View Full Version : Tournament Series Idea.....anyone step in

11-21-2004, 07:22 PM
Ok...we have been watching this whole shoot faster, paint throwing ball driving scene for some time and thought we might try a different approach to a tournament series in our area.

1. 5 man old school format using pumps and Co2 - We supply the guns for the teams
2. 5 man semi but we use some of Tom's man killers - We supply the mags.

Do ya think anyone would be interested? We could do a great prize package for those that participate and with everyone on a pretty level playing field we might even attract some younger teams that would normally be afraid to set foot on the field with those 16bps shoot anythingers that move teams.

The format would be 5 man but we might do it in an Xball style with sideline coaching. Mostly AIRball but we would roll in a few select fast woods fields jsut to make the players work for the wins.


11-21-2004, 07:25 PM
mech what? i vote for number 2

11-21-2004, 07:31 PM
i would play in both.

11-21-2004, 07:34 PM
mech what? i vote for number 2

We supply the "MAGS".....so...I was thinking of using mags.

11-21-2004, 07:45 PM
I hope your not planning on making money...because i think you might have a hard time doing that with those formats.

11-21-2004, 08:14 PM
the question is can we bring are own mags and pumps?

11-21-2004, 08:15 PM
I hope your not planning on making money...because i think you might have a hard time doing that with those formats.

I know this might seem odd to some people but sometimes we do things to actually help promote the sport and......how about just doing something for fun. Yup....no other reason than just to have fun.

11-21-2004, 08:17 PM
the question is can we bring are own mags and pumps?

why not. All guns can be chronographed and the mags can be checked to make sure they dont.....do that RT thing ;)

11-21-2004, 08:20 PM
hey i think it's a good idea, and i'd play in it. i'm starting to get sick of electro anyway

11-21-2004, 08:28 PM
id play in the second

11-21-2004, 08:56 PM
I know this might seem odd to some people but sometimes we do things to actually help promote the sport and......how about just doing something for fun. Yup....no other reason than just to have fun.

cant have that! ;)

11-21-2004, 08:58 PM
I know this might seem odd to some people but sometimes we do things to actually help promote the sport and......how about just doing something for fun. Yup....no other reason than just to have fun.

If you have the extra funds to do such, i'd say go for it. Only reason I said that is because it can be hard to live on paintball business alone, and when you do have events, you want to make money.

11-21-2004, 09:04 PM
X-Ball with talons... $30 entry fee includes their gun for the event.
You could make it a charity event or something to draw more people.

11-21-2004, 09:08 PM
X-Ball with talons... $30 entry fee includes their gun for the event.
You could make it a charity event or something to draw more people.

all the teams would lose because there guns would break off the break

11-21-2004, 09:10 PM
Sounds like a good idea... Till noone shows up. Sorry to be negative, but that's just how this sort of thing goes. You won't get any tourney players at all.

- Goro

11-21-2004, 09:44 PM
just make it in Pennslyvania so I can make it their.

11-21-2004, 09:45 PM
i would love to play in a tourny like that, i would suggest having it open to spyders and tippmmans too though.

11-21-2004, 09:51 PM
I love the xball with talons event. Make entry 50 or so per player, you get to keep the gun at the end of the tourney. You can buy 12g's at the event. BYOP. Xball format.

11-22-2004, 12:23 AM
I'd totally be up for both formats. Georgia is a bit of a drive though. :D

Will Wood
11-22-2004, 12:49 AM
I think it's a great idea.

11-22-2004, 03:29 AM
I'd go for both of em, if the location was right.

White Wolf
11-22-2004, 03:39 AM
-=Squid=- Sounds like a good idea... Till noone shows up. Sorry to be negative, but that's just how this sort of thing goes. You won't get any tourney players at all.

- Goro

I see that as the biggest plus.

I'd vote no outside guns, use the tourney supplied guns only, I'm sure if AGD or CCI would not step up a dealer would to at least test the concept.

11-22-2004, 03:59 AM
place near tacoma did that several years ago, cept it was $50 and you got a pump BE see thru marker and 100 rounds of paint. you could buy more paint and co2 but if yur gun broke you out of the tournament (got to keep gun afterwards no matter what). was three man airball style, lots of fun but guns broke alot. friends team took 4th even with man down after 3rd game. lots of fun especially cuz he mounted an illegal valve and co2 grenade launcher on the gun after tourney.

11-22-2004, 04:51 AM
Personally, I HATE playing with guns that aren't mine. While a good concept there would be freaks like me opposed to the idea on that very ideal, so to continue with the same idea, use a limiting factor like 9v revvies, have ugly women as bunkers, or make everyone use those ****ty Thunder Pig "sniper" barrels on Ebay. Or Limit paint. Bring any gun you want as long as you can ram a 10 round tube into it to feed it. I've done that before, I had to wrap the open ends of 10 round tubes with electrical tape so they would fit in the feedneck of my dm4 but I had a ton of fun playing semi stock.

11-22-2004, 05:02 AM
Im trying the same thing here in Sweden, and all I have to say bout the reaction here is that kids/players need to have electronics in, otherwise they dont have the strenght to pull the triggers and cant fire that lifenecessary 13-18+ bps ray of paint....

11-22-2004, 06:03 AM
hey i think it's a good idea, and i'd play in it. i'm starting to get sick of electro anyway
Electro,what the heck is Electro :D Mech all the way.

Chojin Man
11-22-2004, 07:27 AM
perhaps you could have these events in addition, at a regular electro tourney.

11-22-2004, 08:03 AM
perhaps you could have these events in addition, at a regular electro tourney.

That doesn't work since although the event is attended that section gets negative press...look at Skyball and the pump section did you read any of the mainstream reporting about the slam fire etc...as a stand alone no frills tournament it is a good idea. On the comment before in this thread about making money from paintball alone...don't happen as only certain sites can survive on rec ballers alone and even then it is a close call. To put something back it is a good idea afterall the numbers of "players" who buy cheap pumps from K Mart and Wal Mart need to be able to play against the same type of gear to encourage them to step up to more advanced gear...which in turn will benifit the site owner as he will then sow the seeds for increased paint usage. Also for all the negative posters in this thread...you guys have stock class events with plenty of players so why would this tournament concept be so hard to fill. I recently played in the 24hr senario Toys For Tots and I saw at least two Phantom's being used...ok so it was only two but then I didn't see them having any problems but plenty of others with Tippmanns and DM4 and Angels etc etc did...plus there may have been a few more with pumps as there was over 350 people at the event...oh and a certain Tom Kaye also.
Bob I asume you are thinking of doing this at Regs? Good idea and needs to be followed through. After all as many are fond of saying it is the player not the marker ;) I wonder how many people are prepared to come out from behind their electro and try and show they have game, plenty talk like they will do it I would but the flight cost would kill me unless it conicides with another of my trips over...it also doesn't have to be a huge event as there are many events on a local level that would have less people taking part in many states on most weekends.

