View Full Version : Important stuff, please read AGD

11-05-2001, 03:27 PM
today I went down to Pev's and got an intelliframe! Wooohoo! I tried it out and this thing simply rocks!!! It is a must-have if you are considering buying a new frame! For those that are new to the Mag, like I recently was, this is one of the best updrades! I think I shot more paint in 10 minutes than I have all week. I seriously cannot think of a single thing wrong with it; it's all right! Thank you AGD for doing it again! But keep reading...

I then went down to another store, and brought in my Mag w/the newly purchased Intelliframe, and was looking at barrels and stuff. They had several mags, 3 RTs, and no Emags. I asked why they had no Emags, and they said they refused to carry them cause it was just a manual valve with electronic trigger or something like that....?????????.....I didn't really understand...the E-Mag has got to be incredible. Then I was talking about RTs and they were saying that they would sell a brand new one for $300 cause they haven't sold one in 6 months. I asked them if they carried Warps, and they said they wouldn't use something that makes your gun awkward and lopsided(something like that) and something that would fail so much. Again....???????....Then they started talking about how the AGD customer service was bad (I get free lifetime service on my Mag from Pev's, plus free intellifeed setup, plus Rod gave me the updated P/F plug for free. Thanks!) and they never answer their phones and that a few years ago, it was good, but AGD has changed.....now WHAT IS THAT? If I didn't know any better, like some customer who didn't know anything about Mags, I might have believed it. Thank you so much AGD that there is this place, AO, where we can come and feel right at home, get our questions answered, sometimes get free stuff, get sneek peeks, get to add input to prototpe products, and more.
This is a serious issue. I think someone in AGD should seriously consider taking AGD products out of that store or majorly talking to them, because if I went in there, and didn't know anything about Mags or AGD, I would have left feeling that a Mag was a bad gun and that AGD was not a good company. No wonder they hardly ever sell a Mag! It actually hurt when they were pretty much ripping on AGD. They said that the Mag was good like 4 years ago, but from the impression I got with the conversation I was having with the guy there, it made me think he was saying the Mag doesn't cut it anymore. I don't think those guys are going to sell any of your products because people are going to leave thinking they should go with someone else other than AGD, and that they don't carry two of AGDs hottest products, the E-Mag and Warp. I can tell you right now I would go with NO ONE else but AGD!
They do have a good price on the RT, but I can tell you I am not going to buy it from them because I don't like their attitude, and I probably will not be patronizing that store anymore. I will go to Pev's for all my paintball needs. Also, thanks to Rob for helping me and for giving me a free intellifeed setup when I come back next time!

AGD: If you want, I can email you and tell you more about it and the name of the store.

Sorry if I sound angry, I'm not, I just felt it was my obligation to let AGD know.

11-05-2001, 03:42 PM

It hurts me personally to read about stores like this. You all know for a fact that if anything we are making MORE of an effort to get info out and listen to what our customers want. It seems the guys behind the counter are loaded with contradictions they picked up somewhere else. They want to make us the whipping boy for some unknown reason. People with built in prejudice can not be turned around with a phone call or an add campaign. We are just going to keep on moving forward, producing new products that YOU all want (because we are listening to you carefully). If those stores don't want to sell them to you, someone else or we will. In the end the MOST IMPORTANT people are all of our great customers out there and you know we are here to take care of YOU.


ps Maybe you should post the store name and have 500 people from AO call about the 300 dollar RT.

11-05-2001, 03:45 PM
That is one of the bigger hurddles AGD has ahead of itself - getting dealers back in the groove. Remember, AGD had a big of hiatus from paintball a few years back when they work concentrating on Gov. work.

The problem is biased dealers "bashing" AGD because of personal preference. They dont like mags, so they dont sell them, and they are unwilling to look at thier new products and give them a fair shake. It is sad really, but it isnt just AGD that dealers bash. I have heard bashing of many different guns over my time in the sport - some of it founded - some of it sounding retarded.

