View Full Version : Computer upgrading question...

11-18-2004, 12:43 AM
Well its that time of year again...

I built my system 3 years ago and its starting to show its age... And during those three years I barely looked at computer upgrades and new innovations since... I was a big computer geek in high school, but for the last 3 years in college I've been a natural resources guy, and never got around to "keeping up with the joneses"... I did add a stick of ram, and get a new video card in those 3 years though...

Athlon XP 1700+
MSI K7T 266a Pro 2 Motherboard
512mb PC 2100 DDR ram
300w PSU
80gig 7200 rpm HDD, 40 gig 7200rpm HDDdrive
ATI 9600XT video card...
56k Modem, ethernet NIC, Cd rom, CD burner, floppy drive

I'm a poor college student, and as cool as it would be, please don't reccomend an FX-55 with an X800xt video card...

I was thinking of a new processer and motherboard, maybe just going up to a 2500-2800 barton core along with a new motherboard and more/faster Ram... Whats a good/stable/not super expensive chipset to go with?

Would I need a new powersupply? I know I need one now as it is, but is it something that could wait a few months?

Would a reinstall of Windows be necessary after replacing that much hardware?

I am a gamer, but like I said, I'm looking more for a value upgrade. The system I have now makes Half Life 2 nearly flawless at 800 X 600, but I know I'm literally only getting half the detail in a majestic game like that.


11-18-2004, 11:55 AM
Start with a new Video card maybe a Gefoce Fx 5700 or a ATI 9800pro

Scratch that idea you mobo is only 4x AGP right?

I would start with a new mobo put all your old components in it see what kind of perormance gain you get. Then a new vid card like above followed by some more ram and you should be good.

Might want to look into getting a 350~430W power supply I recommend The Antec True power or a X-connect if your pc is leet and mod'ed.

Antec true power 430W (http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=20430)

Antec Neo power (http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=24480#)

And the uber silent

Phantom 350 (http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=24350#)

And the Uber leet X-Connect

X-Connect (http://www.ultraproducts.com/index.php?cPath=38_57)

11-18-2004, 03:21 PM
pretty much what he said

a month or 2 ago i upgraded my computer with an Athlon XP 2500, 256mb DDR400 RAM, and a SOYO KT-600 dragun + motherboard and this has increased my fps on games by 40 at least, and i only have a radeon 9000 pro, personally i'd say don't worry about your graphics card yet and get the mobo, processor and ram upgraded along with a more powerfull power supply. :headbang:

11-18-2004, 03:39 PM
Try an AMD Athlon 3000+ and Asus A7N8X-X mobo.....and maybe a 9800pro.

A very good setup with alot of capabilities....you'll probably want to go with pc3200 ram tho. You can get a stick of that for around $100.

CPU: $120
Fan/HS combo: $30
Ram: $100
Mobo: $70
VC: $190
Arctic Silencer III(for 9800): $20

11-18-2004, 03:53 PM
I was just poking around newegg and came up with this...

XP 2800+ Retail (I'll never overclock, the stock HSF will be fine) $144
Crucial 512mb PC-3200 ddr $90
SOYO DRAGON Plus v.2.0 VIA KT600 Chipset $50
Opteron 56x CD-R drive... mine is starting to go downhill... $21

So thats a grand total of just over $300

I can't afford to get a new video card... I'll just have to wait for the next generation of cards.

Its funny... this all started with me just wanting to up my processer speed a little bit... Then I realized that my Motherboard cant handle over a 2000+, so I'd have to get a new one... then I realized that I can't get a new motherboard and processer without RAM, and here I am now...

11-18-2004, 04:01 PM
For a cheap Mobo and Processor, I'd probobly go with:

11-18-2004, 04:05 PM
Koosh, shoot me a PM if you decide to get replacement stuff. I'm looking to build up a cheap system and may buy your old parts. :cheers:

11-18-2004, 06:37 PM
You should be good for gaming with the setup you plan on getting.
Looks good! :D