View Full Version : fair trade?

The Action Figure
11-25-2004, 11:10 PM
his gun and tank for my mag


11-25-2004, 11:13 PM
id keep the mag

11-25-2004, 11:17 PM
Ditto, that's a really sharp lookin micro.


11-25-2004, 11:17 PM
id keep the mag
yea,i traded my mag for a cocker,worst thing ive EVER done in my life.

11-25-2004, 11:19 PM
Ditto. The mag is a lot nicer set up than the cocker. The cocker appears to be bone stock cept for the barrel. That micro is a lot nicer than a stock 03.

11-25-2004, 11:21 PM
stay wit da MAG :cool:

11-25-2004, 11:28 PM
Ditto. The mag is a lot nicer set up than the cocker. The cocker appears to be bone stock cept for the barrel. That micro is a lot nicer than a stock 03.

I would agree with keeping the mag, but it does appear that the cocker has Orracle pneumatics and a swing frame has replaced the stock slider... Also looks like an '02 body, the '03s had some extra milling...

11-25-2004, 11:31 PM
mag-few moving parts
cocker-1.5 billion moving parts

keep the mag, you will regret it. by the way, i thought micro mags were vert feed :confused:

11-25-2004, 11:38 PM
Without a doubt, keep the mag.

11-25-2004, 11:58 PM
Just the thought of you considering trading your mag for that er brings tears to my eyes man. Keep the mag, that er isnt worthy.

11-26-2004, 12:13 AM
alot of cocker guys say cockers are great, no maintence, but they just say it so that they dont look like idiots .

*ducking for incomming flames*

atleast tahts how i feel about cockers, and the ones ive owned.

11-26-2004, 12:39 AM
Like pretty much everyone has stated most deff stay with the mag. Unless you really want to try something new out.

11-26-2004, 02:52 AM
That is a very nice mag. I would keep it if I were you. That cocker is kind of ugly if you ask me.

11-26-2004, 01:14 PM
Orracle pneums and a Black Magic trigger frame do not an uber Cocker make... Now the Micromag... yeah, that's a really sharp looking piece, I'd keep it simply from an asthetic point of view if nothing else.

I am a Cocker owner and I will say "They great, low maintinance guns" (translation - THey're great after you spend the time to time them after a rebuild and they decide suddenly that they reeeeeeally don't like you. Though the old addage applies to the Cocker, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.") I've had a mixed bag of great days and horrible days with the AC, something usually breaks when I don't want it to. The thing that remains though, the AC is definately no where near the "Low Maintinance" of my Mag.

11-26-2004, 02:06 PM
yea,i traded my mag for a cocker,worst thing ive EVER done in my life.
want to trade lives?

i have to agree with everyone else, that mag is much better than that cocker.

11-26-2004, 02:41 PM
Unless you are really tired of the micro and you really want a cocker, I wouldn't trade. You should be able to pick up a cocker like that for less than $300 on ebay if you look around for a while, if you are wanting a cocker to fool around with that is.

11-26-2004, 07:18 PM
i will say this, and im not trying to get anyone mad or anything, but mags arent the all time greatest guns in the world. now i didnt say that they were horrible, they are awsome guns, but they require just as much matenince (dont know if i spelled that right) as a ac does. when you think aobut it they really do, and untuned mag is just like an untimed ac. they both require some time to fix but when they are fixed to perform properly they are both very very good markers. and mags are gas hogs but have less problems, ac are very good with gas but also have a few more problems then a mag does. so the ac for the mag really isnt a bad trade, it basically depends on which is worth more, other wise i think it is a pretty fair trade.

