View Full Version : Unloading a Qloader

11-30-2004, 11:37 AM
Reading the instruction manual for the Qloader, it clearly shows to unload pods by disconnecting the feed tube and controlling the rate with you finger. The manual also is very clear that allowing the pods to empty too quickly can damage them.

So, I was wondering: how do current Qloader owners empty unused paintballs from pods?

Would a Qloader socket with a built in retarder to slow down unloading to an acceptable rate be a good idea? How much would you pay?

11-30-2004, 03:54 PM
Personally, I paid too much for my q-loader, there's no way I'll pay money for a device to unload the pods when I can do it in game or by hand.

I also don't entirely buy into the "don't let your qpods freely unwind" stuff. C'mon, we let them rock full tilt to fill up the hose at the beginning of the day, and we let the springs spin nice and fast when taking the pods apart, what is letting them dump the paint out going to do? I think, though I'd like to get this confirmed, that the only thing it'll do is eject the rotation limiter out of the end cap, which will most likely break either the end cap, the rotation limiter, the socket, or all of them.

Don't let my one opinion stop you though, if you come up with something creative by all means let us know. For that matter, let AIC know, they might buy the rights to it and sell it alongside the q-loader.

11-30-2004, 04:02 PM
when i had one i just let it dump them out in a bag.

everything has a lifetime warrenty anyway so if something breaks you get a new one!

11-30-2004, 04:25 PM
Or you could just remove the metal ball backfeed preventer thing on your QLoader socket. Stick the QPod in and watch the balls go flying. It's fast and you already have all the parts :)

11-30-2004, 04:28 PM
Don't let my one opinion stop you though, if you come up with something creative by all means let us know. For that matter, let AIC know, they might buy the rights to it and sell it alongside the q-loader.

Well, to build a speed limited unloader requires a standard socket, one off-the-shelf part, and a minimum of modification. Only "new" piece would be a connector shaft.

Good point about the "rocking on the pods". But, I think there's a HUGE difference between the speed and energy imparted to the rotation limiter during stop and go 25bps and unrestricted continuoustly accelerating dumping.

If the warranty is abused due to destroyed limiters, well the warranty will soon be changed. :(

11-30-2004, 06:45 PM
I know doing it once, twice, or ten times isn't going to blow up the pod. I've had many people ask me what's the advantage of the q-loader, and instead of taking ten freaking minutes telling them what it does and how it works and where you can get one, I just pick up my extra (because I bought the custom mounting system) socket with an elbow attached, point it in a pod or bag, and dump a qpod straight out. They usually don't ask too many questions after seeing it spit paint like that.

That being said, I wonder if there's a way to get the q-pods to throw paint at 300 fps. Granted, you'd have to fire off all 100 rounds, but I'd hate to be the sucker that gets hit by that volley. :ninja: :shooting:

11-30-2004, 10:50 PM
Well, I've only used my Q-loader during one day of play, so I don't have a lot of experience in unloading them. Why not unload them at the chrono range at the end of the day, though? As long you don't have too many full Q-Pods to unload, it won't really be much of a waste of paint, and you'll get some extra target practice in (always a good thing).

12-01-2004, 02:09 AM
when i had to unload a customers i just used my finger to let them out slowly he had one break when it slipped and the upper paddle that drives the paint up snapped! you have to remember that the whole thing is still made of plastic.

12-01-2004, 11:12 AM
Unloading the q-pods at a controlled rate is a really easy process. All that you have to do is disconnect the winder from the reloading socket and place the winder on top of the pod and unwind the pod while all of the ball fall out slowly. I do it all of the time it is vary easy to do. :)

If you let the q-loader just unwind on it's own you are risking having the rotation limiter fly through the inner cap. Yes you will be able to get a new inner cap, but you will be out a q-pod until you recieve the new replacement part.

12-01-2004, 02:33 PM
i usually just poke the hole in the top of the loader with my pinky or something and let em unload that way

12-01-2004, 03:09 PM
Thanks guys,

I think my initial idea is still feasible and kinda cool, but somewhat pointless seeing as I overlooked some fairly obvious and simple ways of doing the same thing.