View Full Version : So they're gonna pave my road soon...

11-30-2004, 10:07 PM
I just feel the need to get this out so uh...yea.

Anyway, from what my godfather eard a week or 2 ago, they're supposed to be paving my road here soon. At first I didn't believe him(well, didn't want to) but today they were cutting all the trees and stuff back so I've come to grips witht he fact that they're really going to pave the road. And I'm pissed.

Now some might think I'm crazy for not wanting them to pave it, but it's just one more thing they're taking away from us as the city slowly approachs. I mostly like it cause when you're doin 50-60 on a dirtbike and lay it down on dirt, you don't really get hurt. On pavement, you loose large chunks of flesh and other whatnot. But I've grown up on this road, lived here my whole life, and I just love living on a dirt road. There's just something about it.

They've ben saying for years that they're going to put a housing development in the feild bahind my house, but them paving our road, even though it's in no way connected, just seems like it's making it more of a reality.

On another unrelated note, apparently the city was trying to buy the 35 acres or so of woods next to my house from whoever owns it so they could build an elementary school and park there. WTF? I'd kill somebody if they built a school next to my house. :cuss:

It's just...I dunno. the city's coming, and I don't know weather to be sad or mad. Cause I'm going to have 2 houses on this street when I get older(my parents and my godparents) and I have no intentions of selling them, but I sure as hell don't want to live in Port Orange. :mad:

If you can undrestad my incoherent rambling, good for you, even though I doubt anybody here can relate to what I'm saying. Oh well, I feel better now that it's out.

11-30-2004, 10:10 PM
That sucks. Tie someone down in the middle of the road, preferably someone you don't like (in case they get run over) and protest... or something.

11-30-2004, 10:16 PM
Hahaha, yea. That might work.

Another reason I randomly thought of that it would suck is they're going to pave it and forget about it for like 10 years and the douche down the street that runs a tree service is gonna have it torn to hell with all his dumptrucks and stuff and they ain't gonna do a damn thing to fix it, making it worse than it was originally.

12-01-2004, 09:05 AM
Remember: You can't fight City Hall.

Trust me I work there and you can ***** and moan all you want and they may act like theu're listening but they're not. They'll say they want your input and they'll let you speak and then they do what they want anyway. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but unfortunatly that's how it works. Good luck with the school

12-01-2004, 05:44 PM
My street was just repaved, and I thought this thread was on a similar topic. Ive always lived in a city, so there have always been paved roads. So I can not offer the best advice seeing as how Ive never been in your situation.
My advice is to think of all the positive things that will result in this, hopefully there will be more positive than negatives. I do not know how to stop a City from getting your street paved, the only thing I can think of is to start a petition and go around getting signatures. But if there building a school next to your house, then I do not see how you can stop the roads from being paved...

12-01-2004, 07:16 PM
i actually can relate to this, there was a family that owned a HUGE ammount of land near my house, and the mother (the father died) refused to sell any of the land. she beleived in conservation, and wanted to leave the land as it was. before she died she made her son promise to not do anything to the land... but then after she died he developed it and sold it. :cuss: . the woods were really cool, but now they consist of my backyard and then a bit of land. he even had a road put in, and a ton of houses.

And, also, across my town there is a large area of government land, which aparently was seized during the cold war. there are "no trespassing government property" signs all around it, but me/just about every other teenager ignores that, and ive gone there repeatedly, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone, and ive heard a lot of other kids go there occasionally. there are a ton of houses that are boarded up which we have found ways into, some of which look almost like regular houses, just stripped of furniture, and some which have the walls bashed in, overturned couches w/ knifeholes, graffiti on the walls, and even a plywood cutout of a man... with the head ripped off. there was also an old factory with random things, like a huge fan and a school bus sign (and i have a "protection required while equipment is operating" sign :D ). the place was huge and had many roads, and even a lake (not pond, LAKE) and a bunker... which is locked :( . but, anyway, the last time i went there some of the houses had been torn down, and there was construction equipment, tractors, etc. and a large area of the forest had been cleared. what ive heard they are going to do is remove all the houses and make clear paths, fields, etc. and try to make it into a park or place for families to go on "nature hikes" destroying the fun of going there. :(

12-01-2004, 07:37 PM
They're not building a school there...yet. The guy didn't want to sell it, but it was in the city's "10 year plan" or whatever.

12-01-2004, 09:03 PM
I can definitely relate. I can remember when my city had only one stoplight and didn't have a McDonalds. Now we have four stoplights, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Blockbuster, Subway, Dominos, and more... Now, my neighborhood has always been surrounded by woods, lots of them. The woods were filled with trails and paths to different places (I don't know where, as it's been years since I was wandering those woods). Well, in the past few years, the woods were sold, and the city approved a plan for "old people's apartments." Fortunately a year or two ago the city stopped them from going through with it due to some wetland thing, but in the past 6 months they started back up. ALL of those woods are gone. You can see these buildings through the few trees left between my neighborhood and the clearing for the apartment housings. The sad thing is... they really think that only old people will reside in these homes ("We have reservations already"). I'm sure those few loyal reservations will be soon spent and these apartments will be empty. I highly doubt they'll allow their rooms to stay vacant just waiting for older citizens to come. Oh well, the city is coming... and I'm terribly not impressed.