View Full Version : Post your Reffing Experience / Experiences with refs

11-23-2004, 01:44 PM
I'm a ref down at Velocity Paintball in ramona, ca. Here's some things i've dealt with as a ref:

Experience #1

Kid: "Ref! Ref! Ref!"

[I run over to the kid]

Kid: "Ref, my gun isn't shooting."

[I pull the bolt back]

Experience #2

[I'm reffing a Private group on speedball from the sidelines]

[I get shot twice in the mask]

[I duck]

Me: "I'm a ref!!"

[I stand up]

[Three paintballs whizz by]

Me: "I'M A REF!!"

[I get shot at again, so I walk around to the other side of the field to stop being shot]

[I hear a kid whisper to his buddies]

Kid: "Haha, I shot the ref..."

[He turns around and sees me standing behind him, he runs up the field]

11-23-2004, 02:01 PM
I'm sure Mark remembers this one.

Game begins, Mark, Dustin, Colin, and I hang back, watch walk ons shoot at each other.

I offer my services for a dead man's walk.

Colin, Dustin, Mark agree, and ecourage idea.

I slumped my shoulders, lower head, and both arms, never calling myself out, or holding my marker up

I walk 150 behind the other team, while encountering a ref, I tell her that I am exercising a Dead man's walk. She does not interfere, and nods.

I have no arm band on, signifying that I am the opposing team.

I mingle with the other team's members (two of them, I give them each a,'Hey, Sup dude?')

I turn, Shoot ten people

Only nine are eliminated, as one bounced. The guy asked if it broke, I was honest and said no, he continued playing.

The Remaining nie players are pretty pissed off at me.

Keep in in mind I sent only ONE ball to each player, and all in the back.

They protest, claim that I am cheating.

The Ref, being new, Panics, pulls me off the field.

I walk back down to Colin, Dustin, Mark.

They cheer, I explain the Ref said I was cheating.

Sorrow insues.

Minutes later, Colin, Dustin, Mark, etc are bunkered.

Bunkering is against the Field rules in Walk-on play.

A Dead man's walk is not against the rules.

Ref does nothing after I alert her.

I am mad.


11-23-2004, 02:09 PM

[I'm reffing]

1 kid bunkers another. (Keep in mind this is walk on newbie play, it wasn't so much a bunker as a run by)

The bunkeree yells "IT DIDN'T BREAK", turns around, and starts shooting the other kid.

Other kid is like "wtf?", and he turns around and shoots the kid.

So now we have these two nubs lighting eachother up (or as much of that as you can do with a M98) and a friend and I have to grab the kids guns and threaten to shoot THEM with it before they would stop trying to get at eachother (another 2 guys were holding them back). Great day that was.


[I'm playing]

Hyperball field.

Kid yells to the ref "REF, CHECK THE DORITO!"

Ref starts running across the field, gets halfway across, and then stops, truns around, and yells "There is no dorito!" Easily the height of the day, I couldn't stop laughing at this kid.

11-23-2004, 02:24 PM
not funny but by far the gayest thing i have ever had happen.

i pull a players gun from a certain pro team that were not going to mention that shoots an orange shocker *hint hint* and he gets all butt hurt and tells me that i was over there pushing buttons. i say "whats the mater am i going to turn on your cheater board" (i wasnt pushing buttons by the way) then he goes "are you accusing me of having a cheater board" i was like yeah dude, thats why i pulled your gun and im putting it on the robot" then he flips out and starts cussing... im fixing to call the ultimate and have him suspended but people were yelling he was cussing at his captian. anyways. we need more paint to test the gun and this certain fully sponsored pro team tells us that we have to go get our own paint because they dont have enough to have us use it on the robot.. yeah it was a good day

11-23-2004, 02:51 PM
ok, me and can_opener were reffing this game.

basically where we ref, all that comes out is noobs, and a bunch of guys always ask if its gonna hurt etc. and rent jumpsuits that we have.

now one day, 6 girls come up to play whereing short shorts and like spaghetti strap tank tops. each gets a rental with a full 200 round hopper, and none rent jumpsuits. we ask them if they want to play just normal team elimination or like a pain game, shooting until theyre out of shot. and suprisingly they choose pain game. i wish i had a camera that day to show pictures to all the guys who ask if it hurts, because these girls just ran right at each other and contiually shot each other from like 10 ft away. they were covered with paint and welts at the end, and not one complained or anything.

