View Full Version : Cheater Chip Banned At Nppl

11-16-2004, 05:50 PM

So, good, bad, or indifferent?

What other boards should be banned if they're really serious?

Is it true what they say about the insurance companies? If so, there's a lot of fields taking chances with their liability insurance...

trains are bad
11-16-2004, 05:55 PM
If they were really serious, they'd ban electros. What they are doing is making it look like they're trying.

They should go the way NXL did.

11-16-2004, 05:57 PM
They should go the way NXL did.

What was the last thing the NXL did? Wasn't it allow anything as long as it was below a certain bps and stopped when the trigger stopped?

11-16-2004, 06:00 PM
Old news man. This was posted on PBN like a week ago. Anyway, I could have guessed this would happen. Everyone knew about the Speedy chips and their ability to turn ramp on and off easily and secretely. I couldn't care less honestly.

11-16-2004, 06:00 PM
I hate playing against someone with a cheater board... There is nothing that pisses me off more than getting nailed by someone whose velocity has been upped another 300fps... I still have welts from games that should be gone by now... :mad:

Besides, NPPL Champions should be players that play well and play even, not there cheating guns... Might as well strap the guns to some battle bots... :bounce:

11-16-2004, 06:01 PM
What was the last thing the NXL did? Wasn't it allow anything as long as it was below a certain bps and stopped when the trigger stopped?
They capped the rate of fire at 15bps. Everyone uses 3 shot semi then f/a boards.

11-16-2004, 06:02 PM
I hate playing against someone with a cheater board... There is nothing that pisses me off more than getting nailed by someone whose velocity has been upped another 300fps... I still have welts from games that should be gone by now... :mad:

Besides, NPPL Champions should be players that play well and play even, not there cheating guns... Might as well strap the guns to some battle bots... :bounce:
Speedy boards only ramp bps, not velocity. Velocity ramping boards are very very rare.

11-16-2004, 06:10 PM
Speedy boards only ramp bps, not velocity. Velocity ramping boards are very very rare.

That’s stupid then . I could care less about How many more balls per second they shoot...

Its only the Velocity cheaters that get me...

The Gun should stop shooting after the trigger is let go of however...

11-16-2004, 06:13 PM
The Gun should stop shooting after the trigger is let go of however...
All ramping chips/boards I've seen(a lot) stop shooting once the trigger is released.

11-16-2004, 07:07 PM
I don't know how to adj the velocity on every gun, so how does a board change the velocity. I thought most guns still had mechanical velocity adjustments.

11-16-2004, 07:13 PM
I don't know how to adj the velocity on every gun, so how does a board change the velocity. I thought most guns still had mechanical velocity adjustments.

By changing forward pulse/dwell whatever , you increase the velocity. Some markers couldn't be cheated this way , such as sear trippers and the like. Just about anything with a 'noid or spool valve could be.

As a matter of fact the "mod" (I am not sure what its called) that is available for Matrix to fix FSDO actually increases the forward pulse on the first shot only. That makes up for the loss of velocity on first shot after the marker has been sitting for a moment. It wouldn't be too hard to alter programming to make that feature user changable.

11-16-2004, 07:14 PM
i think that can be affected by dwell settings on the valve..... longer open time of the valve would mean higher vel... doesnt have to be a mechanical change for upped reg pressure or anything...

correct me if i'm wrong... i shoot mechs. (for the reason of issues like this)


11-16-2004, 07:16 PM
the imp you adjust it on the board. so with ecs there can be a way to make it go higher when you shoot fast. im sure no one would want this but there sure there is a way to program the board to open the valve longer when it is shot over a certain bps.

11-16-2004, 08:18 PM
By changing forward pulse/dwell whatever , you increase the velocity. Some markers couldn't be cheated this way , such as sear trippers and the like. Just about anything with a 'noid or spool valve could be.

As a matter of fact the "mod" (I am not sure what its called) that is available for Matrix to fix FSDO actually increases the forward pulse on the first shot only. That makes up for the loss of velocity on first shot after the marker has been sitting for a moment. It wouldn't be too hard to alter programming to make that feature user changable.
Its called ABS when its on a matrix. If the lpr is set correctly abs will not result in hot shots. When the lpr is correctly set the dump chamber vents completly on each shot. There is a sticky over at matrix owners (http://forums.matrixowner.com/viewtopic.php?t=7707) that explains how the lpr affects velocity. Basically making the front pulse longer is the same as upping the lpr. There are several boards out there that make that feature user changeable out of the box, Tadao is one of them and is well respected for its versatility. ABS, like most other features in that it can be a great tool to help correct a small problem or it can be used to cheat.

trains are bad
11-16-2004, 08:43 PM
I think I'm gonna hang an allen wrench around my neck at the next tournament, and when the refs say 'hey you can't have tools on the field' I'll just say, 'don't worry you can trust me, I won't cheat'. Because that's basically how it is with electros. It's only fair.

11-16-2004, 08:45 PM
I got an idea.

