View Full Version : Do the Indians celebrate Thanksgiving ?

11-25-2004, 07:05 PM
I would be willing to bet not.

We Americans have so much to be Thankful to them for. When our ancestors landed at Plymouth , they were pretty much in deep water. When the Indians bailed them out , cold and hungry , do you think they realized they had just put the nail in their societies coffin ?

Lets not forget who we REALLY owe this thanks to....and many apologies too !

11-25-2004, 08:33 PM
The American indians hate Thanksgiving and what it stands for. You have to remember, the first settlers stumbled upon a friendly group of indians. These Indians never thought that this small group of settlers were going to turn into hundreds of thousands settlers taking all of their land.

We think of this day as the conception of America. The indians think of it as the beginning of the end of their culture.

11-25-2004, 08:49 PM
And the end of themselves as a people. The diseases brought over killed about 90% of the Indian population over time.

11-25-2004, 08:52 PM
Hmm, the Pilgrams may have had a feast, before the second winter because alot died in the first winter. The Indians helped them that spring to get ready for that second winter. It appears George Washington started Thanksgiving to thank God for helping get this nation going and for being able to live here with the government he helped form. http://www.night.net/thanksgiving/kwash-11.html

11-25-2004, 11:41 PM
Hmm, the Pilgrams may have had a feast, before the second winter because alot died in the first winter. The Indians helped them that spring to get ready for that second winter. It appears George Washington started Thanksgiving to thank God for helping get this nation going and for being able to live here with the government he helped form. http://www.night.net/thanksgiving/kwash-11.html

Nice job, you beat me to it... More people need to realize that our history books don't always tell the whole truth...

11-25-2004, 11:46 PM
Lincoln was also the one who made the last Thursday of November the national holiday. It was done during the civil war (during or just after Gettysburg) as a way to try and unify the states. Many sourtherners after the war did not celebrate Thanksgiving.

11-26-2004, 12:07 AM
man someone always has to ruin perectly great holidays with junk like this. Why don't you be thankful you haven't had your lights punched out yet. bah

11-26-2004, 12:15 AM
Umm...ok..I don't get it.

This is the history of the holiday. Nothing is ruined.

This would be like someone asking if the Jewish celebrate Christmas. Because they do not, it doesn't take anything away from the holiday.

11-26-2004, 12:32 AM
Lincoln was also the one who made the last Thursday of November the national holiday.
Actually, until 1941, the exact date was set by the President, though tradition held that it would be the last Thursday of November. In 1939, FDR proclaimed the second to the last Thursday as Thanksgiving, prompting significant public outrage. Just after Pearl Harbor, Congress made the fourth Thursday of November the official day of Thanksgiving.

11-26-2004, 05:46 AM
The American indians hate Thanksgiving and what it stands for. You have to remember, the first settlers stumbled upon a friendly group of indians. These Indians never thought that this small group of settlers were going to turn into hundreds of thousands settlers taking all of their land.

We think of this day as the conception of America. The indians think of it as the beginning of the end of their culture.

Wow, aint that funny? Cause every native I know celebrates thanksgiving.
Ain't it funny how some people can turn a time of reflection and thankfullness into a political bs schpeel.

11-26-2004, 08:54 AM
Wow, aint that funny? Cause every native I know celebrates thanksgiving.
Ain't it funny how some people can turn a time of reflection and thankfullness into a political bs schpeel.

If that was directed at me as in, I made an untrue comment just for some sort of political agenda, do a quick search.


That is just one of MANY websites.

My question, how many native Americans do you know? What tribe or region are they from? DO they celebrate their heritage?

11-26-2004, 09:22 AM
Don't really care!

I had my Turkey! :clap:

11-26-2004, 09:41 AM
I can't really see the reason why a few posters feel inclined to "flame" this post as "political BS" . Unfortunately it isn't BS at all.

We REALLY do owe the Indians our thanks for being in this country. Regardless of the inevitability of it.....they helped our ancestors out. Then the settlers decendants took no measure of this graciousness in their relation with the American Indians and their rights to their own lands.

So while we are all at Grannys house grubbing down and thinking about Xmas shopping , what we should really be thinking about is the fact that we screwed a native people out of their land , stole and lied to them in return for their good will. Instead of just the milemarker at which its ok to put up lights and start the mad dash of greed and commercialism that is Xmas today , we should all be offering some tribe(s) our most profound apologies for the wrongs commited by our forefathers.....AMONG the other things we ALL have to be thankful for.

11-26-2004, 11:59 AM
Many North American natives aren't happy about the history of the past 500 years, but we have to live in the world we have.

If you think Thanksgiving is all about white men giving thanks for a new home North America, that's a bit offensive to natives. The same way as Irish catholics find protestant marches on 'the Glorious Twelfth' to be an offensive reminder of a past defeat. Maybe some thought for the natives would be in order. We lost a continent by trying to be nice to European refugees.