11-22-2004, 08:41 AM
I see that as the biggest plus.

I'd vote no outside guns, use the tourney supplied guns only, I'm sure if AGD or CCI would not step up a dealer would to at least test the concept.
If it's a plus to have a no tourney players in a TOURNAMENT, what the hell is the point?

- Goro

11-22-2004, 10:02 AM
I wonder how many people are prepared to come out from behind their electro and try and show they have game, plenty talk like they will do it

If it's a plus to have a no tourney players in a TOURNAMENT, what the hell is the point?

some people just dont get it.... I am not a tourney player. I think tourney means bouncing electro+lots paint. I understand that the game may never change back to the way it used to be before it was invaded by "iz hot stunna's" but maybe one event a year like this would be pretty sweet.

Kaiser Bob
11-22-2004, 10:26 AM
Im a gangster, grr im mad...

If you put it to the ballers that this is an opportunity to see how good they are without the firepower in a 'put up or shut up' way you'd probably a decent response. Of course you need good prizes. Hell, youll get tourney players in a event where you use blowguns if the prizes were good enough.

PS- Both are good but I'd vote for #2 if there can only be one

11-22-2004, 10:31 AM
I'd play in #2! Now if someone would just bring the old format of 5/10 man in the woods back... You CAN have a nicely setup field IN THE WOODS, contrary to current tourny promoter belief.

11-22-2004, 11:23 AM
some people just dont get it.... I am not a tourney player. I think tourney means bouncing electro+lots paint. I understand that the game may never change back to the way it used to be before it was invaded by "iz hot stunna's" but maybe one event a year like this would be pretty sweet.
Don't get me wrong, i'm sure it would be fun. I just hope that they know that no tourney players will show up (who knows about recballers), and again, why bother calling it a tournament if you don't want tournament players?

- Goro

11-22-2004, 11:30 AM
You don't think ANY tourny players would be interested in trying a different format if everyone was on the same page in terms of equipment? Are they really that jaded?

11-22-2004, 11:31 AM
Don't get me wrong, i'm sure it would be fun. I just hope that they know that no tourney players will show up (who knows about recballers), and again, why bother calling it a tournament if you don't want tournament players?

- Goro

Thats just it. The more people you get invovled on the baseline the more guys push up to "real"(whatever that means) style tournies. I swear if some promoters and feild owners looked at the big picture they would be making money AND furthering the game.

but what do I know I am JUST a rec baller :ninja:

11-22-2004, 11:36 AM
If you have the extra funds to do such, i'd say go for it. Only reason I said that is because it can be hard to live on paintball business alone, and when you do have events, you want to make money.

Actually it is easy to survive in the paintball business. You simply treat it just like it is your day job.....or make it your day job. Everything changes then ;) In our area we have guys opening up stores and fields constantly. Usually to stick it to those darn store/field owners that made them pay full price for a gun so they could pay the rent to keep their business open. We dont see them doing much for the paintball community. Why would they? They just wanted to play for free.

Since my paintball business does pay the bills we can afford to help promote the sport in our community. To be honest we do not even sell the items that would benefit from an event like this but all of the local stores do. This would be a way to bring new players into the local scene.

We need new blood to keep the sport active. Everyone agree? Even if this would bring 5 more kids to the local fields after each event then I think it was a success.

11-22-2004, 11:56 AM
Sounds like a good idea... Till noone shows up. Sorry to be negative, but that's just how this sort of thing goes. You won't get any tourney players at all.

- Goro

Good...then we dont have to listen to the constant whining about the paint, the fields, the refs, the prizes, etc. We might even get a full day of play with no temper tantrums or cursing fits in front of the kids....LOL

Not sure what type of tournament players you have in your area but here we just have really good players/teams that are looking for the competition of the sport. Some players actually have skills that they can use instead of hiding behind a fast gun. One of my best players uses a pump mag when he plays rec ball. and.......he actually finishes the games still alive. Wait.....he somtimes even plays against the local tournament players......and he still lives at the end of the games. ;)

Remember....its a game and there is competition. Sure you will not have the ability to run around in the staging area beating your chest becasue you have the newest high speed mega marker on the planet but that is not what this is about. We could have a seperate area when all of the "big" tournament players can shoot their guns fast and stuff.

ok ok ok.....there is apoint to all of this. Dont ever rely on just the tournament players to keep your business/field/event open. That 10 percent of the paintball community is not really that important when it comes to an event like this. If they show up and play I bet most of them will have a good time.

Tournament player recent facts:
We just hosted our annual Toys for Tots event. Over 350 players brought toys for a good cause. Many people that brouht toys did not even play. None of the local tournament teams brought anything...and I didnt even see a single tournament player from our area all weekend. This was not a scenario thang...it was a paintball players helping kids for christmas thang.

so...if we build it they will come and "they" dont have to be tournament players. ;)

Disclaimer: Yes...I am a tournament player so I am allowed to talk bad about my own kind. It is written in the paintball bible. Chapter 4 2nd paragraph. Please dont try to tell me I am wrong about tournament players as I have been involved in that area of paintball since the late 80's. Yes, I complained about EVERYTHING at some time or another. We usually lost becasue of the refs or the other team cheated.....never because the other team was better ;)

11-22-2004, 01:31 PM
We usually lost becasue of the refs or the other team cheated.....never because the other team was better ;)

I don't remember playing on the same team!?!? ;) :rofl:

I'd like to play in something like that, however, I'm not likely to be traveling very far to play in the near future (new baby :D ).


11-22-2004, 01:37 PM
...and again, why bother calling it a tournament if you don't want tournament players?

Once they play in that tournament they ARE tournament players. It doesn't HAVE to be a free-for-all, see who can shoot the fastest/most, tiny open field to be a tournament. There doesn't have to be only one style of tournament. Stock class tournaments are still tournaments and the players are still tournament players. Even if they don't act like one. ;) :rofl:

11-22-2004, 01:45 PM
For those at the first ShatnerBall, AM-P put on a 5 man pump tournament using their Illusions (which they supplied). It was a TON of fun, and I think everyone that played it would agree. They did have some issues in that they did not have enough tanks, loaders and guns for that matter. They were having issues turing around games because of this.

If you do this, I will be sure to be there and playing in both divisions. I also think that a true stock class tournament would be fun too.

Creative Mayhem
11-22-2004, 02:09 PM
Ok...we have been watching this whole shoot faster, paint throwing ball driving scene for some time and thought we might try a different approach to a tournament series in our area.