11-05-2001, 04:20 PM
I hate seeing baised dealers. I see alot of all kingman dealers. I go in to store I had heard about one day, about 30 miles from where I live, on the way to a game, and decide to stop and get my air filled there since there wopuld prolly be a line at the feild house. It wasn't expensive, I think $2 for co2. Then I notice they have some nitrogen tanks. I ask to see one. he pulls it out from under the counter and its a Kingman Java. arg. I looked as though i was interested, but want, and handed it back. Then I ask where the barrels were. He points to glass shelves next to the guns. I walk ove, adn see the java edition barrels. OK, they got a deal on this JAVA stuff i guess. I look more and fine the Veiwloader barrels. now im startign to get that wierd feeling. I look over at eh guns, and guess waht I see. Thats right. Brass Eagle, Veiwloader, ans Spyders. I saw 1 Phirahnah and 1 Rebel. I left the store with that sick Kingman /BE feeling. No mags. No cockers. Not even a Tippmann. Obviously, they need some new product selection.

11-05-2001, 04:34 PM
the best thing to do is to show of your mags and hold your heads high. spread the word about AGD to dealers/players, ect...

11-05-2001, 04:37 PM
i also have a store like this, he has a good selection of everything but only nitroduck nitro tanks, he wont sell mags cuz he says there too complicated and break a lot. he also told my friend upgrading up from a spyder to either mag or autococker, to get an autococker cuz there a lot simpler and dont break as much but i got my friiend to buy a mag. i asked if he had intelliframes, he said benchmarks are better cuz they have more slack and u can fire faster with them. he doesnt have any AGD products there but he has automag parts which i think makes no sence to have parts for mags but not sell them. i hope i can eventually convince him to start carrying AGD products.

11-05-2001, 05:37 PM
Thank you for your support and your dedication to caring for the needs of your customers. It truly means a lot, and I am sure every one of us is grateful.

The store is called Check It in Fairfax, VA

Sorry, I keep mistyping Rob as Rod. Whenever you see Rod, it means Rob.

Here are some pictures, sorry it was on a scanner(not the best quality, hehe)


11-05-2001, 05:39 PM
second picture:)

11-05-2001, 05:41 PM
whoops, sorry, that picture was huge!

11-05-2001, 05:57 PM
i have the same problem with my stores by me. They only carry cocker stuff and brusier stuff. They hate agd stuff. The stores im pretty sure are owned by Bud Orr. The only thing i can buy there is a parts kit there is not one other mag part(i saw one mag barrel there yesterday the rest were cocker threads). I asked about mags and they said they were outdated and i should get a cocker. I love cockers too but i at least want a little local support for AGD. Southern California is definitly cocker and angel land. The most mags i have seen in a day were like 3. I just hold my head high and know my mag will be there when i need it.

edit: ill take the rt for 300 anyday thats such a good deal. Like Tom said post their number or you can buy it and mail it to me for 300+shipping+a little for your troubles.

11-05-2001, 06:24 PM
That sucks...the store near me, Army Navy Paintball, they have a huge banner inside with the AGD logo, and i was talking to the guy who owned it, i think hes in his 40's, he was telling me how he wishes he could sell mags again but no one buys them, he loves them, he had his mag for i think he said 8 years now and only thing he needed was to replace some O ring, he doesnt sell any cockers because he doesnt like them, he does still carry mag parts for the few mag owners down here tho....i guess hes a biased dealer, but hes biased in a way AGD likes....lol

11-05-2001, 06:36 PM
Dave, what was the other store? Check-It Paintball?

11-05-2001, 07:01 PM
yeah, Check-It paintball in Fairfax. Then there is Pev's, which is my favorite. I guess buying an RT there wouldn't be so bad, cause it is still supporting AGD. Hehe, just buy out all the AGD stuff and when they go to restock, don't let them get anymore AGD stuff cause of the way they talked about AGD.

If you are going to buy an RT there, demand it for $250 cash. They said they would take offers(they haven't sold one in six months!)