11-26-2004, 07:52 PM
i will say this, and im not trying to get anyone mad or anything, but mags arent the all time greatest guns in the world. now i didnt say that they were horrible, they are awsome guns, but they require just as much matenince (dont know if i spelled that right) as a ac does. when you think aobut it they really do, and untuned mag is just like an untimed ac. they both require some time to fix but when they are fixed to perform properly they are both very very good markers. and mags are gas hogs but have less problems, ac are very good with gas but also have a few more problems then a mag does. so the ac for the mag really isnt a bad trade, it basically depends on which is worth more, other wise i think it is a pretty fair trade.
i will agree that mags arent the best guns in the world, but they definately dont require anywhere near the maintenance of an autococker. when i got my mag, after a few days of play it started leaking down the barrel, and i fixed that in a short ammount of time by changing the carrier. i have played around with the ULT and the tension on the rear grip frame screw to get the trigger how i like it, and i will admit that i have created a few problems from not knowing what i am doing (and a bit from faulty information on the internet... damn you warpig!! :mad: ) my friend also bought a mag, and hasnt touched it since he got it, except to install the intellifeed. his mag works fine, not a single problem. he has never even taken it apart.

on the other hand, i also have two friends who have autocockers. one has had a fair ammount of problems, and has missed a few games trying to get it to work. the other has had so many problems he has missed more games than he has played. his gun (a system x knock off autococker) has broken down nearly every time he plays, and it takes forever to fix it. one day he missed the first 3 games because he couldnt get the velocity under 280. he missed most of his own birthday party with gun problems. he had both technical problems with velocity, recocking, leaking, timing, etc. and problems with just bad materials (his ASA screw got stuck, and then broke in half, aftermarket grips dont line up, just everything on it is low quality) this friend is now in the process of purchasing an automag, after trying mine.

so from what i have seen, mags are far more reliable, easier to deal with, and are higher quality, especially over knock off cockers, and they are also much faster.

and, anyway, the value of that mag is much more than that autococker.

11-26-2004, 10:31 PM
OK, aftet reading the ABOVE post i must say this
*insert bashing System X rant here*

ok, now thats thats taken care of you people are giving out FAULTY INFORMATION
im not saying all of you, but some of you saying cockers are UNREALIABLE etc. need to stop
if you are telling a PERSONAL experience then good,but no HE SAID, SHE SAID CRAP
ok, now, back on topic i like mags
my friend got a Ule Custom and i really liked the way it shot,
it was rather slow for my taste, and with my MECH 2k3 (alittle more upped then the one showed).....(ok, alot more upped, but thats besides the point) i was still able to outshoot the mag easily, and making accurate shots all the time, but the only way to come near that speed on the mag was to comb the trigger, wich caused some serious accuracy problems!

i like the looks of mags, i like the look of cockers, you can find a very unique mag, u can find ay unique cocker, THEY ARE BOTH BEAUTIFUL MARKERS!!!
i, however am more of a cocker person, mostly just because i like the feel of shooting one, the little bit of kick that the cocker has + the movement of the backblock just mezmerizes me!! (sp?) 2 WORDS: PERSONAL PREFERENCE!!!!

i hate it when people trash cockers OR mags, and i stand up for either in any case, because i have had good experiences with both, BUT i have also had bad experiences with both
yes, i had trouble with my cocker, just like my friend had trouble with his mag
his trigger pull is the main problem, and its quite hard to adjust a mag, the way almost all the mostion is put in the bolt is a good thing, but it can also cause some serious problems
(i refer to when it comes time to adjust it)
and i still dont understand the whole idea behind shims and such inside the mag
but cockers are very easily adjusted, and IF adjusted CORRECTLY
they will work FOREVER!!!(with proper maintnence)
thats right FOREVER!!! :wow:

OK, yes, i underd i am overestimating a bit, but my point is, a cocker will NOT untime itself
there is no way to the most thta can happen is the cocking rod can come unscrewed (ive had that problem with my eblade) but unless you FRICKEN mess with it, it will be FINE!!!