1. 5 man old school format using pumps and Co2 - We supply the guns for the teams
2. 5 man semi but we use some of Tom's man killers - We supply the mags.

Do ya think anyone would be interested? We could do a great prize package for those that participate and with everyone on a pretty level playing field we might even attract some younger teams that would normally be afraid to set foot on the field with those 16bps shoot anythingers that move teams.

The format would be 5 man but we might do it in an Xball style with sideline coaching. Mostly AIRball but we would roll in a few select fast woods fields jsut to make the players work for the wins.


I think this is a great idea, there should be more tournaments like this. Not only does the "lower" level of play encourage young player to try out tourneyball, but it also revives the movement part of tourney play.

11-22-2004, 02:11 PM
...it also revives the movement part of tourney play.


11-22-2004, 02:14 PM
Big question, are you going to move it back into the woods?:)

11-22-2004, 02:17 PM
Bah... I guess i'm in the minority simply by being a tourney player, as most people on AO are not.

11-22-2004, 02:24 PM
Bah... I guess i'm in the minority simply by being a tourney player, as most people on AO are not.
no you're in the minority for being a whiny little arse and doing a great job of holding up the stereotype of a bad tournament player

I for one think it's a great idea. There are people out there that will come to play simply because it's a chance to play, whatever the format.

11-22-2004, 02:31 PM
Bah... I guess i'm in the minority simply by being a tourney player, as most people on AO are not.

No, you are "new" tourney player. There is a difference. When I use to play, I played in a LOT of tournaments. I played my first IAO and NPPL in 93 or 94 and until about 2000, I played in a lot of tournaments.

11-22-2004, 02:31 PM
I am definitely on the high end shoot em guns (just ask gadevil or tag about my devilmag) but it is nice to chill and have FUN in a game once in a while. I have to step away from practice every once in a while to help noobs or play with them, show them some basic skills. It helps them out and let sme have fun. This is a grat idea but the ONLY thing holding it back would be the location. People from across the us want to do this, but it costs money to travel to do it. I would love to do it, but I do not see driving 8 hours back down to GA to do it. I hope you guys end up doing this for fun and having a great time, as well as the turn out being large.

11-22-2004, 02:36 PM
Look how many people travel to different tournments and events from all over the US (and world). Getting a turn out should not be a problem, as long as it doesn't conflict with any other big events of the year.

11-22-2004, 02:51 PM
no you're in the minority for being a whiny little arse and doing a great job of holding up the stereotype of a bad tournament playerAnd you are an idiot for not reading what I said.

I never even said it was a bad idea, in fact, I said it was a good idea, but was simply stating the facts, even though they were not positive.

In what way am I holding up the stereotype for being a bad tourney play, anyways? I haven't said anything that would even remotely promote a negativity amongst tournament players.

Christ, you are a retard.

- Goro

EDIT: Musikman - How far back would you say tourney players of your "calibur" have to go back, before not considered "new?" I have played tourney paintball since 99'... I have just adapted with the sport.

11-22-2004, 02:55 PM
great idea, would play both, but not willing to travel.

50 cal
11-22-2004, 02:57 PM
The best times I had playing p-ball were the old MSPA tournaments using pumps w/12 grams. It placed more emphasis on tactics than the amount of paint you can throw. Or how fast you can throw it.

11-22-2004, 03:00 PM
I think to be an old time tournament player you have to go back before electro. In 99 the Shocker Tubro was out which was a "cheater" gun. This was about the time I pretty much quit playing.

EDIT: I don't think the mindset of players have really changed since then, so I am not so sure you "adapted" as the scene really hasn't changed since you started.

11-22-2004, 03:02 PM
I pretty much quit playing.Sadness... I am pretty much done too. I want to focus more on my bass playing and music, and my viking will give me the funds to buy another bass. From looking at your name, I guess you could respect that? :)

- Goro

11-22-2004, 03:22 PM
Sadness... I am pretty much done too. I want to focus more on my bass playing and music, and my viking will give me the funds to buy another bass. From looking at your name, I guess you could respect that? :)

- Goro

so that would make you a.......... dreaded recballer........ uh no, now you have come into the evil AO brain washed fold. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :ninja:

11-22-2004, 03:51 PM
would i be able to use the setup in my sig? (as long as it doesnt have bounce) if so, im in. i would have to think about the pump game, ive never played pump before and would probably get owned by all the old school experienced pump players... id do a pump game if the opportunity came on a walk on, but i wouldnt risk entering into a tourney.

11-22-2004, 04:19 PM
I still like my idea for the xball tourney with talons :(

11-22-2004, 04:22 PM
would i be able to use the setup in my sig? (as long as it doesnt have bounce) if so, im in. i would have to think about the pump game, ive never played pump before and would probably get owned by all the old school experienced pump players... id do a pump game if the opportunity came on a walk on, but i wouldnt risk entering into a tourney.

finnaly the right mindset

anybody would get owned by real pump players, because real pump players can actually play

and that statement about playing since 99? thats when the game turned to ****, congrats for joining.

this tournament idea sounds awesome

11-22-2004, 04:24 PM
Awesome awesome idea. But to make it "even across the board" you'd have to supply both the mags and the pump/stock guns. If you allowed outside mags, those players would have an unfair advantage. I agree with Havoc, I HATE using other markers, but for this I would make an exception ;) Now you and Rogue need to get together and have it in Southern California, or better yet, AZ so I don't have to drive as far.

After all as many are fond of saying it is the player not the marker ;)

There's your marketing slogan :D (Or something like that)

11-22-2004, 04:45 PM
anybody would get owned by real pump players, because real pump players can actually play

and that statement about playing since 99? thats when the game turned to ****, congrats for joining.

I have read comments like this from a lot of people, and I have read the comments knocking woodsball-pump-old school play also. Not that anyone cares, but here is my rant.

I have played against "real" pump players, and win or lose dependng on the situation. I have tried playing against them with the oldest of pumps as well as dm4s. It has NOTHING to do with the gun, so leave the PUMP player out of it. If the pump player is better give him a dm4 and give a "typical tourney player" a dm4. Let them play and see what happens........it will still come down to player skill and not the GUN!!! The only thing I have noticed is that it takes more atheletic skill in tourneys now (gotta dodge those 30 bps and hit the snake right :D ), and less hiding and one shot one kills ( :ninja: ).

It is sad that some people have stubborn mindsets on the current tourney scene. It does not matter what they shoot, or how fast they shoot, or even what type of field they play on, people still find the time to complain and moan and groan about something. This goes for the "typical tourney player" as well as the "pump-recball-woodsball-scenario" crowd. If you do not like it then stay away from it, in fact you shold be happy that each side of paintball world is growing. Just play what you want and be happy, that is the bottomline. Try to have an open mind for both sides of the spectrum please.

