View Full Version : velocity setting for best accuracy

11-20-2004, 03:30 PM
I'm getting a minimag and was wondering what velocity you guys are using to get the best accuracy. 300fps-250fps-292fps I'll be using CO2 (air is scarse around here and expensive where they do have it. Thanks for the answers this is a great forum you guys have helped me out alot.

11-20-2004, 04:02 PM
I'm not sure what you're trying to ask, but anything under 300 fps will give you a good 'accuracy'. Really accuracy has more to do with your barrel and how you shoot the gun. If you want less kick then buy a level 10, it helps alot.
For velocity, 280 is pretty good. Any higher than 300 and the balls will most likely start to curve.


That is a good link if you dont know how to do that already.

Co2 is going to be less consistant and therefore less accurate than air. Your mag should be fine though, just get an anti-syphon tube. If you notice your mag being really inconsistant with co2, you can try a palmer stabilizer if you'd like.

11-20-2004, 04:19 PM
As for velocity... I shoot whatever the field's limit is. As for accuracy... I bring lots of paint.

11-20-2004, 04:28 PM
I don't think i'll be worrying about the kick i have a pro/carbine now. I'm going to take the palmer off of it and put it on the minimag. The palmer was the best thing i bought for the p/c, wish i'd a bought it before the barrels i sunk money into. My p/c shoots best at 285fps i was just courious what a minimag shot best at. I am kind of hoping it's in the 300fps range because the guys i play woodsball with all shoot thier guns hot and i want to fight fire with fire(with accuracy).

11-20-2004, 05:06 PM
You should never play with anyone who has their gun chronoed over 300 fps. If they are playing like that, dont join them. Play at a real field with real rules and real refs. Masks arent ment to handle over 300 fps. Guns arent ment to fire over 300 fps.
You may wave it off, but you should know that the majority of injuries that happen in paintball occur at 'fake' fields. Someone could really get hurt.

11-21-2004, 12:14 AM
I've seen people shooting really hot, (300 and over) using bad paint, looked like UFO's flying all over the place. I tried the same paint in my mag shooting 260, Nice straight shot.
All I can say is try lower velocity when your using bad out of round or dimpled paint, 275-280 with good quality stuff. :shooting: Good hunting.

11-21-2004, 12:40 AM
I would stay away from any morons who think it's cool to shoot hot. It's not, it's retarded. When playing at any "rogue" field always insist on the use of a chrony. If the other players refuse to use one or refuse to turn down their velocity to 300fps or lower when checked, then you simply refuse to play there. Paintball is about having fun, not getting your eyes shot out. nd hey, these guys think you're a wimp? Who cares. They're not exactly the brightest tools in the shed if they think shooting hot makes them any more "manly". If they can't handle acting responsibly then you go to a real field and have fun there.