View Full Version : Pricetag on a non-CnC X-Mag?

11-18-2004, 05:40 AM
What would the pricetag on a non-CnC X-Mag say. Good condition, lime to black fade with warp and vert breech.
Broken switch on the ACE-board.

I have to ask you guys bcoz I have nooooo idea :)

EDIT: no idea bout the software, but its NOT 3.2

Thanx /OmniM

11-18-2004, 07:36 AM
well, CNC's are going for 900-1.1k. So a non CNC i'd say 800-900 at most.

11-18-2004, 09:15 AM
What would the pricetag on a non-CnC X-Mag say. Good condition, lime to black fade with warp and vert breech.
Broken switch on the ACE-board.

I have to ask you guys bcoz I have nooooo idea :)

EDIT: no idea bout the software, but its NOT 3.2

Thanx /OmniM

If your location really is Sweden then.....

Non-C&C and a broken switch I'd say:
5169.40 SEK (Swedish Kronor)
576.65 EUROs
750.00 USD