Why don't we just let people shoot anything? I mean, allow 30 BPS F/A, allow ramipng, and let the people just pummel each other ad infinitum. That's what they want, go ahead and let them! You can call it "Pro Unlimited Class", and let them go to town on each other. If they're cheating to achieve that end, just let them beat the snot out of each other! Add a clause in the waiver saying that they understand the level of firepower they are subjecting themselves to, and they do so at their own risk.

Just get it over with, and let them have the ROF they want. Then place the rec-field restriction in place "No pro-unlimited", and make your seperation of the ranks. Simple solution, let them do it legally. Then when someone is massively injured, they'll back off and say "Woah, dude, that was stupid."


11-16-2004, 08:45 PM
I think I'm gonna hang an allen wrench around my neck at the next tournament, and when the refs say 'hey you can't have tools on the field' I'll just say, 'don't worry you can trust me, I won't cheat'. Because that's basically how it is with electros. It's only fair.

lol if only what you were saying is true :tard:

trains are bad
11-16-2004, 08:49 PM
I know a guy with a morlocked marker and he can adjust everything through the trigger, debounce, firing mode, dwell and therefore velocity etc. I also know guys with electros that would set their debounce on 20 for chrono and set it right back to 5 through the trigger.

11-16-2004, 08:53 PM
Thanks for the info guys, you learn something new every day.... :D

11-16-2004, 09:21 PM
I know a guy with a morlocked marker and he can adjust everything through the trigger, debounce, firing mode, dwell and therefore velocity etc. I also know guys with electros that would set their debounce on 20 for chrono and set it right back to 5 through the trigger.

yea but most you reall have to sit there and it takes some time. like the EQ board for the imp you go to debounce settings and it will beep how many time the debounce is and then you pull the trigger how many times you want the debounce to be. if i was a ref you will be able to see someone messing with there gun after they chrono. and if you are a good ref you will check for bounce right after the horn blows. you will also take the gun from them and chrono right away after the game is done if you think they are shooting hot. if i am wrong correct me plz but my friends cocker with e-blade you have to take the back rod thing out and take a long alen key to adjust the velocity. i can change my dwell fast but a ref will be able to tell if you are sitting there messing with your gun in the middle of the game. and you might say they might just have gun problems. but i dont think most ppl will risk getting cought

11-16-2004, 09:49 PM
Wow, you guys complain too much. If you don't like it then don't play tourney ball. I think it's amazing that the NPPL goes and makes a rule that a certain cheater board is illegal in an attempt to even out the playing field and you little pansies still complain. The only thing that would make you happy is by turning back the progression clock to when it was Mags vs. Cockers. Guess what, it's not happening, electros are here to stay. Either catch up with the times or keep on complaining about it.

11-16-2004, 10:27 PM
Wow, you guys complain too much. If you don't like it then don't play tourney ball. I think it's amazing that the NPPL goes and makes a rule that a certain cheater board is illegal in an attempt to even out the playing field and you little pansies still complain. The only thing that would make you happy is by turning back the progression clock to when it was Mags vs. Cockers. Guess what, it's not happening, electros are here to stay. Either catch up with the times or keep on complaining about it.

you are my hero ilikePB. i cant tell you how many times i have been saying that. well said :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:

11-16-2004, 10:33 PM
Wow, normally people call me stupid and move on, lol. Well, I'm sure some one will get to that sooner or later.

11-16-2004, 11:51 PM
This thread is so newbie.

11-17-2004, 12:08 AM
I got an idea.

Why don't we just let people shoot anything? I mean, allow 30 BPS F/A, allow ramipng, and let the people just pummel each other ad infinitum. That's what they want, go ahead and let them! You can call it "Pro Unlimited Class", and let them go to town on each other. If they're cheating to achieve that end, just let them beat the snot out of each other! Add a clause in the waiver saying that they understand the level of firepower they are subjecting themselves to, and they do so at their own risk.

Just get it over with, and let them have the ROF they want. Then place the rec-field restriction in place "No pro-unlimited", and make your seperation of the ranks. Simple solution, let them do it legally. Then when someone is massively injured, they'll back off and say "Woah, dude, that was stupid."


This is exactly what its going to take to open the eyes of a lot of ignorant narrowminded individuals.

11-17-2004, 12:10 AM
They should go the way NXL did.

Well, thats NXL....

NPPL wants to hang on to the old days so how do they do it? by making you have to pretty much have oyur guns fresh from the dealers the day of the tourney. No mask mods. no upped boards, nothing eles modded really for that matter... so mabey its more of a different approach to stop cheating, instead of giving in to it really?

But then again... it costs little (compared to nxl) to compete in an NPPL and the prizes are generious. hows the NXL going? arm and a leg...won back only what you spent? mmm...yeah.....

I'll take my outa the box eblade against someone else I KNOW tops out the same as i do; Instead of trying to make my gun cheat faster than his. :argh:

11-17-2004, 12:19 AM
Ya no mask mods, besides the fact 75% of players cut up their soft ear pieces on JT masks, and they don't do a thing.