I hope you the best in setting this up bob, hopefully everything will pan out. Sorry for hijacking the thread for a moment.

11-22-2004, 04:56 PM
finnaly the right mindset

anybody would get owned by real pump players, because real pump players can actually play

and that statement about playing since 99? thats when the game turned to ****, congrats for joining.

this tournament idea sounds awesome

I play pump and tourney. Same **** different day. Pump you still use ROF and lanes, you just do it a little slower. This whole myth of pump players being uber magical pirates is total BS, I've seen hard core pump players do well on a speedball field and I've seen them get cut to shreds, likewise I've seen speed ballers get owned in pump and I've seen some of them school pump guys. Some of the guys on my team seem to be able to run through "30bps" streams of paint, you should see them play pump....you cant hit them and they will move on you all day. Or like my friend Tim, all he does is play pump so he has excellent field command and is great at callign positions and snap shootng and adapts it to his speed ball game. It is different strokes for different folks here guys don't knock one because your're stuck on the other.

11-22-2004, 04:57 PM
so that would make you a.......... dreaded recballer........ uh no, now you have come into the evil AO brain washed fold. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :ninja:
Nah, it would be the guy that watches tournements. I really just don't enjoy recball. I don't like playing it, I don't like watching it. Not my thing.

If I can't go at it full bore like I am now, then I don't want to play at all.

- Goro

11-22-2004, 05:47 PM
why bother calling it a tournament if you don't want tournament players?

Here’s a reason why:

Main Entry: tour·na·ment
Pronunciation: 'tur-n&-m&nt also 't&r- or 'tor-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tornement, from Old French torneiement, from torneier
1 a : a knightly sport of the middle ages between mounted combatants armed with blunted lances or swords and divided into two parties contesting for a prize or favor bestowed by the lady of the tournament
b : the whole series of knightly sports, jousts, and tilts occurring at one time and place
2 : a series of games or contests that make up a single unit of competition (as on the professional golf tour), the championship play-offs of a league or conference, or an invitational event

Hmm. “a series of games or contests that make up a single unit of competition” Sounds like either of the formats is a “tournament”. A tournament is an organisational structure. Don’t see anything in there about bad attitudes, gaudy clothing, or any of the other trash associated with paintball “tournament” or “professional” players.

Seems to me that most tournaments are an insult to the name, considering the tenets of “knightly” include honour, chivalry, and sportsmanship.

Honestly there’s FAR more to paintball than the minority that compete at “tournament” level. I know you don’t like to admit it, but that’s the truth. Some friendly competition aimed at the majority of paintball players is more likely to succeed than yet another hyped attempt to capture the attention of the prima-dona crowd.

Look, even to scale it back from the tired insults a bit, If it's just not your thing, don't put down alternate competition formats because you don't like it. While you may not like recball or alternate games because you can't play "full bore", whatever that means, then just say that and get over it.

Back on topic, I Actually think the Walmart and Canadian Tire (is there a US equivalent? Think Walmart but with a real car department and mechanics. :p ) crowd are prime targets of good paintball marketing. You might even get one of those retailers to partner with a field to promote the tournament and they would be incredible resources for cheap markers if they agreed to sponsor the event or provide markers close to their cost price.

I’d also like to disagree that big prizes are needed. Keep the prizes small. Attract REAL players who are looking for a good day of paintball competition. Now, if prizes are donated use them. But otherwise, keep the costs low and affordable for everyone. There’s a whole host of people who wouldn’t mind competing but can’t stand the thought of simply financing big prize packages for cheaters through high registration fees.

11-22-2004, 06:48 PM
all the teams would lose because there guns would break off the break

that gives "off the break" a whole new meaning.......

i think this is an excellent idea. i would love to attend something like this.

11-22-2004, 07:16 PM
It does not matter what they shoot, or how fast they shoot, or even what type of field they play on,


11-22-2004, 08:08 PM
slartybartfest - I didn't read anything you posted.

- Goro

11-22-2004, 08:13 PM
Ok, I'll pick this apart.

Skill is one thing, but it comes in different forms. You can take a person who can kick butt with a pump gun, hand them a semi and they can't play worth a crap. Same goes the other way, hand some of the best current tournament players a pump gun and they might not bake it off the break. The style of play if too different to compare.

As for if you don't like it, stay away. That is a problem. Someone like me who use to love the tournament scene and was apart of it has no place to go. I am not a scenario player, and I don't like the new attitudes that comes along with new tournaments (This is why I liked the OGD at IAO last year). So, where do I go, what do I play? Well, I'll tell you...I go every where, and never play. I found that drinking beer and shooting the shiite was more fun than putting up with most of the players on the field.

I have read comments like this from a lot of people, and I have read the comments knocking woodsball-pump-old school play also. Not that anyone cares, but here is my rant.

I have played against "real" pump players, and win or lose dependng on the situation. I have tried playing against them with the oldest of pumps as well as dm4s. It has NOTHING to do with the gun, so leave the PUMP player out of it. If the pump player is better give him a dm4 and give a "typical tourney player" a dm4. Let them play and see what happens........it will still come down to player skill and not the GUN!!! The only thing I have noticed is that it takes more atheletic skill in tourneys now (gotta dodge those 30 bps and hit the snake right :D ), and less hiding and one shot one kills ( :ninja: ).

It is sad that some people have stubborn mindsets on the current tourney scene. It does not matter what they shoot, or how fast they shoot, or even what type of field they play on, people still find the time to complain and moan and groan about something. This goes for the "typical tourney player" as well as the "pump-recball-woodsball-scenario" crowd. If you do not like it then stay away from it, in fact you shold be happy that each side of paintball world is growing. Just play what you want and be happy, that is the bottomline. Try to have an open mind for both sides of the spectrum please.

I hope you the best in setting this up bob, hopefully everything will pan out. Sorry for hijacking the thread for a moment.

11-22-2004, 08:15 PM
slartybartfest - I didn't read anything you posted.

- Goro

As I said, JADED! :eek:

11-22-2004, 09:31 PM
I guess you miseed my point, play what you like and have fun doing it. Too much time is wasted complaining about certain ideas of each "group" of paintballers.

Muzik, as for what you can do to be happy I have no clue. If you do not like the tourney thing or the recball or scenario thing, then shooting the bull is what you seem to have fun with then cool. Just be happy, let the tourney ballers shoot the hell outta each other and the woodballers snipe each other :p . I am happy to practice once and week and play a little recball on the side. :clap:

peace in the middle east

11-22-2004, 10:15 PM
I guess you miseed my point, play what you like and have fun doing it. Too much time is wasted complaining about certain ideas of each "group" of paintballers.