[2]almost every day of work, we'd get a guy that is like 40 years old that when theyd get shot, they would fall backwards really dramatically as if they were shot by a real gun or something. we'd always check to see if they were hurt, but theyd always be ok.

[3]another time, we have this guy who's own mom was making fun of him cause he's completely metrosexual. the guy would run around jumping around like a fairy, but would never get hit. i dont know if it was just cause his crazy movements making him hard to hit, or if the other team was just laughing too hard to hit him. another thing too, he would also run around with the marker in 1 hand, straight out in front of him.

trains are bad
11-23-2004, 03:16 PM
I was playing a tournament last weekend, it was down to us 2, them 1. I dove into the snake, got in clean I thought, but the ref was like 'you're hit on the pack, you're out' so I go to the deadbox, and the last player on the opposing team takes my teammate out and hangs the flag.

Matt's like
'Where'd you get hit?'
I turn and like 'in the pack'
he's like 'I don't see anything'
I'm like 'that's what the ref said'
and he's all 'no seriously, you are clean'

so we call the refs over and they all gather around staring at my *** and take all my pods out and lift up my shirt and I'm clean, not even any old stains. The head ref says 'you are clean, but we can't redo the game so, take it'. Nevermind that's full points to our opposing team, that in all likely hood should have been the other way around because once I crawled to the end of the snake he would have been totally pinched.

But it's all good because we made it to the finals where the points were reset, but still, I thought there should be a rematch or something, that's just wrong. "We acknowledge that you didn't get hit and we pulled you from a game that you were winning, and it cost you the full points, and it was our fault, but you're just gonna have to take it. BTW, thanks for that $100 entry fee."

What do you guys think in situations like this?

11-23-2004, 03:50 PM
I shoot refs, it's fun. Why? Because people used to do it to me all the time.

11-23-2004, 05:55 PM
Me reffing:

Kid takes mask off in the middle of a game pn the field at the his 20 tombstone as he's walking off dead, I see it, run my *** of blowing the whistle madly to stop the game so the kid doesn't get hurt. I ask why he took it off with a stern look to try and scare him to never do it again.

'My nose was itchy'...

So in summation, its better to have a comfortable nose and no eyes than the other way around. Ugh.


Me playing again at a big game.

Me and 3 others are on an elevated ridge trying to 'snipe' off any one that attempts to snag the flag as a capture point. Someone does because my partner missed his target since I was watching his back and the other 1 gets shot from trying to make sure his gun isn't leaking and takes a shot to the upper chest (this all happened in maybe 3 seconds so I didn't even see the enemy). Thry take the flag and I know that theres about 9 others camping the flag to make sure my team doesn't snag it back. so I wait and hope for reinforcements while using my radio to call for help quietly. Suddenly the ref YELLS at me.. 'HEY, COME TAKE THE FLAG, YOU WOULD GET MORE POINTS!'. Great, now my position is given away by the dumb ref. Hellllllllo string of like 5 electros firing at me. Needless to say, I spent like 10 minutes cleaning up in staging.

11-23-2004, 06:22 PM
This pwns you all!

Kid walks out of the safety netted area. (at the time we didn't have a buffer zone to catch any kids coming off the field without barrel plugs) He has his gun unplugged, live and waving it in the air at people sitting on bleachers where people can watch from. Well i see the kid walk out. RUN all the way to the other side slide, then go out the netting and yell at the kid. Luckilly! My head ref got to him first, took it by the barrel and pointed it down (at his crotch). he reaches to turn the gun off (e-spyders). But it was too late... gun went off..... hit him square in his um.. frank?..... he gets ticked, takes the gun, sets it on the ground (turned off now). I talk to the kid tell him to put the plug on and go fill up. I then talk to a person sitting in the bleachers (who saw everything and was apparently the mom of one of the kids in his group). She says "well he (ref) pulled the trigger so I don't see why he got so upset." :tard: Ok the kid still had his fingers on the trigger, gun on, no plug, AND WAVING IT IN THE AIR FACING YOU! GUVE THE GUY A BREAK!!!!!!!!! NOT A BROKEN ****!!!" (last statement not being said cause it was implied in my look at her).