No sKiLLz
11-17-2004, 02:25 AM
Interesting loophole.

11-17-2004, 02:35 AM
Interesting loophole.

yeah, except for the fact that im sure the chips have markings on them, and that the nppl refs will probably be opening up grip frames for inspection.

11-17-2004, 03:15 AM
Wouldn't a velocity ramping board just help you to break alot of paint at high rates of fire?Also, nerve owners will probably end up getting caught cheating alot with the rebound feature. I don't think guns should be sold with ramping software under any circumstances.

11-17-2004, 05:37 AM
It's going to run it's course naturally. Ramping is only fun when you are the only one with it. If everyone had it then it would be boring again.. Example: There is a team of young kids sponsored by their parents that play at one of my local fields. They all have shockers. And now they all have the rebounding boards. They were showing off at the chrono so I grabbed my Satanically Possessed 03 Angel euro Fly speed. Not sure why but this gun ramps, the TR is all the way down and I've messed with the trigger.. I will not use this gun on a field until it's fixed. I went and I blasted out a Halo in a couple seconds.. Once they realized that their ramping wasn't so special I never heard that characteristic sudden rush of BPS from them. At this point ramping is like owning a fast car, cool for showing off but impractical once everyone has it. For now it's limited to the higher guns but once people ghetto rig it to spyders , tippys, and pirhannas it's going to seem lame.

11-17-2004, 01:40 PM
havok, i agree with you fully... when you have the equipment advantage on the field, you feel superior, but when you have the norm, you dont feel it's even worth haveing what you got.... i play mech at all times now, i used to own electros and enjoyed the speed... i never saw that i was that much better tho with the electros than i am with the mechs, and so it made me question why i was wasting the extra 4 or so bps on shooting at air.... i'm pretty confident in my skills, and it doesnt matter how many bps my opponent can shoot, i'll still get him out through superior play. its the old addage, "how many times per second can you miss me?.." well for most people its a lot.... i generally dont play that much better with a semi auto than a pump... i think that it really comes down to skills in the end...

so let the pros and whomever else wants to join the band wagon of fast shooting markers do such... its a war of attrition and my case of paint will always last longer than theirs... the only limit that i feel that is truely needed is the FPS limit.... it should never exceed 300 fps, and IMO any person caught cheating that limit should be ejected from whatever tourney in which they are breaking the rules...

thats my peice...

faster shooting will always be a fact of life in paintball.... it will be fun to bunker more and more poeple with their hopper lids open as time goes by....


11-17-2004, 03:29 PM
Wow, you guys complain too much. If you don't like it then don't play tourney ball. I think it's amazing that the NPPL goes and makes a rule that a certain cheater board is illegal in an attempt to even out the playing field and you little pansies still complain. The only thing that would make you happy is by turning back the progression clock to when it was Mags vs. Cockers. Guess what, it's not happening, electros are here to stay. Either catch up with the times or keep on complaining about it.

If you paid closer attention to the threads, you would notice that we aren't saying to ban Electro’s, just that some of the cheater boards are possibly dangerous. If you know anything about electronics or software, then you would realize that some boards can be tampered and therefore should be banned if potentially dangerous to other people...

You wouldn’t be sitting there acting all high and mighty if you or someone you knew got really hurt because someone felt the need to cheat because they weren’t good enough to play at the same level as the more advanced non-cheating players... That or you’re the type that does what ever it takes even if that means hurting other players to win. :cheers:

11-17-2004, 05:45 PM
It's an endless circle. There really is no point in replying to threads about ramping. With that said, have fun arguing about it while I go shoot my Shocker with rebound on.

11-17-2004, 07:07 PM
cheater nazi :p

11-17-2004, 07:08 PM
Shut up Mr. I like to play on debounce 1 with my WAS'd Viking. ;)

11-17-2004, 07:09 PM
they banned a cheater chip? Because all those legal CHEATER chips were driving me crazy :rolleyes: .......whats up with this, ramping has always been banned, why the specification of just this model?

11-17-2004, 07:09 PM
:eek: i would never... 4 shots per pull is so legal... :mad:

11-17-2004, 07:12 PM
they banned a cheater chip? Because all those legal CHEATER chips were driving me crazy :rolleyes: .......whats up with this, ramping has always been banned, why the specification of just this model?
I think they specifically mention this one because, although it can be put in tourney mode, the ramping is very easy to turn on and off in game w/o anyone knowing.

11-17-2004, 07:22 PM
They didn't ban "cheater chips" They banned ALL advantage paintball chips, even if you are using their semi auto only chip, you are still breaking the rules. These chips are identical to the dm4 ones, so there is not much of a chance of being caught. Ramping chips, oh gosh, big deal, life moves on. Once someone gets hurt by these ramping chips maybe I'll change my opinion, but no one has yet so I think it is going to be all ok.