View Full Version : Sam & Max Sequel Petition

11-27-2004, 12:11 AM
Well, for anybody that has played the old game Sam & Max Hit the Road, I thought you guys might be interested in this. There was going to be a sequel made by LucasArts, but production was halted before the release date. So, I stumbled upon a petition that was started very recently (few minutes a go, by a friend of mine). I signed it, and I was hoping that all of you guys could sign it as well. I know a lot of you will point out that there is no way it will help at all and is a waste of time, but please take just a minute to sign it. All you need is a name and email address.

The URL is here: http://www.petitiononline.com/sammaxaa/petition.html


11-27-2004, 12:18 AM
damn man you're a little behind the power curve, this news is months old. Me, I'm more of a Monkey Island/Armed and Dangerous/Jedi Knight fan when it come to LucasArts.

11-27-2004, 12:25 AM
damn man you're a little behind the power curve, this news is months old. Me, I'm more of a Monkey Island/Armed and Dangerous/Jedi Knight fan when it come to LucasArts.

Nah, I knew about it but was in denial :p. Yeah, I love monkey island as well, but that has already had serveral sequels :D. I just stumbled upon the site and reccomended that my friend make a petition, so he/we did. Please sign it though, as I think it was an awesome game with a lot of great memories from my childhood (spent in front of my trusty Win95/DOS 386 Computer).

11-27-2004, 10:37 AM
No not DOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

11-27-2004, 09:11 PM
Didn't the guys working on Sam & Max quit LucasArts and make their own company? I remember them saying something about it on TSS awhile back.

On a side note, Sam & Max Hit the Road is the best game of all time.

11-27-2004, 09:14 PM
could someone give me a brief overview of sam & max hit the road and why there is a petition against a sequel.

11-27-2004, 09:26 PM
could someone give me a brief overview of sam & max hit the road and why there is a petition against a sequel.

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Okay, you obviously didn't read the petition...

The petition is FOR a Sam & Max sequel. Sam & Max was a game that was made in 1993 about two private eyes named Sam & Max. Sam & Max are a dog and "rabbity thing," respectively. It was pretty much a graphic adventure type of thing, and it was hilarious. I strongly reccomend that you try and get your hands on a copy if it will run on any current machines. I was only a kid when it came out, but I remember laughing histerically nonetheless. Sam & Max Hit the Road was one of the first video games I ever played and, to this date, one of the best (and I, being into gaming and such, have played Halo 2, Halflife 2, Doom 3, UT2k4, and most other "awesome" games).

And WickeDKlowN, I didn't know that, but if you know anything else about it please post it here.

11-27-2004, 11:55 PM

- Goro

11-28-2004, 11:36 AM
they tried this a while back with Full throttle. But there was alot of sceptisism is LA could crank out a sequel and without destroying the romance of it. They started releasing screens and ppl complained that it didn't look at all like the old FT. In fact, everythign was 3D and nothing looked right. And as someone else pointed out, the guy who's brainchild was Full throttle quit LA. LA eventually cancelled the game and all that's left are a few screens here and there.
I HIGHLY doubt there will be a sequel to S&M for the same reasons. It's just not possible to make games the way they used to be. Aside from fans no one would buy them.