Other big thing i've seen was a BUNCH of mabey 8-10 year old (mabey younger...) kids playing, they play a brother of theirs and he runs down the field, getting shot up, then goes to shoot a kid mabey 10 times. i tell him to stop.. and what does the guy do.. goes UNDER (bad because 1 its a pita to fix and 2 because we don't want people going out with live guns.. and his was of course...) of course the kid gave him at least 5 back.... I had to tell the big bro to sit out the rest of the day.

And the last one was a guy got ticked that people shot him when fixing a bunker (in game) with the LAST guy in it. Some words were exchanged, a little shrug then a punch to the face.... then an all out brawl b/w the 2 guys... *sigh*

And yeah i know how it is with the ref's... especially when you work wiht some of them.... :rofl:

Will have others later. :argh:

11-23-2004, 06:39 PM
lets see... i have TONS bu some that stand out are.. a young kid who WOULDNT listen to me. he lifts his mask off and start shooting over the top of the bunker and popping his head up :wow::nono: i went ovr put his mask on he said he could see. i said keep it down or get ff the field....this was a first warning(we reserve the right to throw em out if they do it ocne) so i walk away thinking everything is ok...10 secodns later mask is back off and hes doing the same thing again :mad: i RAN over after halting the game(tooka few minutes they were REALLY into it) anyways i ended up basicaly forcing his mask on while he continued to try and pull it off. and litterlay had to DRAG him off the field and get one of his parents or adults to keep him in there.

i dono some people just dont listen....i bet he wouldve been mad if he lsot in eye :argh:

on a sidenot NO ONE wants to get hurt ex soemthing like lsoing an eye and its almsot just as frustrating when a game msut be stopped etc because somone sint being safe.

mask ON plugs IN....thats about it..there not too ahrd to follow

oh yeah....LISTEN TO THE REFS!! :mad: there there for YOUR safety and protection.

11-23-2004, 06:42 PM
hmm ok i was reffing 2 weeks ago, big group of 70 rec players and we had a 10 on 10 game going on the x-ball feild, i hear someone yell paintcheck so i run over and look at him quick, dont see any paint so i say "where at" and the guy puts up his gun and walks to the sidelines. im like dude i wasnt calling you out i was asking where you got shot... and hes like oh they told us not to argue with the refs...

another i was reffing later that day, on the x-ball feild still, the rec players are running low on paint and me and my buddy are bored out of our minds, a couple guys get shot out and i go hey kid lemme see that rental, and run into the game shooting at the other team. that was some good times.

11-23-2004, 06:45 PM

mask ON plugs IN....thats about it..there not too ahrd to follow

oh yeah....LISTEN TO THE REFS!! :mad: there there for YOUR safety and protection.

if only it were so easy... :cry: But oh well its their fault for that that we don't get to do what we were also meant to do... REF!!!!!!!!!!! NOT BE BABYSITTERS MAKING SURE YOUR SAFE!!!!!!! :argh:

11-23-2004, 07:42 PM
I was reffing a big rec game (15 v 15)And am one of the mid refs. Well I am at this time with my belly to the gound. The game goes and there is the ussual firing from both sides and I get shot like four times, cool its a bunker feild and it might be from bounces. Well I moved and to a position in a more open area. I get shot on the back and head even more. I move again. there is still a lot of ppl on the feild, so i am not really mad. The game is going down it is a 5 v 1 game and I am still getting hit, for like the 40th time. so I run off to the side line, and check all the welts on my body.

My friends know I was getting hit and find the guy who was doing it. My friends got me really pissed saying he was bragging on and on about he was shooting to the ref and the stupid ref did nothing to stop it. They ask if he would be down for a one on one and says yeah. He walks to the other side of the field and waits to see his challenger, ME. :mad:

Well I lit this guy up real good. :D revenge is so sweet.

