View Full Version : Huntin!

11-30-2004, 10:36 AM
Ok next year I;m going deer hunting for the first time in a long while. So, I'm going to get me a new rifle. I used to have a nice .270 that I was borrowing from my grandpa but he got rid of it to get a new gun. So now I'm stuck between a .270 and a 7mm mag. One grandpa says 270 the other 7mm mag. Everyone I ask has a different opinion. which one do you guys think for shootng at muleys here in California?

GA Devil
11-30-2004, 10:41 AM
depending ont he size of the deer in your state id say the 270. Ive hunted for almost 10 years now and mostly in michigan where they arent the size of dogs like here in GA. lol. I used a 30-30 and they would run awhile even with a lung shot. My gun of choice is a 12 guage slug. If the deer are smaller then say 250 lbs the 7 mm may work fine. Last deer i helped my uncle drag out hung ad 255lbs dressed out.

11-30-2004, 02:00 PM
Well a 7mm should be good for animals to the size of Elk. That is if you know your gun and can resist taking shots that you are not sure you can make. My father has taken many Elk with a 30-06 and that is at ranges well past 200 yards.

PS you should not take shots that you are not reasonably sure you can make

11-30-2004, 03:24 PM
255 for a whitetail deer is a horse. You rarely see a whitetail alive weight of over 200 for one to be 255 it would have been over 300 pounds alive and that is huge. Are you sure of the scale and whitetail deer. I hunt MI and WI and just once broke 200 on a huge buck.

GA Devil
11-30-2004, 03:33 PM
positive the was the wieght. The deer was taken out of Houghton Lake (sp?) area. There are quite a few large deer like that in northern michigan.

11-30-2004, 04:02 PM
I 3> my .30-06(Remington 742)

cocker dog
11-30-2004, 04:15 PM
i have owned ALOT of deer guns including270., 30-06,308. 7mm,243.,300 weatherby,
280.,and in my opinion it would have to be between a 270. 300 weatherby or a 7mm-08

they are all 3 great long distance guns escpecially the 300 the7mm-08 is a little bit smaller of projectile but moves VERY FAST but its more of a wild boar gun dude get a 300 weatherby and u will not be upset with it EVER but if u HAVE to get one of those 2 get the 270 there are a very long distance/fast bullet hope this helps


11-30-2004, 04:30 PM
255lbs is a gargantuan deer.

30-30's are nice too. A 12 gauge slug will drop a deer with no problem, but they have no range.

You could get one of those Encores, the ones with tons of barrels. A guy down the street has one and it's amazing.

11-30-2004, 05:46 PM
7mm mag is good for a city bus or small armored vechicle. in all reality unless you hunting in VAST open grassland. the 7mm is too much. at close range you will over penetrate, and ruin some meat.

11-30-2004, 08:14 PM
personally i would take the .270 it is a smaller bullet but it has alot better flat. i would take a poke at a deer at 500 yards with mine. my father has a 7 mag styer and that is amazing accurate but that is a styer for ya.

Deer season opens up tomarrow!!!!