View Full Version : Need help rescuing files from screwed up harddrive

11-21-2004, 12:48 AM
Well, my brother got a virus or something, and cant load XP . But. . . there are a number of files that he needs to get off of the computer e.g., his eagle scout project write up.

I dont know much about working in DOS and stuff, so any help would be appreciated a lot.

11-21-2004, 09:47 AM
Try hitting F8 during the windows boot process. Then hopefully you can log in under 'Admin'.

If that doesn't work you'll probably have to get a new drive, load your OS on that, then slave your exsisting drive to that one.

11-21-2004, 10:24 AM
This happens to me all the time and my bro (Warrior_Rocker) managees to recover thrm... i'll get him to post later today... Or just Hit him up on aim Some Time AIM - WarriorRocker

11-21-2004, 11:50 AM
Try hitting F8 during the windows boot process. Then hopefully you can log in under 'Admin'.

If that doesn't work you'll probably have to get a new drive, load your OS on that, then slave your exsisting drive to that one.

We cant log into windows as admin or in safe mode. I dont know what happened, but it really screwed up windows.

EDIT: wow how did i not think of that. I plugged it in as slave and I got the files off. Thankyou!!!

11-21-2004, 02:11 PM
Good luck on the Eagle Project. Mine was building bookcases and running a used book drive for a nursing home.

As for the hard drive, make sure you get whatever files you need then unplug the old drive. If there is a virus, you want to minimize the chances of cross-contamination.