View Full Version : JT backpack in "Super-Size Me"

11-29-2004, 11:05 PM
Ok, in Biologyu right now we arew watching "supersize me" and for those who dont know what it is.. it is a guy eats mcdonalds for 30 days straight and if they ask if he wants sypersized he has to say yes, and he can eat NOTHING that isnt over a McD's counter... not vitamins or nothing. Wel anyway, they talk alot about fat and obease people in America and show clips of em all the time, and in the background of one of those clips i skinny guy walked right by them with a JT backpack on! I flipped out and was like " Did u see that, a JT backpack, Hell ya!" keep in mind i am ni biology, so everyone looked at me and had no idea what i was talking about. So the man thing is... JT is in a big docromentery and i guess tht i can spot paintball stuff really easily. :wow:

11-29-2004, 11:12 PM
Ok, not trying to be mean, but that was pretty stupid of you. So, you play paintball. You don't have to show the world that you play paintball and can identify paintball related products in real life. Think how much you would make fun of a kid that screamed during a movie "Did you see that Nike backpack! Hell ya, I own Nike shoes!". You would make fun of him and his shallow pride the entire day. Just think about it.

11-29-2004, 11:12 PM
dbl post :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-29-2004, 11:15 PM
90% sure that's Tyler Michaud from Dynasty, he lives up here and refs the local tournaments I film, talk to him occasionally, cool guy :D

11-29-2004, 11:39 PM
just like how i spotted a JT hat that B-real was wearing iin the video "whats your number" on MTV. :headbang:

i thought i was special , but i realized it was the special you dont tell people about unless they ball.

11-30-2004, 08:42 PM
One day B real showed up at a field I play at occasionaly. I didn't even know he played until then. Pretty cool dude.

But anyway. You got 2 threads on this. One is pointless enough. :sleeping: :D

11-30-2004, 09:43 PM
Thats kinda liek I used to be when I would see a Hatchetman or somethign somewhere. I still flip out/get excited, just not as much.

12-01-2004, 08:02 PM
sorry bout dbl post, dont know. Anywayz, captin jack, thatnks for being an A-hole, cent get enough of em here! How many times have u been watching a movie in school, and it had sominthing that had to do with paintball in it? huh? well dont be a dick, we have enough here.

12-02-2004, 07:27 PM
I thot he was pretty nice about it. A lot of people here would have really stuck it to you.

12-02-2004, 08:55 PM
sorry bout dbl post, dont know. Anywayz, captin jack, thatnks for being an A-hole, cent get enough of em here! How many times have u been watching a movie in school, and it had sominthing that had to do with paintball in it? huh? well dont be a dick, we have enough here.

"Registered July 2004"

(Not that I've been here much longer) You'd know ?

He's absolutely right; nothing worse then a fanboy, and that is what you are when you do that sort of thing, even if your not heavy into JT products. The line between hobby and obsession is when you get excited by seeing products. By the way, Supersize Me was a good film offering perspective on the fast food craze.. not a length of film showing your favorite duds.