Muzik, as for what you can do to be happy I have no clue. If you do not like the tourney thing or the recball or scenario thing, then shooting the bull is what you seem to have fun with then cool. Just be happy, let the tourney ballers shoot the hell outta each other and the woodballers snipe each other :p . I am happy to practice once and week and play a little recball on the side. :clap:

peace in the middle east

I just think the idiots need to get out of MY sport.

White Wolf
11-23-2004, 05:00 AM
As was alluded to in another post, if people don't like using a supplied gun the tourney could go another way in a limited paint/Limited Hopper style of game.

been working on this one for the growing number of people with both mags and Phantoms.


11-23-2004, 11:42 AM
slartybartfest - I didn't read anything you posted.

- Goro

Yet, you respond publically to underline your ignorance and refusal to accept other views.

What a tool. :tard:

11-23-2004, 11:47 AM
Yet, you respond publically to underline your ignorance and refusal to accept other views.

What a tool. :tard:

- Goro

11-23-2004, 11:58 AM

- Goro

If you didn't read my posts, why are you responding to them?!? :rofl:

Save us all the bother and put me on your ignore list. :dance:

But it's classic. Last time I got into a discussion and the other person went into "La, la, la, la, I'm not listening to you!" was in, what, the second grade?

Put up or shut up Squid. I know that anything that doesn't involve YOUR definition of tourney players is unworthy in you eyes, but 90% of paintball players couldn't care less.

Nobody in this thread is asking you to change your game, so leave those that want to play in a different way alone.

[or are you just too mentally incapacitated to debate the meaning of tournament or have an intelligent discussion about alternate formats?]

11-23-2004, 12:36 PM
As was alluded to in another post, if people don't like using a supplied gun the tourney could go another way in a limited paint/Limited Hopper style of game.

been working on this one for the growing number of people with both mags and Phantoms.


Could you make an adaptor like that to fit angel flys?

11-24-2004, 02:30 AM
ok i love this idea if you put it up mark i promise i will atleast be there if not my whole team!! but i do ask that you put a massive restriction on guns brought by the players i was thinking more along the lines of only classic mags pre 98 autocockers or basically anything with a trigger pull that = more than a few pounds! i love picking up old tippman carbines slapping my own barrel and going at it! its great max 4 bps!! id prefer unlimited paint but how out of hand can it get max bps is going to be around 10 with out new cockers or rt mags!

11-24-2004, 03:32 AM
It' be funny as hell to see someone w/ an uber-ramping/debounce electro w/ a ten-round tube crammed in the feedneck! Then he has to reload every time he pulls the trigger. :rofl:

11-24-2004, 10:36 AM
well bob, you know i'm in reguardless of what format. so just say the word dude


11-24-2004, 11:19 AM
This would be pretty cool:

Different rules for different ROF. You could allow bouncing timmy's/dm4's but only allow them to bring a hopper, Mech's 600 rnds, pumps unlimited.

It would bring a whole new dynamic to the game if you also allowed only a certian number of those guns on teh field. talk about tactics!

11-24-2004, 12:14 PM
Would you have to stop them from sharing paint? If you wanted to get around those rules the guy with the pump would bring a huge pack and throw/drop pods for his dm4 using buddy.

If there was a pump tourny in my area I'd definitely be there. A mech wouldn't be bad either, but I want to play pump (stock class IMO is best way to play pump).

However, I wouldn't want to ever use a gun that wasn't mine. I just like to use my own gear because I'm familiar with it and don't like the idea of me possibly damaging someone else's stuff. That's why I don't ever borrow/trade guns at the field.

11-24-2004, 03:56 PM
If you didn't read my posts, why are you responding to them?!? :rofl:

Save us all the bother and put me on your ignore list. :dance:

But it's classic. Last time I got into a discussion and the other person went into "La, la, la, la, I'm not listening to you!" was in, what, the second grade?

Put up or shut up Squid. I know that anything that doesn't involve YOUR definition of tourney players is unworthy in you eyes, but 90% of paintball players couldn't care less.

Nobody in this thread is asking you to change your game, so leave those that want to play in a different way alone.

[or are you just too mentally incapacitated to debate the meaning of tournament or have an intelligent discussion about alternate formats?]
No, I simply stated the facts. He will have a hard time getting a big turnout for this event, and will get very little, if any, tournament players. If you would have read my posts, I said that this was a cool idea, and would be fun, however, he can't expect much from it.

Christ you people can be stupid. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone, hence the fact I didn't post a long, drawn out rebuttle.

- Goro

11-24-2004, 04:38 PM
It' be funny as hell to see someone w/ an uber-ramping/debounce electro w/ a ten-round tube crammed in the feedneck! Then he has to reload every time he pulls the trigger. :rofl:

I do it all the time. It's easy. I trust my angels much more than pump guns.

11-24-2004, 04:54 PM
This would be pretty cool:

Different rules for different ROF. You could allow bouncing timmy's/dm4's but only allow them to bring a hopper, Mech's 600 rnds, pumps unlimited.

It would bring a whole new dynamic to the game if you also allowed only a certian number of those guns on teh field. talk about tactics!

I don't think that would be wise. It would leave mech players at something of a disadvantage, and pump players would probably be at a huge disadvantage.

I play with a pump (admittedly I am not even close to good), and there are a lot of things someone can do to get you out with two hundred rounds. Like shooting most of the other team off the break, but primarily by pinning the pump players down with two people shooting "relatively" slow and have someone else bunker them.

Also, the only effective way to use your unlimited ammo would be a DF body and an automatic hopper so you can autotrigger the daylights out of everything (inaccurate to the extreme because of the motion of pumping). Also, I have never seen a pump player use more than 100 rnds of paint in any given game so I don't know what they would do with unlimited ammo.

And think about us poor stock players, you can only fit so many 10 rnd tubes and co2 cartridges on the body and still move.

End of Rant (please ask for clarification if needed, or prove me wrong if you must)

I think the tournament is an awesome idea. I would make it limited paint in Mech class though because it would make it a more even playing feild. Maybe divisions wouldn't be a bad idea, for people who have experience and those who don't (that way they can play without fear of bein bunkered).

Personally my vote is for the West so I can attend...

11-25-2004, 04:53 AM
So, where do I go, what do I play? Well, I'll tell you...I go every where, and never play. I found that drinking beer and shooting the shiite was more fun than putting up with most of the players on the field.

