View Full Version : Bbt

11-05-2001, 08:06 PM
I just Ordered a case of Zap Premium paint, reactor valve, parts kit, and Accurizer 8 Hole Venturi bolt. Should i expect my order? I mean has anyone does buisness with Big Boys Toys. I really dont wanna get ripped. Well any info on them would be nice. Their phone service seemed nice.;)

11-05-2001, 08:29 PM
there good, dont worry. i bought my nitro tank from them and a friend of mine bought a bushy. his bushy came in a diaper box though :D

11-05-2001, 08:46 PM
They piss me off because they have horrible help in the store. They have crappy customer service. but on the internet my guess is they r really good because they get a lot of complements from people i know. i guess i would trust them over the internet.

11-05-2001, 08:48 PM
I have ordered quite a few times from them. Fast shipping. The only thing is you have to call them to find out if anything is on back order.

11-05-2001, 10:57 PM
ive done lots of business with them...and never had any problems...one of the tanks i ordered was out of stock, and they called me to tell me that, and helped me pick out a suitable replacement...which wasnt that easy, since i was on the highway, and i had to ask a LOT of questions about the other tank-choices i had....

you made a good choice


lol...and NO, i dont work there!

11-05-2001, 11:25 PM
Jack is right. Matt, the owner, has a reputation of being a jerk in person, but he runs the on-line well.

BBT has mostly kids on the weekends working; local team members and players. He has one or two full time adults there, but they do not know paintball very well.

Jack, Matt has opened the "new and improved" store. Where the online warehouse was, is now the store and vice-versa. It's still the same guys behind the counter, but the store looks more professional now:cool: