, 09:14 PM
sorry for doing this, but i've got to

OVERSHOOTING? what is overshooting? So maybe thats what the noobs were yelling about when they went from no breaks on them to fully covered and limping! I donno :rofl:

If you can't be like :wow: and then think back to that game and be like :cheers: when the other team was like :shooting: :shooting: and pretending to win like :dance: , then theres no sense in dressing like :ninja: , especially if everytime you do :shooting: , the other team is like :cuss: and then goes running to mommy like :cry: .

01-18-2005, 09:36 PM

01-18-2005, 09:46 PM
and i was all like :tard:


(the ninja protects me from all )