I still wouldn't pay $300...go for $250


11-05-2001, 07:31 PM
i'm suprised Jim would say stuff like that. He's always very very nice at the field.

here's the # to Check It paintball BTW if anyone wants it.
703 378-1150

11-05-2001, 09:04 PM
I love my field. They use Mags as rentals. They even have a place downtown where all you do is shoot mags at targets. Gets them tourists I guess. They say they could sell me a retro for 250, and an Emag for 900. Wish I had money. My only complaint is they don't have Mags in stock, yet somehow a number of locals own them.

11-05-2001, 09:04 PM
At a field I used to play at till I moved :( the guy who owned it simply loved mags! thats mostly what he rented (also tipmans and stingrays) but he even started a barrel line made for mags... his name was Rod. I didnt know him well but after I moved I bougt a minimag from my friend. ($340 with 12/0z co2 and oil and a barrle plag and Veiwloader and VLbow)Ill try to find the fields web site an you can look around last I looked it was kinda weird but that field was fun. He really supported mags tho and im glad to have met him.

11-05-2001, 09:08 PM
Sad to hear man. There is no field or store within an hour of my house so I can't get out much, but my favorite place to go is a store called Wolf Hill Paintball. The owners are on team Rave and all use mags, they are so nice. They've never said anything about my cocker or my Angel when they break. If anybody is around west Tennessee I think you should look into this place.

11-05-2001, 09:12 PM
ok... here is the site link Hit and Run paintball (http://hitandrunpaintball.com)

and the link for the barrles...


11-05-2001, 09:17 PM
Yea there aren't any feilds or stores arund here. Nearest store that carries any good paintball gear, besides wal mart (grrr...) is a Mega Sports... which is 30 miles. the nearest feild is a good 45... and through towns and roads I dont know.

A mag braking more than a cocker? hahahah.. I have to admit the regulator/valve system is a bit more complicated than what Im used to (Model 98 - in line CXV valve, bolt, connecting rod, and power tube.. woa.. really complicated.. lol) but its still nothing. No timing rods to tweak/break. Thats a biggie.

11-05-2001, 09:50 PM
"In the end the MOST IMPORTANT people are all of our great customers out there and you know we are here to take care of YOU"

Bravo AGD

11-06-2001, 12:37 AM
Wolf Hill Paintball is a great store. The main guy Wayne Alvis and one of his friends let me shot there E-Mags they have them set up very nice. Wayne is very helpful, and the store is nice. The shop number is (615)-451-7600. They also have a store online at Paintballcyberstore.com

E==Mag MAN
11-06-2001, 08:33 AM
Pevs and rob is the best:) I think rob knows who this is u fix my gun about 1 time a month im getting a hang of it though:)

11-06-2001, 09:03 AM
I think it would be funny if someone who works at AGD gave them a call :)

"Hello, this is Tom Kaye, and I'm just calling to let you know a little more about my product since you seem to not know much about it..."


11-06-2001, 04:06 PM
Where are you talking about? check-it, or Pev's, or both? I find it hard to believe that that doesn't have any more E-Mags.

Oh and Jim is not a good field manager. He got mad at me for trying to take target paractice at the chrono range and I there were not any people in line there and the target range isn't very close to the staging area. He doesn't make the teams fair and is just all around unfriendly.

Sorry if I offended anyone that like Jim. I like hogback, just not the field manager.

11-06-2001, 04:57 PM
I go to Warped Sportz, about 15 miles down the road from me and they ALWAYS have AGD stuff. granted they have lots of angels and cockers and electros, since they specialize in the dark angel/cocker. but always have 2 cases full of AGD/ mag parts :D and Blast camp which is 15 miles the other way also has a fairly good selection of mag parts. maybe its just good to live near chicago?? ;)

11-06-2001, 05:32 PM
AGD parts are hard to find around my area. One store bashes em and the other is more of a start up catering to the low ended equipment. The one store that bashed AGD (although they have a few items) I persoanly challenged the guy to a 1 on 1. My AutoMag vs anything he wanted to use and he could pick the field and time. He refused. Figures... But I know where he plays and hope to run in to him and make him do the worm...laff...