This is exactly what happened to me. Burned out. Paintball had become like a job. . . . . except I wasn't making any money. I still enjoyed working on the markers though, and building things, so I went that route. Now I make money (not much, but some) doing what I love.

Squid - I think that what people are getting testy about is not so much what you are saying, but the totally arrogant and elitist way in which you are saying it. I have noticed a general theme amongst certain PB'ers - Everything they do or say is aimed at making them look good by talking down at or bagging on someone or something else. Its the same reason that so many guys with electros want break beam eyes instead of reflectives. Its not so much because the reflective eye doesn't work (they work just fine when the software is written correctly), but because that is one more thing that someone can use to bash you and your marker. Its the same motivation that possesses a guy with a 2k3 Lasoya to sell his marker (which is damned fast already) at a loss, in order to buy an Alias (for twice what he got for his Lasoya). Now he can talk down to the guy that still "only" has a 2k3.

Its that same BS elitism (what my dad would call "an over inflated sense of self worth") coupled with my lack of enjoyment that drove me from the "tourney" scene in the first place (playing at least).

I still like to watch, and tune markers for my house team, and shoot the perverbial crap, but I'm the guy that bows out when the conversation inevitably turns to bashing the "muppets" or whatever monicur is bestowed upon the less worthy who play on "their" field.

Just be nice, and enjoy the game for what it is.

11-25-2004, 12:41 PM
Squid - I think that what people are getting testy about is not so much what you are saying, but the totally arrogant and elitist way in which you are saying it. I have noticed a general theme amongst certain PB'ers - Everything they do or say is aimed at making them look good by talking down at or bagging on someone or something else. Its the same reason that so many guys with electros want break beam eyes instead of reflectives. Its not so much because the reflective eye doesn't work (they work just fine when the software is written correctly), but because that is one more thing that someone can use to bash you and your marker. Its the same motivation that possesses a guy with a 2k3 Lasoya to sell his marker (which is damned fast already) at a loss, in order to buy an Alias (for twice what he got for his Lasoya). Now he can talk down to the guy that still "only" has a 2k3.

Its that same BS elitism (what my dad would call "an over inflated sense of self worth") coupled with my lack of enjoyment that drove me from the "tourney" scene in the first place (playing at least).

I still like to watch, and tune markers for my house team, and shoot the perverbial crap, but I'm the guy that bows out when the conversation inevitably turns to bashing the "muppets" or whatever monicur is bestowed upon the less worthy who play on "their" field.

Just be nice, and enjoy the game for what it is.
Why would I have an elitist attitude, when I don't even play paintball anymore? (Yes kids, looks like im going to give it up for the music)

I really don't see anything that indicates that I feel as though I am better in any way because I am/was a tournament player.

- Goro

EDIT: But then again, any person on here that wants to say something negative to me can go to hell, because I really don't care what people have to say (if it's negative) if they are saying it over the internet. This goes to you, person-who-insulted-me.

11-25-2004, 01:16 PM
Yes of course, pay no attention, I'll go away if you think happy thoughts.

I don't know you from adam, and I'm not judging you or anything of the sort.

Its just that when you post your thoughts on a board like this, your words are all anyone has to go on, and your words were/could be construed as arrogant.

Especially - "Sounds like a good idea... Till noone shows up. Sorry to be negative, but that's just how this sort of thing goes. You won't get any tourney players at all." - Which sounds an awful lot like - "If it's a plus to have a no tourney players in a TOURNAMENT, what the hell is the point?" - which in turn sounds a lot like - "I just hope that they know that no tourney players will show up (who knows about recballers), and again, why bother calling it a tournament if you don't want tournament players?" - which all pretty much mean that without the "tourney players" the event will suck and thusly not be worth anyone's time. That is elitism at its finest. The very thought that an event could go on and do well without your support (or the support of those in your class) is unthinkable.

Hate to burst your bubble junior (not really actually), but if a business were to depend on the "tourney players" alone, they would go out of business in short order. Not only are there far fewer of you than you'd like to think, those that are out there are the PB equivalent of vampire bats. They find a victim, bleed them dry, and then move on to the next . . . . . . . *****ing about the refs the whole time. :rofl:

Enjoy your bass. I've been know to go fishing myself from time to time. :ninja:

If you don't realize that's a joke, there is no hope for any of us.

11-25-2004, 05:35 PM
so squid, if you don't play anymore and have no intention of taking part in this event if it were to happen, then why are you posting and distracting from this?

just quit and let things be.

11-25-2004, 06:46 PM
so squid, if you don't play anymore and have no intention of taking part in this event if it were to happen, then why are you posting and distracting from this?

just quit and let things be.
Because people are insulting me when I am posting things which are true? I am still interested in the sport?

Just because I don't play anymore doesn't mean I have no opinnions towards it.

It seems as though he wanted feedback on the idea, and I gave it. I have heard of events like this before, and THEY GET VERY POOR TURNOUTS. Let's exclude tourney players: Even recballers don't like to give up there precious blowbacks for rentals, or what have you.

Of course I have no intention; nor do half the people posting in the thread. Wanna know why? Because all of these people are scattered across the country.

Look, it's a tournament, right? To me, this says he will want tournament players. An event like this will not draw tournament players. Because, once again, I stated the facts (which are quite obvious), that means I am being "elitist?"

Sorry to "burst your bubble," but sometimes you have to be realistic. And yes, I got your joke.

- Goro

11-25-2004, 06:54 PM
Hmm...just because you are scattered across the country does not mean people will not come. I mean hell look at AOSE last year, look at TexBall. Thos are just drawing from AO and they are getting 100+ player turnouts. That's a decent amount of people (probably more than IAO this past year:)) for a OG meet.

If the event is promoted right, it could have a huge turn out. It will not be like a WC ot an NPPL Super7 event, but those are HUGE event series and few tournaments are that large. You also do not have to have 1000 people show up to be a success.

11-25-2004, 08:38 PM
juts because it's a tournament doesn't mean it's for "tournament" players only.

your use of that term is narrow and what you consider true is not what everyone considers true. so, keep your opion to yourself.

seems like theres always some jerk that gets thier kicks by disrupting a good idea. why don't you start a new trend by being a jerk that keeps thier mouth shut.

lead, follow or get out of the way.

11-25-2004, 08:43 PM
juts because it's a tournament doesn't mean it's for "tournament" players only.

your use of that term is narrow and what you consider true is not what everyone considers true. so, keep your opion to yourself.

seems like theres always some jerk that gets thier kicks by disrupting a good idea. why don't you start a new trend by being a jerk that keeps thier mouth shut.

lead, follow or get out of the way.
If you are going to disagree, that's fine, but if you're going to disagree and look like a total retard, that's not.

