View Full Version : Leaky hoses (micro or macroline)

11-05-2001, 05:39 PM
Hey, do any of you micro or macro users experience tiny leaks sometimes when you gas up? Then you gas down, and gas up again and its gone?
I think my RT has microlines, they are pretty thin.
Not sure tho...

11-05-2001, 06:23 PM
I did with Macro line, that's part of the reason I switched to stainless steel.

11-05-2001, 06:25 PM
If you have enough slack in the line, try clip'n the end off of microline and clean out the connector fitting. May be gunked up. Also, you can try to use a plyers and make sure the line is as round as it can be and not chewed up where it goes into the fitting. good luck.

11-05-2001, 10:00 PM
My micro did that a little, when I had the hose too short.

Try to keep as little pressure pulling on it as possible. Get as much hose as you can inside the fitting by jamming it all the way in...hehehe.

It won't leak if there is enough hose in there.

Also, cut the ends of the line as square as possible, clean it up with an x-acto knife if you need to.
If you do it right, you won't have any leaks at all. You can test this with soapy water on the fitting. Check for bubbles when you gas it up.