View Full Version : Need Magowners Advice on upgrading A MiniMag

11-06-2001, 03:38 PM
I am getting a Minimag soon from a friend, but i want to ugrade it to shoot really fast and I also want it to be tourney legal and not brake too many balls. Should i get an Elcd Frame? and which one? Also, will a Retro Valve work with any Elcd frame? What exactly do the different frames do, like the intelliframe, Booyah, hyper? Any advice will be appreciated.

Thanks a lot

11-06-2001, 04:21 PM
ahh... these are such fun.... ok here we go.....

1. all mags can shoot really fast right out of the box..... the only thing that holds people back from firing fast at first is they are not used to the mags trigger....
you best bet for over coming this gas up the marker and empty a few tanks with it... after a bit you should be able when you shortstroke the trigger....

2. going to a double trigger will give the impression of having a lighter trigger which may allow you to fire faster.... but will not help untill, like #1, you learn the trigger

3. ok different frame time....
intelliframe... 2x trigger frame with premolded area so you can put parts in to attach to a revy to make it spin every time you pull the trigger
booyah and hyperframe.... requires modto the sear assy. i belive, and make the maker an electro, by having a selenoid work the sear and maing it extremly hard to short stroke...

4. the retrovalve, kicks the trigger back out to the return position with 2x the force needed to pull it.... if input pressure to the valve is set to high you will probly have a paint blender... but once set properly it should never let you down....

how well do the booyah and the hyper wwork with the retrovalve... that some of the other members here will have to answer for you.... but i have heard both good and bad about both.... and that can be said about anything just depends on the source

11-06-2001, 04:27 PM
Thanks for that bit of info...that helped quite a bit.

If i get and elcd such as hyper or booyah, will i be able to install it myself? or will i need some kind of special mod? Im pretty good with repairing stuff and puting things together. Just curious of any thing i should be aware of.

I still need to know if a Retro Valve will work with an Elcd.


11-06-2001, 05:09 PM
I have an old minimag ((MM01591)), which had been collecting dust on the shelf for about 4 years. I decided this summer that it was time to start playing again. May have been induced by turning 40 :D

Anywho, I got on ebay and bought a hyperframe. You may have read the stories about the older hyperframes eating bolts, but I think this was due to on/off pins that were longer than the strict AGD tolerances. Supposedly this has been corrected. I got the hyperframe and installed it on the gun. It was a piece of cake following the directions...

After installing the hyperframe, it was wonderful. Very short trigger pull, no more short stroking. I only take it out of semi-mode on the range, cause I can't afford the paint. It proved to be a great $200 spent. But wanting even more, I found a ReTro Valve on the boards here and bought it too. It has worked great, but to be honest, I don't think I pull the trigger fast enough to shoot down the regular MM/AM valve, except when I put the hyperframe in burst or hyper modes...

11-07-2001, 05:35 PM
I have read posts here that say the retro valve will work with the hyperframe but eats bolts ,but from experience i can tell you that it will not work with a BOO_YAAH! Oh the problems i've had are endless. My personal preferance is a benchy2x frame, retro valve and H.P.A., plus a few more goodies. Its all about trial and error, but most of us here have had the same ideas as you.This forum is the greatest thing next to being an AGD tech in house.

11-07-2001, 06:31 PM
a retro valve is gunna be better then a stock valve no matter what ur using on it, elcd or normal, but if you buy a retro AND a hyperframe, your only getting half the power of the RT. you will get the super fast .04 second recharge but you wont get the reactive trigger while using elcd. i would get a retro valve and a warp feed or if you dont like warps, save the money for a flatline or something but i think your wasting your money if you get a elcd and retro.IMO

11-07-2001, 06:33 PM
TY for the info Dye. Thats what i was lookin for. Any other opinions....Anyone.....Anyone......

11-07-2001, 06:34 PM
I used an Elcd with the stock minimag valve?

11-07-2001, 08:35 PM
you could shoot faster then the stock mini valve but you would probably get some bad shoot down. i know what your thinking, if i get hyper and save my money and not get rt, then ill get shootdown, if i get both, ill blow some money cuz im loosing the reactive trgger, i think u should just get the retro, trust me, get rt and intelli