View Full Version : Choosing rechargeables

trains are bad
12-01-2004, 10:48 PM
I have a warp with 12v mod. Those same warp batteries also power my AK hopper through a wire.. I insist on a new set of batteries before every tournament for confidence reasons, and that's eating into my paint funds. Besides polluting the environment and cluttering my room.

I understand normal '9v' rechargeables like the ones you get at radioshack are only 8.4v. However in my warp that's still 16.8v which is regulated down to 12v. I also read that the more excess voltage you have the hotter the voltage regulator will get, and I have mine crammed into the motor cavity of the warp, not properly sunk at all.

So it's almost like a couple 8.4v batteries would be BETTER than 9.6v batteries, yes, no?

And I should look for batteries with the highest mAh rating right?

Are rechargeables any bigger than normal?

How hard would it be to wire up my warp so that I could charge the batteries without removing them?

50 cal
12-01-2004, 11:18 PM
You should go to Batteries Plus and ask them. They have batteries for just about any usage.

12-02-2004, 12:21 AM
a good question.

i have the same question with the 9 volt mod i just made for my halo.

i have some rechargables that only goto 8.4 or so.. and dont work in my dm4.. bit I would think they would work nicley in my halo.

not sure.. guess i gotta try?


trains are bad
12-02-2004, 12:34 AM
I wouldn't try them in the halo considering the Halo runs on 9 volts. I would be sure to use 9.6v ones.

The difference is the warp runs on 12 which is still less than the 16.8v that the 8.4v batteries give. And I have seen 8.4v batteries over 200mah.

Is a 200+mah 8.4v better in this application than a 160ish mah 9.6v? I'm thinking yes, but I'm not sure.

BTW how many volts and mah are regular energizers?

12-02-2004, 02:03 AM
If the warp feed can handle the 19.2v that you could feed it with 2 9.6v rechargables, go with those unless the heat is a problem. Going with 8.4v rechargables means that you can use the rechargables for your warp feed... that's it. If you have a friend that needs a 9v or you get another marker, you're SOL.

Keep in mind, getting a *good* charger and good 9v batteries will cost a bit of money. You'll make it up over time in money you would've spent, but there is a cost which puts many people off of buying them.

BTW, you may also want to look into 9.2v Tysonic batteries, they also run at 200mah

12-02-2004, 10:19 AM
The best battery store ever

