View Full Version : Starting a paintball club at my school

11-18-2004, 09:40 PM
Yea me and a bunch of kids are starting a pb club at the school, i just want to know how many of your schools have it and what do you do in the meetings.


11-18-2004, 09:44 PM
not much to talk about other than plan upcoming get togethers/meeting places

discussing your equipments GETS OLD fast...

11-18-2004, 09:45 PM
ncaa recognizes it

im guessing you are in high school and i congratulate u on making a pb club. that would never happen at my hs. as far as meetings, id prolly just want to practice, work out schedules, find sponsors etc. good luck man!

11-18-2004, 09:46 PM
I tried starting at my school a few years ago, but apparently "it's too dangerous."

11-18-2004, 09:48 PM
Yea im suprised we got this far..it isent official just yet but it looks pretty good..the person we had to talk to seems cool about it, and he seems intersted in it too..asking alot of questions about the paintballs and stuff.

11-18-2004, 09:51 PM
if the school (im guessing highschool) wont officially recognize you, just put out flyers and meet in another location. Its what we do.

11-18-2004, 10:07 PM
I want to start a club but i dont know who to go to. Also id get a bunch of kids with tippmanns that shoot cars that would show up.

I think having to have like a 3.0 or higher would be just about the only requirement tho. Cause the kids that get below 3.0 are usually the ones who do the dumb stuff to other people at my school. Plus that would make people work a lil harder to participate in the sport.

Who should i go to to ask about the whole idea anyway?

11-18-2004, 10:10 PM
If you've got a local field you may want to talk to them about it too. I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help young consumers... I mean young paintball players out to try and get interest up. Well, if the guys at your field are nice that is and not allergic to kids/teens :).

Chicago Pb 7
11-18-2004, 10:52 PM

11-19-2004, 03:48 PM
ive got one at my school. it was started two years ago (before i was in highschool), and according to what i heard it started out ok, just a few friends that were tourney players, but then last year all of them quit except for the club starter, and me and a few of my friends joined, but we rarely did anything and the president never went with us (i think he hated freshmen). we put up signs to get other people to join but no one did, and it caused controversy since some teachers said paintball "promoted violence" and it was "emulating columbine." our club supervisor got talked to the teachers and got them to calm down, but we never got anyone to join.
This year we set up a paintball booth on the club day, and got a lot of people to join (about 20) but then only me, 2 friends, and 4 freshmen showed up. we are actually doing more this year though and have already gone paintballing 4-5 times as a group. since the club is composed of my two friends who favor woodsball and the freshman newbies, we have mainly gone woodsballing, but recently i saw a kid in the hall wearing a "we shoot suckers" t-shirt and talked to him, and aparently he has a team and plays quite a bit, and i talked him into joining the club, so i think the club may pick up more soon.
wow... that went from an "advice" post to a "club history" post :rolleyes: . oh well, you should definately start a club, but be sure to research and have statistics about how safe it is before you have a meeting with someone about the club. at our club we mainly just make plans to go paintballing, thats essentially all it is good for. (well and fundraising, if your school has less strict rules or if you can find a way around them)

11-19-2004, 08:50 PM
Yea me and a bunch of kids are starting a pb club at the school, i just want to know how many of your schools have it and what do you do in the meetings.

Haa cool.
My school club is run by "wolf" from pb2x and crossfire. (freemags) :clap: :dance: