View Full Version : A wild untamed experience?

11-27-2004, 01:57 AM
Yesterday, being the busy person I am, I took a chance to walk around our suburban neighborhood for a while. I live in a two story house, on a ridge, on a dead end street. I moved here to kauai 4 years ago, and I have never even had time to enjoy it. There is a big lot across the street from my house. If you were to walk through my front door and straight through the fence, and into the lot, and kept of going, you would walk into some 6 foot elephant grass(Jurassic park was filmed here, and I kind of adopted that name for the tall grass that grows all over the island) and off a steep hill, into a previously untamed valley, with beautiful groves of trees, and a large field with 9 foot elephant grass. it is about 90 feet below our house the bottom rests. There is a ridge on the other side, that we look out and see cows wondering on. There is a fence on the top of the ridge so the cows dont go down into the valley. I had only ventured into it once before in search of my neighbors escaped cockatiel, whom I never did manage to catch. Yesterday, I walked around the corner and up a hill. I live in a ghetto of sorts, even though my street has homes selling for $650,000(two bedroom one bath. YIKES). I looked and saw some small Philipino children playing with toys purchased at walmart, the only place to get paitball stuff on our island besides our one speedball field and one woodsball field. I turned a left, and found a pig trail going through some bushes on the side of the road. feeling adventureous, I took it, and found myself on the ridge across the valley from my house. I could see clearly down into the valley, and low and behold it had been mowed! I ventured down the slope into it, and found myself in an untamed forest, having the only other noises being birds and chirping insects. I looked up, but a long grove of trees blocked my view of any houses.I ventured into some banyan trees, and found it cool and comfortable compared to the 95 degree weather at the top of the ridge. I was astonished that this beautiful place was across the street! I looked up, and saw the elephant grass that was across from my house. The slope to it was nice and gradual, with some nice roots for steps. I looked around, and found plenty of natural wood and dead branches. I went down the valley, and found a fence about a quarter mile down it. I went into it, and was greeted by some foul smelling kids(Goats).I went up the now small hill that used to be a ridge, and hiked across it. I found the end of my street, and walked down it till I found my house. I looked across at the elephant grass, and went into my back yard and got some clippers. I went across the street, skirted the grass, and began making a very narrow trail to the center of the grass from the unexposed side. I didnt want anybody walking by to find the trail and tell someone else about it because then everyone on the Island would know, and the pristine beauty would become the next hangout for the Iceheads and crackheads of the neighborhood. I am finishing the trail tomorrow. I am going to build a stealth natural paintball field down there, with natural bunkers. I say stealth, because I dont want it to look man made, because if it looked out of the ordinary, the people who live right on the ridge would go and investigate and find it. Is there any tips anyone can give me for building a natural paintball field? Im going to order some camo netting to set up on the incline of the ridge for an area where anyone whos not playing can rest in peace without having to worry about getting the well known "oops" shot. Some things I have to take into account are the wild boar that live in the valley. I saw some evidence of their presence. Towards the center of the island, they get to be 600+ pounds and about 4 feet tall. They are known to gore people to death, and have killed 45 something people in the last 30 years. its always on the front page of our newspaper when someone is. Anyway, need help. Im going to Invite friends to play down there. My dad is buds with the guy who owns the land, so I dont have to worry. Paintball across the street. Is there anything better?

11-27-2004, 02:05 AM
is there annything better than paintball across the street? yes !!! paintball in your backyard, brothers make good moving targets. have fun with the field.

11-27-2004, 01:52 PM
Where on Kauai. I have a college friend who's family live just outside Lihue and I spent 2 weeks visiting them a couple of years ago so I am wondering where you are so as to better visualize the area you are talking about.

The netting is a good idea, but you'll have to come up with some way to put ti up and take it down, otherwise that in and of itself will be a give away to the existence.

I do think you might have some trouble keeping it secret due to the noise associated with playing, but wish you the best of luck.

11-27-2004, 02:09 PM
thats amazing...sorry i don;t have any advise...but best of luck to you man! Also....WE WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!

11-27-2004, 03:21 PM
I hate you. I want to live there.

actually if i were you, what i would do for the path is anchor a string at the edge of the grass and lead it through to the field, and then start the path partway through. that way no one will be able to find it, unless they see the string and decide to follow it or just randomly walk through the grass.

and yes, i definately second the pictures. it sounds great.

as for the bunkers, you could try piling sticks up, but that still wont look too natural. actually i saw something on warpig a while ago (or maybe it was somewhere else...) about foldable bunkers that you could fit in the backseat of a car. you could try those, it wouldnt be as good as a speedball field but it would work. you could also experiment with other removable bunkers, like maybe tarps that you could tie to trees. or maybe even tires, if you can find a place off to the side where you can put them without anyone noticing.

11-27-2004, 03:35 PM
could the netting be used as bunkers? its just a thought...but how obvious would that netting be? if they were only like 6 ft (the tallest) tall and maybe 3 feet wide....you could use like wooden stakes (some big ones, for the taller bunkers) to anchor them down...or maybe you could find burlap...but i dont know how long that would last....i dont know...maybe you could klill the boar and use it as a bunker also ;)

11-27-2004, 05:48 PM
could the netting be used as bunkers? its just a thought...but how obvious would that netting be? if they were only like 6 ft (the tallest) tall and maybe 3 feet wide....you could use like wooden stakes (some big ones, for the taller bunkers) to anchor them down...or maybe you could find burlap...but i dont know how long that would last....i dont know...maybe you could klill the boar and use it as a bunker also ;)
you can see through the netting, so it wouldnt be that great for bunkers, it would be impossible to bunker someone or hide, there would be no surprise element of the game. and burlap just plain doesnt work, ive tried it before. paintballs go strait through it. maybe you could try burlap bags, filled with leaves/sticks/sand/dirt/whatever.

actually i was thinking it would be very interesting to cut down paths and openings in the grass, and play in a grass maze.

11-27-2004, 11:26 PM
I hate you. I want to live there.

actually if i were you, what i would do for the path is anchor a string at the edge of the grass and lead it through to the field, and then start the path partway through. that way no one will be able to find it, unless they see the string and decide to follow it or just randomly walk through the grass.

and yes, i definately second the pictures. it sounds great.

as for the bunkers, you could try piling sticks up, but that still wont look too natural. actually i saw something on warpig a while ago (or maybe it was somewhere else...) about foldable bunkers that you could fit in the backseat of a car. you could try those, it wouldnt be as good as a speedball field but it would work. you could also experiment with other removable bunkers, like maybe tarps that you could tie to trees. or maybe even tires, if you can find a place off to the side where you can put them without anyone noticing.
Great idea! why didnt I think of that? Anyway, Ill borrow my neighbors digital camera and get some pics of the valley. I live in kapaa, up towards kapahi, a very suburban area, with most of the fields up towards the mountain, except for a select few.Im going to use that camo netting, and the bunkers will be made out of wood and the occasional cheap particleboard for reinforcement spraypainted a dark rusty brown to match the dirt. Ill make it so its easy to put away. Ill use that natural yarn stuff to tie sticks together for the bunkers, and just roll them to the edge of the incline when Im done for the day. Normally it is very loud at the top of the ridge, but at the bottom, it was VERY quiet, and I have no worrys about paintball sounds tiping off the neighbors. The field will be close to the ridge on my side of the valley, so the neighbors wont see it over the groves of banyan trees. I going to be VERY sure nobody leaves ANYTHING down there, so it wont hurn the excellent envoironment. I got to remember my bowie in case a pig shows up tho. That could end up nast if its a sow :wow:

11-30-2004, 01:40 PM
Man, what a beautiful place to live. My wife and I and some friends spent a week on the island in 96. Stayed at the Barking Sands naval base, and hiked around a bit up in the hills. Fantastic. Just have to get used to Spam being considered a type of sushi, and ramen noodles at McDonalds.

12-07-2004, 05:16 PM
ok its been long enough, where are the pics? :D ;)

12-07-2004, 05:18 PM
ya man...were my pics? wanna trade guns? my custom cocka for your beastly led?

12-07-2004, 10:15 PM
Hopefully will have pics by the end of the week. I played paintball down there a couple of days ago for the first time with a friend, and it was cool, except for the fact that about 70 (no exageration) mosquitos swarmed us, forcung us to hike back up the trail for repellent, and then again 5 minutes later to go to the bathroom, and AGAIN after that to get some water, so anyways, it was fun. Send me some specs and a pic of the cocker to [email protected] .

12-07-2004, 10:16 PM

Or im selling...not for $600 though...im probly gonna get close to 450.

12-08-2004, 02:44 AM
wow holy huge paragraph

12-08-2004, 03:03 AM
sorry i couldn't read that.

12-08-2004, 05:23 AM
dumb@$$ go in bushes, wipe with ti leaves if need be. And what moron goes hiking to play paintball in a valley if it's so "wild and untamed" without bringing water :tard: O ya you do.
Tired of getting schooled speed ball and would rather talk about bunkering them on the internet??
LOL :shooting: bang bang

12-08-2004, 05:32 AM
ho big pigs ah. 600 lbs. Thats friggen big. And u think ur bowie will take care of that think if he charges you :rofl: u gonna get mauled :headbang: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
u should think about how big they really are. Have u seen 1 that's"600lbs" :wow:
Shoots :shooting:

12-08-2004, 05:42 AM
as a member of the kauai paintball community, I would like to say that the things Kauai_paintball talks about in no way reflect our views. Most of us are real ballers who play pretty seriously. And come on man, 600 pound pigs? What kind of steroid body builder pigs do you see around?

12-08-2004, 05:53 AM
LOL. she's on some shrooms growing in cow **** in the valley.
All she likes to do is talk shet about all the great things ur gonna get and doing, that aren't close to being true.
Good luck selling a $2 squeegie and $2 pack :rofl:
Shoots :shooting:

12-08-2004, 05:58 AM
not to mention he will "supposedly" buy a Angel Force Speed. claiming to buy a $1000 gun.....psshhh i heard this before. noob for life :headbang:

12-08-2004, 06:00 AM
Ho badass, he's gonna buy all guns over $1000 seems like. and bunker everybody.
:shooting: bang bang

12-08-2004, 06:01 AM
but wait he bunkers choke guys and is one leet balla? ya right :wow:

buying a $1000 gun to play woodsball....um ok?

12-08-2004, 09:32 AM
Ho badass, he's gonna buy all guns over $1000 seems like. and bunker everybody.
:shooting: bang bang

You have cursed in several threads so far. So I am going to issue you a final warning and recomend you read the rules. Otherwise your going to get a ban very soon. We do not allow any cursing and that includes triggering the filter or deliberately avoiding the filter. Its the same thing here and subject to a ban. Fair warning.

12-08-2004, 10:49 AM
This was a nice post that really went down hill. :(

I'm looking forward to the pictures. It sounds like a beutiful area.

12-08-2004, 12:55 PM
Kaui_paintball, I enjoyed the post, the way it was written had me feeling like I was there, and it sounds like you live in a cool area of the world. I don't understand why those kids started bashing your thread. Good luck on your field, and post some pics!

12-08-2004, 01:17 PM
yeah seriously, whats with the sudden surge of idiot noobs on AO?

12-08-2004, 01:23 PM
yeah seriously, whats with the sudden surge of idiot noobs on AO?
Well, we know it is not like PBN suddenly got a conscience.

I too would like to see some pics.

12-08-2004, 02:47 PM
St. Kaye, This is my christmas list, its not much at all. But if you dont buy me these I crush you with a wrecking ball.
I want an X mag all wrapped up in care, delivered by magical elves Who couldnt really care.
An automag RT with a anno quite shiny, and a nice Hair trigger frame to bunker that kid named mikey
A Sydarm to shoot all the enemeys fell, and a big gift Cert. to freeze over hell

What rhymes with "Sponsorship"??? :tard:

im mikey, the one he talked about bunkering. :nono: diz lil fa*got lips off everyday and acts like he's one l33t balla but he is soooo noob and soo fat and white! He lives in hawaii but is FULL ALBINO. and if you ever get the chance to play against him you'll laugh your ***! he's that nOOb...and not to mention fat. so imagine, phat, albino, nOOb who has no coordination; cant get anything more pathetic than this kid. :clap:

12-08-2004, 02:50 PM
im mikey, the one he talked about bunkering. :nono: diz lil fa*got lips off everyday and acts like he's one l33t balla but he is soooo noob and soo fat and white! He lives in hawaii but is FULL ALBINO. and if you ever get the chance to play against him you'll laugh your ***! he's that nOOb...and not to mention fat. so imagine, phat, albino, nOOb who has no coordination; cant get anything more pathetic than this kid. :clap:

What is wrong with you? :confused:

12-08-2004, 03:02 PM
What is wrong with you? :confused:

dont take offense cuz your fat, albino and uncoordinated too :cuss:

12-08-2004, 03:37 PM
ok this is seriously getting out of hand, cphil we need you to make immense stupidity grounds for a ban!!

12-08-2004, 04:17 PM
yes...you come here and bash two people...one i guess you know, and the other a complete stranger, and both fella AOers, shame on you...you arnt the kind of material we are looking for here on AO...like i said before...

12-08-2004, 04:17 PM

12-08-2004, 04:49 PM
ok cphilp can you please ban these kids. nobody needs their trouble. theyve just been causing trouble and pissing people off. they are insulting people too. PLEASE.

12-08-2004, 04:50 PM
one threatened to cut me up... :tard:

12-08-2004, 04:55 PM
ok cphilp can you please ban these kids. nobody needs their trouble. theyve just been causing trouble and pissing people off. they are insulting people too. PLEASE.
actually im starting to think its just one kid, or maybe a few, who created multiple accounts for the purpose of pissing us off...

solution 1: the kid(s) shut up and either post real post or leave

solution 2: a mod bans them

solution 3: we send them the tubgirl pics :p

12-08-2004, 04:55 PM
give me your address tough guy

12-08-2004, 04:57 PM
you arnt worthy of a responce (i know i am responding here...but im just trying to state my point :rolleyes: )

12-08-2004, 04:58 PM
if we ever met up i'd ****ing kill you

12-08-2004, 05:01 PM
Stop. Post real stuff. What thread is this. O the valley 1. Sick ba.
Shoots den

12-08-2004, 05:03 PM
bhizzle...thats not a very nice thing to say :nono:

12-08-2004, 05:05 PM
To have this stopped without banning them and/or pissing them off, just ignore them. Just like a little kid. Getting mad and replying is just refueling their ideas to post a response.

12-08-2004, 05:06 PM
bhizzle...thats not a very nice thing to say :nono:
your 12, and your dad molests you. go play with your dad http://www.angelowners.com/images/smilies/idhitit.gif http://www.angelowners.com/images/smilies/up_yours.gif

12-08-2004, 05:08 PM
again...not needed...im not liking your attitude young mister.

12-08-2004, 05:11 PM
I have to laugh. Not at paintballnewbie, but bhizzle aka small wizzle :headbang:
that nana slammin that pukin dude.

12-08-2004, 05:11 PM
PbNation For Life!

12-08-2004, 05:13 PM
dont take offense cuz your fat, albino and uncoordinated too :cuss:

Thats does it... three days in the no AO hole...

12-08-2004, 05:14 PM
bhizzle, your an ignorant prick. leave. and dont go and be like why dont you leave, be cause noone leaving but you.

12-08-2004, 05:16 PM
phillip...thats all? seriously...he threatened to kill me...and made some of the worst comments ive seen on this site...even though most of them are gona cause markm deleted them.

12-08-2004, 05:16 PM
LOL I think its time for those tubgirl pics LOL i got spammed by that and threw up for a week LOL

O and bhizzle if you like pbnation so much then why are you on AO dosnt make much sense to me

And for the AO guys just dont listen to him he obviously gets pleasure out of pissing ppl off

12-08-2004, 05:18 PM
im not pissed off... :rolleyes: ....im just...ummm...displeased with his attitude...good thing he got a grounding.

12-08-2004, 05:18 PM

12-08-2004, 05:19 PM
Bhizzle your a f u c k ing idiot

12-08-2004, 05:21 PM
VT- lets not be mad...lets just forget about him until he is unbanned and come back...then you can yell at him if hes not a angel.

12-08-2004, 05:22 PM
BI oTCH! :cuss:

12-08-2004, 05:22 PM
vt paintballer your retarded, no offense. again leave or you will be banned. we dont appeciate that. go home.

12-08-2004, 05:23 PM
ok i'll stop sorry guys

and mag8888 person you don't have to be mr policeman

12-08-2004, 05:24 PM
its k...not that you were swearing...but that you were mad...

12-08-2004, 05:26 PM
ok ill stop.

12-08-2004, 05:27 PM
ok ok ^^ i like this kid, that paintballnewbie kid

12-08-2004, 05:33 PM
YAYA! :headbang:

12-08-2004, 05:40 PM
Ok, cphil seriously, check their IPs, this is either one or two idiots that registered repeatedly or a few friends, there are just too many new members that are just posting to piss us off. and bhizzle deserves a permanent ban :mad: .

12-08-2004, 06:03 PM

12-08-2004, 06:07 PM

12-08-2004, 06:14 PM
i also think that skeet should get a ban for a few days. he probly is bhizzle. plus he dissed ao. also i think bhizzle should be permanetly banned. i dont know if cphilip saw the above posts about being with his dad ad the icons that followed. ban them.

12-08-2004, 06:21 PM
Jeez, where'd the 'REport this thread' button go? phil,mark, anyone:

Lock,Delete,Ban! plz, quickly.

12-08-2004, 06:21 PM
This forum started off good then went downhill pretty fast...still waiting on the pictures :rolleyes:

12-08-2004, 06:24 PM
ya...me too

12-08-2004, 06:26 PM
i third that. lets get back to talking about that field and not insulting eachother as few have done.

12-08-2004, 06:33 PM
Bhizzle your a f u c k ing idiot

That just earned you a 3 day

After further review Mr shizzle is gone for good. We don't need any of that stuff around here.

12-08-2004, 06:42 PM
That just earned you a 3 day

After further review Mr shizzle is gone for good. We don't need any of that stuff around here.

yay go phil go :)

12-08-2004, 11:50 PM
Wow, this is sad. First of all, I like woodsball, and I dont necesarily play only speedball. Im still not sure why me and my posts are the center of your attention 24/7 all of a sudden, this problem just seems to repeat over and over, and I have no idea why. Is it because I enjoy the internet? Is it because Im white? Is it a racist thing? I dont know, But I plan to continue playing paintball, because thats what its all about. I have a tippmann I still use for woodsball, and I love my angel marker. I havent been coming on sundays to play because sunday is my families family day, and we go out to eat and do fun stuff, even tho I want to play paintball. I managed to go a few weeks ago, and I had fun, and it was good. I love paintball in all its forms, and even looking at forums and crap manages to suffice my paintball craving when I cant be playing, which is why I enjoy forums. What you people say is not going to change those facts, and that is all I have to say. Pictures will be up by saturday.

12-09-2004, 12:35 AM
Wow. How very heart touching.
A little emo.

12-09-2004, 04:17 AM
Don't forget to catch those 600 pound wild pigs on kodak as well.... :rolleyes:

12-09-2004, 09:31 AM
U F***** Homos Talk About How Gay Pbnation Is And That They Are All Noobs, Look At You Dumb****s, And Alden Is (kauai_paintball) A Fat, White, Albino, Slow, Uncoordinated Retard. Thats What Makes Ao So Gay Is People Like Him, Stupid People Saying They're So Cool And All Of You Believe Him. Ahahahahahah
Ban Me I Don't Give ****

This guy's not got much going for him either. :rolleyes:

12-09-2004, 12:09 PM
Im still not sure why me and my posts are the center of your attention 24/7 all of a sudden, this problem just seems to repeat over and over, and I have no idea why.

I have kept quiet for long enough. You need to take a step back and look at things from another perspective. You do talk a lot. You need to be able to walk the walk before you can talk the talk. You also have kauai paintball as your logon name. Most people I know wouldn't want you representing Kauai in name. Sorry you had to hear this from me, but the truth is the truth.

To all moderators and offended AOers: I'd like to personally apologize for the language of bhizzle, skeet and wobert. I have spoken to them about it. It just seems like they get caught up in all the emotion and type before they think. They flame kauai paintball for good reason, which I will not get into. When someone from the outside backs kauai paintball without actually knowing the guy, these recently banned individuals just get irate. I am not trying to get them unbanned. I agree with your decision and would've banned them myself. I just wanted to apologize and explain the situation.

12-09-2004, 12:26 PM
When someone from the outside backs kauai paintball without actually knowing the guy...

But you expect us to back your friends without knowing them? The whole problem here is not KP but how your friends behaved on the boards. All we know is what we see on these boards. In my opinion it was these three friends of yours that are poorly representing Kauai.

Serturbo, thank you for keeping this civil. Can we just drop this now? If I couldn't see the URL of thi site I would think it was PBN.

12-09-2004, 04:39 PM
and the colors!! :)

Yea...they come onto OUR forums to start stuff...you cant expect me to not say stuff...and then when they start yelling at me, at threatening me you think im not gonna say something then? Like he said...thank you for keeping it cizilized and not acting like the others.

12-09-2004, 04:39 PM

12-09-2004, 10:23 PM
I have kept quiet for long enough. You need to take a step back and look at things from another perspective. You do talk a lot. You need to be able to walk the walk before you can talk the talk. You also have kauai paintball as your logon name. Most people I know wouldn't want you representing Kauai in name. Sorry you had to hear this from me, but the truth is the truth.

To all moderators and offended AOers: I'd like to personally apologize for the language of bhizzle, skeet and wobert. I have spoken to them about it. It just seems like they get caught up in all the emotion and type before they think. They flame kauai paintball for good reason, which I will not get into. When someone from the outside backs kauai paintball without actually knowing the guy, these recently banned individuals just get irate. I am not trying to get them unbanned. I agree with your decision and would've banned them myself. I just wanted to apologize and explain the situation.

I made the Handle Kauai_paintball before I knew there were any actual fields open on the Island, I have been wanting to change it, but then I would lose my postcount. Im starting a new accout. Cphil, I dont know if you can give my new account my old post count,but email me please.
I dont know if you know the Kuhauluas, but Ben kuhaulua claimed to have a pig that was over 550 pounds, I couldnt remember exactly( I think like 570?), so I just rounded it out. My "Bowie" Is 3 feet long, and is more like a sword. I never said there was 600 pound pigs IN THE VALLY retards!

12-09-2004, 10:40 PM

12-09-2004, 10:51 PM
Well, if you want me to be blunt, YOU.

12-09-2004, 11:21 PM
Oh my lord, I go on hiatus for a month and this is what happens, holy crap?!?

Kauai_Paintball, aside from making an unauthorized field, has done nothing wrong, in my opinion. I don't see any problem other than poor taste and lack of judgement on the part of bhizzle, VTpaintball, and skeet. I thought it was a marvelously written post, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Suggestions for a natural field:
-Pile stuff around the base of a tree, big enough to form a blockade, small enough to be unoticed.
-use fallen trees, of fell some of your own trees.

Also, I would like to commend you for respecting paintball in all its forms. I, myself, feel much the same way, Internet forums and sites about paintball help to quell my craving when I can't be out at the field. I also enjoy paintball in any form, woodsball, speedball, urban, it doesn't matter as long as I get to play.

12-09-2004, 11:32 PM

12-09-2004, 11:54 PM

dude go home

12-10-2004, 12:44 AM

12-10-2004, 01:04 AM
I dont know if you know the Kuhauluas, but Ben kuhaulua claimed to have a pig that was over 550 pounds, I couldnt remember exactly( I think like 570?), so I just rounded it out.

I don't think the mountain (ferel) pigs get to be that big. It must've been a cross between a mountain pig and a domesticated. The pigs that Kimo has on his farm are huge. I could ride on one of those suckers like a horse.

12-10-2004, 01:16 AM
Towards the center of the island, they get to be 600+ pounds and about 4 feet tall. They are known to gore people to death, and have killed 45 something people in the last 30 years. its always on the front page of our newspaper when someone is.

I have never heard of one goring someone to death and neither have my parents. My dad has been hunting on Kauai since he was a teenager. He is now about 55, so that's over 30 years. I'm sure he would remember reading about 45 people being killed by 600+ pound pigs in the last 30 years.

12-10-2004, 01:17 AM
Post count? what's so important about that? I've been here for like 3 or 4 years and my post count hasn't even hit 100 yet. Post count doesn't mean anything. Changing your name would be a great idea man, you could get all of robert guys off your back and please a bunch of us, too. Like I said earlier, your posts don't really reflect the views of the real Kauai ballers, and it makes me, and a lot of others, sick to know people are relating us with your mindless dribble.

Oh yeah, and if you're so confused as to why these guys flame you so much, maybe you should look at your posts. You have all these posts about playing and buying guns, but you haven't actually put in the time playing. You're turning out to be a big poser. We all tried to help you from the beginning, especially Brandon. He sold you that sweet led for peanuts, and you don't even come to the field to play. I don't know about him, but if I hooked some kid up with a great gun for super cheap, I'd be pretty pissed to see him trying to turn around and sell it a month or whatever later. It seems like you need to stop living the fantasy of buying dm4's and speeds when you've only been playing recreationally for about 4 months. But whatever, that's what internet forums are for I guess, and you've got a pretty enthusiastic audience for the tall tales of paintball on Kauai. Please just change your name, and for your own good, don't tell us the new one.

12-10-2004, 01:50 AM

As you were so kind as to share your limited vocaublary with all of us, we're sending you on a free permanent vacation. Perhaps you can use the time to expand your knowledge of the English language.

12-10-2004, 03:24 AM
While I havn't visted these forums in a while because I kinda lost intrest in PB and these forums are way to PG for me I happened to come back and see this. I've seen this kids Kauai_paintballs post before and most of the stuff he post is pure BS. From his first post that I remember seeing I thought that this kid is full of it. The truth is he is full of bs. Well I guess for most of the post from him that I've seen. One that sticks out in my head was the post about monk seals. He stated that there are only 20 left in existance. I told him there was more and he didnt belive me. I showed him NOAA websites that gave the count closer to 1500 and nothing. And this stuff about 600ld "WILD" boars is pure fantasy. Even domestic/polynesian mixes dont even get nearly that big. As for the goreing people to death I have never heard anything about it. I think what irratates people on this forum that are from Kauai is that this kid come on here and sensationalizes things or makes them up completely and all you (ignorant to kauai/hawaii) guys EAT IT UP.

12-10-2004, 03:44 PM
I made the Handle Kauai_paintball before I knew there were any actual fields open on the Island, I have been wanting to change it, but then I would lose my postcount. Im starting a new accout. Cphil, I dont know if you can give my new account my old post count,but email me please.
I dont know if you know the Kuhauluas, but Ben kuhaulua claimed to have a pig that was over 550 pounds, I couldnt remember exactly( I think like 570?), so I just rounded it out. My "Bowie" Is 3 feet long, and is more like a sword. I never said there was 600 pound pigs IN THE VALLY retards!
Im pretty sure a mod can change your name for you, preserving your posts, sig, and everything. PM Cphil and tell him why you want it changed and what you want it changed to.