11-23-2004, 08:17 PM
ever tried to pull two guys away from each other when one has a not yet released shocker (chainsaw), and the other guy with a finely tuned RT tippy? not real fun, mostly because the guy with the shocker was following the rules (10 ft surreneder rule) but was the one that was going crazy and making threats to everybody (in cluding me). the other guy did lose his temper a bit, but they didn't fight mainly because i was in the middle (tad bit bigger, and a whole lot younger than both of them).

i could easily load this thread with about 3 pages of funny, 4 of just stupid BS, and 7 with why i now believe every Darwin Award is true...

11-23-2004, 08:56 PM
Me and another guy are reffing a birthday group...

Father comes up and says, "I have a problem with the reffing. It seems that the refs are calling the players out for no reason. They called my son _____ out, and he wasn't hit."
(flip over son's gun to see 3 hopper hits)
"And they called this girl out when it bounced."
"Well, I'm sorry, I guess it was an accident...."
Girl speaks up, "Well, actually I called myself out."

Father walks away.

11-23-2004, 09:04 PM
Im playing the other day, just fooling around its 3 on 3 and I take a spot in the back stand up. Im normally a front player and know the other team will be looking for me, so I post out and get good aim down one tape, just waiting. A ref walks out and I get him. Now I yell to me team. I got (ref's name) I got... over and over. A moment later I snap shoot out the other side and accidently gog another ref. I gogged (ref) I gogged... Now Im moving up the field and in a bunker near the first ref I shot. I've lost count so I call back to my team. How many left how many left. I'm told 1 so Im like alright. The ref I shot first looks at me laughing. He tells me hes counting refs I shot... theres still all three left... :D

Loud Tim
11-23-2004, 09:29 PM
ok heres one
reffing division 1 xball at the northeast open. nicki vegas from excessive gets shot and proceeds to play on and pull a run through. my buddy sees the paint break, jumps in frot of him and spears him to the ground before he can play on it was awsome

11-23-2004, 10:00 PM
Now how many people can say they sacked Nicki Vegas in the name of reffing?

11-23-2004, 10:32 PM
I've been reffing since the early 90's, luckily it's been mostly smaller woods-games with plenty of Noobs & younger players who actually have some respect for the "Zebra-shirt" :)

Been the "Head-Ref" at our little rec field since day-one, mostly corporate groups and B-day parties so pretty easy-going crowds. After the owner is done with his rules schpeal all I normally have to say is "The Refs are here for safety reasons foremost, play honorable and the game will work itself out".

I've been lit up so many times it's not even funny :p Crusing throught the brush doing the "Ref Walking" every foot, they still seem to like to jump out and shoot the crap outa me... they are always real appologetic and I know it's not on purpose... but some people's kids... I don't know :confused:

I can't even begin to account for how many times I've "Fixed" the marker by pulling the bolt back. (Old-School)Pump players stacking 15 rounds down the barrel forgetting to pull the trigger. The "this gun don't work" and you open the hopper and see grass, gravel, sticks, stones... plus 20 broken balls all jammed in. The "every ball breaks" so I twist the barrel 1/16 to seat it back in. "This doesn't shoot straight" as paint dripps from every port and out the end of the barrel. Players saying the paint is Crap, then they confess they "picked up some off the ground" which happened to be from a month ago. "The paint keeps breaking" and there is grass and dirt hanging out the muzzle. "How much time left ref", ahhh time for you to buy a watch. "Hey Ref, who's side is that guy on" All I can do is laugh.... It goes on and on! :rofl:

Reffing Scenario:

"Hey ref, where's our objective?" me: Have you read your mission card? "Card... there's a card?"
"Hey Ref, how much time left in this mission" (same answer as above) ;) Time for you to buy a watch.
Demo player arguing that his "blast radius" from his LAW took out a Helo.... Ahhhhh sorry sir but the Helo is in the AIR, you hit the ground 10' short... you kinda need to at least put it through the players on the craft or better yet hit one.
Another Helo story, Demo runs out and throws a satchel into the pilots arms... Sorry man, the helo is in the AIR, unless you can throw a satchel to 3000 feet or so, it's still flying :rolleyes:

One nasty night:
Night game, we had the village lit up (using a generator) with a few street style lights and some motion detector lights. One team in the Vil defending, the other attacking. Game barely begins and a ref starts screaming to stop the game, the field owner (Rich) was reffing and dropped... other ref thought he was having a heart attack! Turns out some kid in one of the buildings point-blanked him in the jewels as he walked by (no way the "enemy" could have been in the area yet). I NEVER have reffed since without the soft-cup in place!

