View Full Version : Is it okay to use automags.org as our team website

11-16-2004, 02:59 PM
I didn't even think to ask. I had BlackCat Productions list www.automags.org as the web site for "our" team, AO Army, in their up coming scenario game "The Night of The Catman". I hope this is okay as I didn't even think to ask first. If not, someone let me know and I'll ask them to change it.


11-16-2004, 03:00 PM

11-16-2004, 03:25 PM
I approve since you let me fondle you emag at the NCCS event.

LPB what gun did you get?

11-16-2004, 03:28 PM
Viking : )

11-16-2004, 03:34 PM
cool! how do you like it? make a pic thread for it!

damn we're hijacking this thread...
back to the topic... personally i dont have a problem with it, nor do i think any AOer, mod or even Tom will, but it certainly isnt what they were looking for, I think they wanted a site w/ team photos, names, postitions, gear, sponsors, tourneys attended, etc...

11-16-2004, 03:37 PM
It is really just that we needed a team name so we can all play togther.

And I haven't shot my vike yet, it should be here on Friday.

11-16-2004, 04:11 PM
I wanna play the blackcat game so bad but I've got school and Raiders tickets.

11-16-2004, 04:14 PM
...nor do I think any AOer, mod or even Tom will, but it certainly isn't what they were looking for...

I was hoping for a mod or Tom to say that it is okay. Regardless, at least I've said something and given them the opportunity to stop it if they don't want us to use it.

And hey, it's all we got! ;)


11-16-2004, 04:15 PM
I wanna play the blackcat game so bad but I've got school and Raiders tickets.

Sell the tickets! And you don't have school on the weekend, do you? You don't want to miss this game! :shooting:

11-16-2004, 04:21 PM
Its ok, you are forgiven ;)


11-16-2004, 04:26 PM
...you are forgiven ;)

I guess what they say is right, it's easier to get forgiveness that permission! :wow:

Oh, yeah.... THANKS! :D