alittle bit of maintnence is required for ALL markers, no matter how much, cockers may need a bit more than mags (lubing 3 way once a year, WIPING AROUND THE PNEUS :wow: , you know, the unexplainable, horribly hard things that must be done...) BUT when it comes down to it, on the feild they will both rock your world

ok, well i believe my job is done here, and please kiddies, keep it clean :p


EDIT: o yes, and a point i forgot to make, you all must remember, the trade is the mag for the cocker AND tank....
i feel it is a pretty equal trade, although WITH the tank, id keep the cocker :rofl: :dance: :headbang:

11-26-2004, 11:04 PM
ok what i said wasnt just some "well i heard someone on the internet say that his friends brother..." bs, my friend owns a system x cocker and has had many problems with it since the day he got it, and ive been there most of the time to see it. maybe you can atribute some of the problems to user error, im not exactly sure because i wasnt the one working on it (most of the time), but my other friend who can get his cocker to work most of the time cannot do anything with it, and the refs or other players at the field cannot either. in fact they even say they have had similar experiences. also, even if some things are user error, you cant escape the fact that the screws break, threading strips, the thing leaks and the holes in the grip dont line up. and i am not saying that cockers are really unreliable, but i am saying that system x cockers are poorly made, and cockers in general are more complex and require more care.

and also, it doesnt sound very convincing if you just say "geeze" and then move on, is there any reason that you think system x is a good company? i have seen one good product they made, an on/off asa, but from what i have seen their cockers are low quality rip-offs.

11-27-2004, 01:07 AM
If you like to tinker, get the cocker. If you actually want to play, keep the Mag.

11-27-2004, 03:26 AM
:mad: :cuss: dang u guys really hurt me and i mean dang if u were having bad thoughts about talk to me dont put it up to all of AO to flame me on "O O O I REALLY LOVED THE ONE ABOUT IT BEING BONE STOCK BUT THE BARREL ID LOVE TO SLAP U WITH MY 12" BARREL BUDDY" and some people who cant under stand cocker and/or arnt smart enuff to mess with them yes i will say they take a lot of work. "O AND IT BEING UGLY IF U MIGHT SAY" well let me see ur gun i like green and chrome and my gun has lots of it. its just all really what u like and that gives u no room to judge my gun over his yes ill stand here(sit here) today and tell u yes he does havea a hot mag im not gonna lie i just have 3 cockers and was looking to trade off one of them for a mag to try something diff..no hard feeling to any of u guys odds are ill proble be doing deals with most of u in the future so have a good nite or day what ever it is out there and hey im still here with my cocker to trade for a mag...lol nite all :dance: ..how can u be mad with a dancing banana in this post it just lights my day up.. :dance:

Scott Hudnall
11-27-2004, 08:57 AM
I ended up turning my old 'cocker into a sniper pump, got my pump kit through WWA. My old 'cocker was an old Danny Love project, but after years of working great, it finally starting having problems and I just got sick and tired of messin' with it to get it working......so it's now a pump. No timing problems now....hmmmmmmm.

11-27-2004, 12:12 PM
Just think of it this way. If you parted out the 'mag, you could probably buy his setup or something better than his setup. If you had his cocker, and sold it in it's entirity or parted it out, you wouldn't be able to get the 'mag you have now.

In the end, you should trade for what feels best to you. If you've never owned a cocker or shot one before, try one out before you switch. They do have their issues and quirks, like not being able to tuck close the same way you can with a mag. Some people prefer cockers, some people prefer mags, some people prefer spyders - just go with what you like and what you can feel confident in fixing if it breaks.

11-27-2004, 12:38 PM
he sold me his old 03...dude...just remember...why did you sell that? do you like it better than your mag? i personally say cockers are too much work (i have one though) but i love them...but ive never used a mag so i have no idea...use you own preference man.

11-27-2004, 05:10 PM
just wanted to say, slade, that wasnt directed at you, but everyone who speaks up and only preaches crap
i found your post very appropriate
hehe, yay :dance:
i agree about ze bannana!