Now on to the "flip" side... me playing.

Went to play a field before we were going to play our first tourney there to check it out. (waaay before sup-air/hyper-ball fields) Ended up playing rec but at least they let my team stick together, only after we agreed to let everyone else play against the 7 of us. Playing a woods field we split 2 high 3 middle and 2 low with me and a mate going low. My wingman gets hit so I hang tight. Happen to be slightly below the playing field along a river bank. I start the old-school crawl trying for a back-door. I get to about what nowdays is considered the "50" and take a peek. Even with the oppositon but as I do the "peek", a Ref is nice enough to POINT ME OUT to my adversarys! I tuck in tight expecting to get rolled, a few rounds fly in my direction and nothing.... Hmmmm I crawl a few more yards down the bank and peek again, now I'm behind the opposition. Same kindly ref says "Guys, he's right there" pointing me out again! This must have been the biggest crowd of newbies ever cuz luckily for me they ignore the Ref for the most part. I'm getting a bit PO'd by this time. Another bonus for me is my mates are pouring it on in a frontal assualt and keeping the opposition occupied. I get almost to the back tape and do another peek, the Ref is laughing and pointing but the newbs aren't paying attention thanks to my bros coming in strong head-on. I get the ultimate "back-door", I occupy the huge dirt bunker that the opposition started from and they ALL are right in front of me, spread out in a skirmish line. I start screaming "surrender", again they don't react... finaly one turns around and the "Oh-SHT" gets the others attention. I surrender about 15, had to shoot the last 3 because they wouldnt "take the hit" and tried to run up the hillside (into my 2 top guys anyway).

I spoke with the ref, his excuse was "you guys are kicking A anyway" ? :cry:

11-23-2004, 11:56 PM
I'm sure Mark remembers this one.
Game begins, Mark, Dustin, Colin, and I hang back, watch walk ons shoot at each other.
I offer my services for a dead man's walk.
Colin, Dustin, Mark agree, and ecourage idea.
I slumped my shoulders, lower head, and both arms, never calling myself out, or holding my marker up
I walk 150 behind the other team, while encountering a ref, I tell her that I am exercising a Dead man's walk. She does not interfere, and nods.
I have no arm band on, signifying that I am the opposing team.
I mingle with the other team's members (two of them, I give them each a,'Hey, Sup dude?')
I turn, Shoot ten people
Only nine are eliminated, as one bounced. The guy asked if it broke, I was honest and said no, he continued playing.
The Remaining nie players are pretty pissed off at me.
Keep in in mind I sent only ONE ball to each player, and all in the back.
They protest, claim that I am cheating.
The Ref, being new, Panics, pulls me off the field.
I walk back down to Colin, Dustin, Mark.
They cheer, I explain the Ref said I was cheating.
Sorrow insues.
Minutes later, Colin, Dustin, Mark, etc are bunkered.
Bunkering is against the Field rules in Walk-on play.
A Dead man's walk is not against the rules.
Ref does nothing after I alert her.
I am mad.

The real question, why did you do a dead mans walk in rec ball....

11-24-2004, 12:04 AM
The real question, why did you do a dead mans walk in rec ball....

Because it was fun. What do you care?