But most people (white and native alike) see Thanksgiving as an opportunity to gather with family and friends and give thanks for all our blessings. Good health, prosperity, etc.. There's nothing offensive about that, to anyone.

11-26-2004, 12:33 PM
I can't really see the reason why a few posters feel inclined to "flame" this post as "political BS" . Unfortunately it isn't BS at all.

We REALLY do owe the Indians our thanks for being in this country. Regardless of the inevitability of it.....they helped our ancestors out. Then the settlers decendants took no measure of this graciousness in their relation with the American Indians and their rights to their own lands.

So while we are all at Grannys house grubbing down and thinking about Xmas shopping , what we should really be thinking about is the fact that we screwed a native people out of their land , stole and lied to them in return for their good will. Instead of just the milemarker at which its ok to put up lights and start the mad dash of greed and commercialism that is Xmas today , we should all be offering some tribe(s) our most profound apologies for the wrongs commited by our forefathers.....AMONG the other things we ALL have to be thankful for.

there weren't a "few" posters callng this BS. It is a controversial topic AND it's history. Why not worry about the ozon hole or something CURRENT. The only reason anyone would bring this up is to stir up some trouble. Man this board is so much like PBN it's not even funny. We we to find flambo and get him and Andy to start up a new board for us "normal" ppl again.

11-26-2004, 12:36 PM
there weren't a "few" posters callng this BS. It is a controversial topic AND it's history. Why not worry about the ozon hole or something CURRENT. The only reason anyone would bring this up is to stir up some trouble. Man this board is so much like PBN it's not even funny. We we to find flambo and get him and Andy to start up a new board for us "normal" ppl again.

uummkay....... :rolleyes:

11-26-2004, 12:40 PM
Also, just for the record. I appresiate what the natives did for the first settlers. But keep in mind it wasn't the settlers that conquored the west. As long as there have been humans there have been ppl who get rich on other ppls misfortune. When I celebrate thanksgiving I'm giving thanks for what I have and I rememeber the early settlers, NOT what happnened between then and now. If you want to destroy a perfectly GOOD holiday with irrelevant talk like this then it' your problem. I for one find it RUDE that ONE person feels the need to tell us why we celebrate holidays.

11-26-2004, 12:40 PM
uummkay....... :rolleyes:

welcom to my ignor list

11-26-2004, 01:57 PM
I for one find it RUDE that ONE person feels the need to tell us why we celebrate holidays.

I am not telling you why to celebrate the holiday.....just rambling about what I feel is an important consideration. Don't take it too seroiusly , I get rather grumpy around the "holidays" anyway.

11-26-2004, 02:53 PM
I know it's the wrong "Indian", but around here you can get tandoori turkey for the holiday season. :)


11-26-2004, 03:06 PM
How in god's name is a historical fact "flamebait?"

Also, bornl33t, history is more important than you could ever imagine. Also, learn to spell. Grammar, too! It's not that hard to type the word out...

It's history, yes. Yet history is not unimportant. So get your head out of your rear, as you are the only one starting with the flamebait.

An appology to all as I took the bait..........

11-26-2004, 03:30 PM
we screwed a native people out of their land , stole and lied to them in return for their good will.
Don't make the mistake of lumping all of the "we"s and "they"s into monolithic blocks. The various tribes are too numerous and their motivations too varied to put them in the same pigeon hole.

Some helped the early settlers out of kindness. Others did so out of pure greed, hoping that an alliance with the settlers meant they could successfully destroy their traditional enemies. Others allied to protect their land from whichever tribe dominated the area.

Don't make it sound as though The Indians all sang Cumbaya around the camp fire prior to The White Man.

11-26-2004, 03:44 PM
My question, how many native Americans do you know? What tribe or region are they from? DO they celebrate their heritage?[/QUOTE]

Considering I am surronded by the Crow,Fort Berthold, and Fort Belknap reservations.
Crow being right in my backyard. I won't count how many I know. Most are Crow, but I out here we have all kinds. From Blackfeet to Souix to Crow to Asiniboine to Nez Perce to Chinook the list kinda goes on.
I work as a bartender so I meet alot of people in my day and I can honestly say I have never met an indian that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. And almost everyone I have met is very proud of his/her heritage and have no problem telling me.
And then you throw up someones website as evidence of what? I could search the web and throw up activists websites all day. The only thing that would prove is that I can find alot of wackos.
Does this make history right? No. Does this list give me any credential? No, your questions are a bit loaded.
But how about just takeing the holiday for its spirit and just be THANKFUL that we have the ability to argue on the internet.

11-26-2004, 04:09 PM
Edit: I am not going to stoop to your level. We'll leave it at that.

11-26-2004, 05:06 PM
This all happened over 200 Years ago. I bet you all want reperations for slavery too? :rolleyes:

Guess what, it is history. Let it go. My family came to this country in the late 1800's. So I guess we should be immune from reperations since we were not here yet! :rolleyes: Indians were already toast then too, so I guess I am guilt free! Oh wait, no I'm not.....I'm Catholic! ;)