View Full Version : First tourney.... decent showing, If I do say so myself

11-04-2001, 09:52 PM
My team, Paper Cut, played our first tourney today. We played in the houston rookie league tournament in Pearland, TX (just outside of houston). We have only been playing together for a short time (Me, my brother, and a friend of ours). In fact, we have only played together as a team once. We were unsure of how we would play together once the paint really started flying, but despite a lack of practice and a total lack of tourney experience, we went ahead and played it anyway. You gotta start somewhere, right?

We played our 6 prelim games, winning 3 and losing 3. We had 200 of 360 possible points. One game, we did have a 5 point penalty for a hot gun, but we took it in stride, saying that it probably wouldnt affect our chances of making the semis that much. Well, at the end of the prelims everyone gathered around the score board to see who would advance. There were 22 teams involved, the top 8 would go on. Well, that 5 point penalty did come back to bite us on the rear..... when everything was added up we came out 4, yes 4! points behind the 8th place team! DOH!!! :) Oh well, we were still happy with our performance.... there were definately mistakes on our part, but we held our own. A little more tourney experience should fix those mistakes right up!

All in all, It was a great event.... good reffing, little to no cheating, and a very friendly bunch of guys and gals out there (both the staff and the players). I havent had this much fun playing paintball in a long time... It was great.
Oh, and both my brother and I want to thank AGD for making such great stuff!! Our equipment (two retromags, mines got a z-grip and a warp, and my bro's has a intelliframe) didnt give us the slightest bit of trouble! It all ran flawlessly the whole time. I am more than pleased with this stuff! Thank you, AGD!

11-04-2001, 11:03 PM
congrats on the placing. its the little points that really make the difference....glad ya had fun. put up some pics of your guns.