For one, wouldn't in most cases it be safe to assume that if you are going to hold a tournament, you want tournament players? If not, don't call it a tournament.

Two, I was FAR form being a jerk, and FAR from "Disrupting a good idea." Once again, if only you could get it through your thick skull, I was simply stating the obvious. These things happen often, and usually don't have a good turnout because people don't like to have to set there markers down, whether they are super electros or spyders.

Keep my opinion to myself? Stupid communist.

Why don't you find better quotes than what can be seen on No Fear shirts.

To everyone else, carry on. To Lee, drink motor oil.

- Goro

EDIT: I may as well throw this in there again. I think that this would be a blast. It's a great idea. However, you must face the facts that you will have a hard time getting people to show up. Recplayers aren't looking for tournaments, and tournament players aren't looking for tournaments like this.

11-25-2004, 08:48 PM
got to ya didn't i?

11-25-2004, 09:00 PM
EDIT: I may as well throw this in there again. I think that this would be a blast. It's a great idea. However, you must face the facts that you will have a hard time getting people to show up. Recplayers aren't looking for tournaments, and tournament players aren't looking for tournaments like this.

Personally I think you are wrong on both accounts. I think this would be a great event for the non tournament player to play a tournament and a place for the "typical" tournament player to have fun. Hell, with your attitude the Owners Group Division at IAO should not have been a success, but it was.

11-25-2004, 09:24 PM
Yes you did get to me, because you aren't comprehending what I am saying.

The owners group idea is NOTHING LIKE THIS AT ALL. The ENTIRE reason I don't think it will be a success is because they will have to set down there markers for other, very low end markers.

- Goro

11-25-2004, 09:24 PM
I'll weigh in on this. It is a very intriguing idea and it is definitely appealing. The only way to see what kind of turnout you would get would be to hold an event. Its probably not going to be a huge hit in the beginning but over time it could definitely grow. Imagine if the first players of paintball said "Hey lets have a tournament to see who's number one." Some guys comes along and says "Nah. No one would show up. Why bother." Where would we be as a sport?

11-25-2004, 09:30 PM
Well, then I'll compare it to the AM-P Pump tournament at the first Shatnerball. Granted people were there for the big game and not the pump tournament, but it still got a great turn out and everyone had fun.

Yes you did get to me, because you aren't comprehending what I am saying.

The owners group idea is NOTHING LIKE THIS AT ALL. The ENTIRE reason I don't think it will be a success is because they will have to set down there markers for other, very low end markers.

- Goro

11-25-2004, 09:33 PM
Seriously, look at the local tournament scene. How many of those teams are what you would call "Tournament Players"? I bet not many. I bet a lot are rec ballers who just want to play in a tournament.

Again, I don't think Bob is trying to compete with the NPPL or PSP with this type of event. But I seriously think it will fit a nitch that is missing in the paintball world.

Kaiser Bob
11-26-2004, 11:33 AM
A fair amount of twibs in the local scene... mostly in young guns though, the stickball movie says it all. I would call the average person at a local tournament a 'casual tournament player'. Plays the locals, maybe an NPPL or PSP when it comes nearby, maybe World Cup, IAO and/or Skyball* depending on team funds.

*The casual tournament player goes to Skyball to get trashed and see strippers moreso then the actual tournament, especially if under 21.

Anyway, I think only the hardcore, classist tourney player would be closed off to a format like this. Someone has to be bored of playing the same type of tournament style all the time.

11-26-2004, 11:47 AM
*The casual tournament player goes to Skyball to get trashed and see strippers moreso then the actual tournament, especially if under 21.

Then my idea back in the old Skyball thread really is a good one. If it's bars and strippers you want, Montreal outclasses TO. :clap:

11-26-2004, 04:56 PM
Heck, I'm down! To steal a line from a team I respect (Total Gief) "Any gun, any game, any time!"

Where's the start box, dude?

Thunder Bunny
11-26-2004, 05:07 PM
Sounds like a good idea... Till noone shows up. Sorry to be negative, but that's just how this sort of thing goes. You won't get any tourney players at all.

- Goro

I hate to agree, but....

If you go look around on Stockclasspaintball.com you'll read stories of how people tried to put on stock/pump events and while there was a bit of interest, few committed and even less showed up.

Maybe you could have it as a charity/exhibition thing during a tourney or something.

Get ahold of Blue at EMR and see if he can help you out.

11-27-2004, 02:06 AM
Even recballers don't like to give up there precious blowbacks for rentals, or what have you.

And you don't think you sound elitist? Only tounry players can have "high end" markers.

You a legend in your own mind... :rofl:

11-27-2004, 02:21 AM
And you don't think you sound elitist? Only tounry players can have "high end" markers.

You a legend in your own mind... :rofl:
No I don't.

MOST recballers have low end guns, and vice versa. Of course tourney players have low end guns (ive seen it) and of course recballers have high end guns (ive seen it). You KNOW that this is the case, and if you disagree here I bet you are the type who still thinks women don't have equal rights.

I would think that because half of the people against my argument are adults, they would have a little more freaking common sense.

AO used to be cool.

- Goro

11-27-2004, 02:28 AM
MOST recballers have low end guns, and vice versa.

We must play at completely different fields. Most BEGINING players have lower end markers.

...I bet you are the type who still thinks women don't have equal rights.

And I'd guess you think that they do.

You come across as very elitist whether you can see it or not. The rest of us can see it. You can choose to change how you communicate here, or you can continue to appear elitist to those you are attempting to communicate with. It's entirely up to you.

11-27-2004, 03:24 AM
We must play at completely different fields. Most BEGINING players have lower end markers.

And I'd guess you think that they do.

You come across as very elitist whether you can see it or not. The rest of us can see it. You can choose to change how you communicate here, or you can continue to appear elitist to those you are attempting to communicate with. It's entirely up to you.
Woman do have equal rights, but that is a completely different topic.

Guess what's funny... Most beginning players are recballers. When people play longer, they usually step into the tourney scene. Not always, but often.

In what way am I even almost elitist? Because im not so blind that I will just tell it how it is without a sugar coat? Pfft... I would have that you to have more common sense.

I'm glad I quit paintball, it allows for a great cop-out of a retarded argument like this.

- Goro

Kaiser Bob
11-27-2004, 10:17 AM
I havent been out of the recball scene for a while, but last i remember, out of the people that would play at the fields weekly that had their own gear, only 30 percent or so had blowback markers, everything else mid to high end... just because someone isnt in the tournament scene dosent mean they dont know anything about gear and dont have the same opinions about what sucks and whats cool. A regular recballer dosent want his gear to suck any more then a tourney player.