11-24-2004, 01:20 AM
ive found a way that works well with younger players on the masks... i tell them that the ball can push their eyeball up into their head and then they are dead, thats it dead. they still dont listen. i remember i had one kid i hear one of my refs yell get your mask on as my brother pops up and shoots this kid. the same kid we were yelling out he hits the ground. i go running with a fractured wrist jump over a dug out bunker maybe clearing 8-10 feet since it sat on hill slam my wrist into the ground get up to the kid out of breath hes crying and says i got shot ontop my head. then he exclaims that he never had his mask off i guess we were seeing things but i was po'd!! and hurting.

another fun one was im reffing a night game standing on hill with some kids. all the time i yelling ref!! ref!! i look at these kids i was up there to make sure if they got hit i would see it.. i remember seeing his eyes light up like he saw a ghost, and thinking this is going to hurt blam he shots me right in my side. it knocked me back a few feet and i feel to the ground all the while helling im a ref god dang it. the next game i end up killing their side. only to have a kid from my team shooting at me at the end.. i ran up to him shoved my barrel in his face said im on your team and your dead anyway.. he looks at me and says "there is no way i didnt hit you!" i polietly look over and said your out of paint and were shooting blanks at me!

theres more but those were the best.

11-24-2004, 02:00 AM
ive found a way that works well with younger players on the masks... i tell them that the ball can push their eyeball up into their head and then they are dead, thats it dead. they still dont listen. i remember i had one kid i hear one of my refs yell get your mask on as my brother pops up and shoots this kid. the same kid we were yelling out he hits the ground. i go running with a fractured wrist jump over a dug out bunker maybe clearing 8-10 feet since it sat on hill slam my wrist into the ground get up to the kid out of breath hes crying and says i got shot ontop my head. then he exclaims that he never had his mask off i guess we were seeing things but i was po'd!! and hurting.

Hmm. i'll remember that... would only use it for the kids that are no taller than 4 feet and/or have runny noses.

Also, while its a thread about reffing. Anyone have any ideas or things they do that make the workplace fun? like playing with the other refs with squirt guns or water bottles on field, 'hacking' a ball off of masks, and my favorite eating paint outa the bag. :cool:

11-24-2004, 05:13 PM
Because it was fun. What do you care?

Maybe because they are very stupid in rec ball? Dead mans walk ruins the game in rec ball where everyone is having fun and trying to play as most as possible, and if you need to do a dead mans walk in rec ball to win...just says something about your playing skills.

11-24-2004, 07:10 PM
ok i have one really good story to tell about me refing in the woods one day. so this girl shows up at the begining of the day and it is her first time and i asked her why she was in this group with all this expirenced player and she said that one is my boyfriend. i am like darn at least i tryed. so i watch her troughout the day and the most she ever fires is about 10 rounds a game. then we get to the last game in the woods and she was tired to she decided that she would sit in back and wait for them to come to her. two very good players that i know came around me and stuff looking for her so i walked away not making it obvious. then she knew they were there so she got up and shot them both in the back and it was just great. that just made her day.

then i have had so many kid call me over and ask me why there gun doesn't work so i alway take the gun and check the bolt and then the hopper. this time the kid was picking up balls that have been laying around and had obsorbed water and where like the size of .987 it was just so funny to poor them out

Thunder Bunny
11-24-2004, 09:26 PM
My brother and I just started going to a new field a few months ago, and so far we like it. However, about two weeks ago, we had an unfavorable incident with a ref. [we were down to 2v2 at this point in the game] Chemical X was on the other team, and the other side of the field. He comes walking out of the little office thing, kinda like a dead mans walk. I see him an am like WTF? till he starts running. I begin to shoot, so does my teammate. Chem drops and slides across the floor, calling for a paintcheck. He was clean, but the ref called him out anyway. His reason was that Chem had nowhere to go [not true] and was going to get shot anyway. Jeeze, if you're going to call people out bcause they're "going to get shot" then why not flip a coin and see who wins that way?

11-24-2004, 11:53 PM
My favorites are people who watch the refs go for paint checks. Our head ref knows one of the guys is watching us really close to see where we are going to do paint checks. We run a hybrid field and get some players that are really good at staying hidden. So the head ref walks over to the one bunker makeing sure the guys watching him and does the "semicircle walk" of a paintcheck, crouching low and makeing it look really good. Anyway, no more than 10 seconds later the guys lighting up a empty bunker and we're all standing around laughing while the enemy team lights him up.