The career recballer does exsist! :)

11-27-2004, 10:28 AM
The career recballer does exsist! :)
Wife and kids take up enough time. Friends are in a winter paintball league. I practice with them when I can, show up to a game or two to watch or be a sub if needed. Go to a few big games a year and a dash of just walk-on rec play.

I own two full high end setups. Backup and loaner gear.
Nya nya. KB wins.

11-27-2004, 11:08 AM
so squid, just out of curiosity, what division did you play in before you quit? team name? events played? years in the game?
enlighten us as to your qualifications. it may make a difference in whether or not you're opinions are taken more seriously.

11-27-2004, 12:41 PM
Pump Play setup~ Gun Free we give you it to use. $30per Filed Paint only and you pay for co2 can yous 12grams or 9oz nothing bigger. X-ball filed give gun back at end day

Simi. Automags we give gun. Hpa or co2 tanks filed paint only $35 per all types different fileds. ect ect you get the ieda

11-27-2004, 12:56 PM
I think they are both good...but it better be close to me...WISCONSIN!!!!! or just have smaller regional/local ones...


But, I think as long as your gun isnt electro in the semi/stock events, and your gun isnt semi/electro in the stock event...i think you should be able to have your own...i think there should be other guidlines...but the regional events should be able to decide on their own.


chaos lichen
11-27-2004, 01:09 PM
I would love to play both formats. :D

11-27-2004, 01:25 PM
so squid, just out of curiosity, what division did you play in before you quit? team name? events played? years in the game?
enlighten us as to your qualifications. it may make a difference in whether or not you're opinions are taken more seriously.
Some of those late night posts made me look like a dick. Sorry Hitech.

Lee -

Plastic Factory
Every possible tournament within 7 hours there was. Arkansas hinders our ability to go to national events, but when we could we did. We play one tournament a month, and practice 2-3 times a month. 5 Years in the tournament scene, 1 in recball. I've been playing for about as long as my age permits.

Sponsors include: Ark-Plas, Micro Plastics, Shartley Customs, NOT NOTNTONONTONONTO THESE OTHER PLACES WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BIG H, and have deals pending still.

Practice on a team airball field. Have captained Plastic Factory for 2 years, up until now, as it is near certain I am getting out of paintball.

You now know a little about my team. Not sure why you wanted to know, but you do now.

- Goro

11-27-2004, 01:39 PM
Maybe he wanted to know how credable you were?

But you say...as long as my age permited or whatever....that didn't answer his question too much...he was asking a length (ex. 1 year), or you could include a age and we could assume you started at the age of about 10-12 years old

11-27-2004, 02:06 PM
Maybe he wanted to know how credable you were?

But you say...as long as my age permited or whatever....that didn't answer his question too much...he was asking a length (ex. 1 year), or you could include a age and we could assume you started at the age of about 10-12 years oldI said tourney ball for 5, rec for 1 (when I started paintballing), then said "as long as my age permitted." Yes, I answered the question.

I am plenty credible. I know paintball... For the past 5 years it has been my life.

- Goro

11-27-2004, 02:13 PM
oh sorry...i read that...but it didnt really compute in my naugin :)

that means you are anywere between 16 and 22ish

11-27-2004, 02:41 PM
oh sorry...i read that...but it didnt really compute in my naugin :)

that means you are anywere between 16 and 22ish

11-27-2004, 02:52 PM
why you quiting? I love paintball...i havn't been playing it for as long as you...but I've only grown to love the sport more since I started....it's allmost like a waste of time if you quit...

11-27-2004, 03:01 PM
why you quiting? I love paintball...i havn't been playing it for as long as you...but I've only grown to love the sport more since I started....it's allmost like a waste of time if you quit...
Why would it be a waste of time? I enjoyed playing, and got a lot out of it. Far from wasted.

I want to quit because my music is more important to me, and unlike paintball I could actually take it somewhere.

- Goro

11-27-2004, 03:02 PM
Well...maybe not a waste a time...but kinda a waste of money i guess...

11-27-2004, 04:04 PM
Well...maybe not a waste a time...but kinda a waste of money i guess...
Again, far from it. My equipment, I am getting much of the money back, and sponsors paid for the tournaments.

I repeat: I enjoyed and got a lot out of this journey, so how is it wasted? That would be like saying you wasted money by going to the movies.

- Goro

11-27-2004, 04:13 PM
As long as you learn something in the process nothing is a waste of time.

(heaving and grunting as coversation is pulled back on topic)

I think that as far as prizes go some free feild passes would be awesome. Not a year (unless you can afford it) but maybe 10 free entry fees. They will then have an excuse to come, and buy paint, and play. So it wouldn't be bad for business as well as good for promoting the sport. Heck, give every participant a card for 2 free entries and that might be even better.

I would make everyone use the same kind of gun, it realy isn't that much of a difference when using mech markers, especially if this is a beginner tournament. But if everyone shoots the same thing then no one will have a right to complain that they are out gunned, or under chopped, or anything fun like that. It is also a moral booster because it gives the perception of equality, which makes people feel like they have a chance, even if they don't.

11-27-2004, 04:19 PM

I was guessing 15 maybe 16 with a silly sig in EVERY post. Now quit jacking and back on topic

11-30-2004, 12:14 AM
I have been on every team Enemy has ever been on and yes i would be there if i can but out of state tourny's are hard as it is and one that just for fun no matter how much fun i think it will be i may not be able to make it. Hope it all works out. then again if enemy can make it i will do my best.

12-01-2004, 07:04 PM
Beemer: Shut up.

Ok, I have to edit some of our team credentials.

Apparently, we are not AM, and apparently Big H has nothing to do with us. They sponsored us for a couple of events so I listed them as a sponsor. Nevermind that, however, as apparently our back guy (which blows heads off... I told him I would give him props) is getting calls of concern from Big H. I guess that they don't like us anymore and want only to have to do with Copperhead Justice.

As for AM: Even though I and others are technically considered AM, and we play many AM/open tournaments, we are not AM. I'm sure these other people are, mind you.

To anybody on Copperhead-Whatever, yes, I sound pissed off, and yes, I am pissed off. You wanna call and gripe at someone for absolutely nothing, call me, not Murph, because he's not my mother.

I guess my posts are lurked, so that crap can be started over nothing. Friends forever, huh?

Sorry to up an old thread.

- Nick

EDIT: I've been inspired to not quit paintball: You guys can have all the hateful words with me you want at next practice.

12-01-2004, 07:32 PM
Ya!!! You didnt quit!!! We dont lose yet a nother baller!!! GORO!!! GORO!!!

12-01-2004, 07:34 PM
Yah... I'll prolly end up doing a web gallery on your site instead of playing haha :clap: