View Full Version : so i got this dm4

12-05-2004, 01:18 AM
So i got this beautiful dm4, a spiderman in perfect condition for a great price. I love the gun. I threw a Tadao and a Cluedo mod and it rips like mad. I got a halo so I could feed the beast.

I feel like a idiot though. i just got caught up in the fact that my teamates got dm4s and when I found this deal i jumped on it. Now i dont wanna slide into the snake or play rough with this thing.

it has done nothing for my game except lose $$$$ in comparison to my emag. (i wasnt expecting it to do anything, but you know what i mean). I played just as well with my emag and revvy.

so whats the point of having the newest top of the line stuff? just so you can walk around the stagin areas showing off so people gawk at it? cause i got alot of that latley. but i cant justify having it when i could go back to an emag and get like 4-500 bucks back in my account. ( keep in mind i am strap for cash anyway)

sorry for my rant.. was a lil bit down on paintball all together the last few days/weeks.. had to let some out.


can'tthink of1
12-05-2004, 01:57 AM
Eh... The only thing I'm not selling of my paintball stuff is my tribal twister, just cause, yeah.... Its now all new or anything, but it will mow muppets, just need like $700 for the parts that it will need once I get back in :-/

But that all comes after I sell basically all of my paintball stuff, buy a car, and get a nice job, and umm yeah, get back into paintball hopefully by summer.

For the price what dm4's are going for now, like 900 or whatever, its a very reasonable price imo.

12-05-2004, 01:59 AM
I still can't understand why people are afraid to slide with there expensive guns. I've NEVER scratched any of my guns during a game, only off the field messing with tools. Come to think of it, I can't think of a gun I've majorly scratched in a long time.

12-05-2004, 02:05 AM
Don't worry about getting scratches on it, it won't normally happen anyways. Also, if you want to shoot less paint just go back to the revy. The dm4 is much quieter then the emag and has much less kick. I would stick with it and just use a slower hopper to save on paint.

12-05-2004, 02:08 AM
i totally agree

12-05-2004, 02:26 AM
the dm4 is an awesome marker, and it out performs the e-mag in many ways. apparently you arent playing competitively enough to really use its full effects though. Sorry to hear this. if you are happy with it, i would stick with it, if not, then get rid of it.

12-05-2004, 03:28 AM
no likey dm4?

ill trade you an xmag for it

12-05-2004, 05:48 AM
the dm4 is an awesome marker, and it out performs the e-mag in many ways. apparently you arent playing competitively enough to really use its full effects though. Sorry to hear this. if you are happy with it, i would stick with it, if not, then get rid of it.

yes..you can save some money..get a Viking that you'll eventually be unhappy with and then end up getting a DM5...right, M?

12-05-2004, 12:41 PM
I see plenty of people with high end guns, they have WAY more problems with thier guns than i do being my gun is like a 1/3 of the price of thier gun. I love my BKO just for that reason. Its light, Cheap, and is pretty fast once its upgraded(upgradings fun!).

Those guns are nice no doubt, but who needs a gun that sounds like a whisper, and can shoot 45 bps faster than any human can legally shoot?

I just dont get it so ill stick with my bko for now.

12-05-2004, 01:04 PM
this is exactly what i think:

you only need 1 gun, a good one so you don't need a backup (mag)
you can only use semi auto so why do u need 5+ fireing modes?
don't waste some of your money on batteries,
you get praised when you beat up a guy who has a $15 timmy with a $40 syder,
you only need to hit the person once (so shoot 17 bps???)

just some thoughts i had, some people share them too.

trains are bad
12-05-2004, 01:16 PM
no likey dm4?

ill trade you an xmag for it


12-05-2004, 01:22 PM
the dm4 is an awesome marker, and it out performs the e-mag in many ways. apparently you arent playing competitively enough to really use its full effects though. Sorry to hear this. if you are happy with it, i would stick with it, if not, then get rid of it.
... Pretty much what I was thinking.

- Goro

12-05-2004, 01:28 PM
it has done nothing for my game except lose $$$$ in comparison to my emag. (i wasnt expecting it to do anything, but you know what i mean). I played just as well with my emag and revvy.

So you weren't expecting it to do anything, yet it seems like you're surprised it hasn't. If you played just as well with an emag and revvy, why bother upgrading?

you only need 1 gun, a good one so you don't need a backup (mag)

Even good guns can go down. I don't really see the need for a backup unless you're hoping to get into tourneys though.

you get praised when you beat up a guy who has a $15 timmy with a $40 syder,

a $15 timmy and a $40 spyder.... :tard:

you only need to hit the person once (so shoot 17 bps???)

Because you have a bit more of a chance of hitting them when you send 17 balls their way as opposed to 1.

12-05-2004, 01:39 PM
great... youre making me question buying a DC freestyle... :cry:

this is exactly what i think:

you only need 1 gun, a good one so you don't need a backup (mag)
you can only use semi auto so why do u need 5+ fireing modes?
don't waste some of your money on batteries,
you get praised when you beat up a guy who has a $15 timmy with a $40 syder,
you only need to hit the person once (so shoot 17 bps???)

just some thoughts i had, some people share them too.
no matter what marker you have it will have problems ocasionally/eventually, so its nice to have a backup just in case, plus you may want multiple markers for different scenarios (fast electro for tourneys/competitive play, mech marker for less competitive play/just to have fun with, and maybe a pump if you want to have a pump game every once in a while) and also you may want a loaner.
i dont think the modes of fire is really a buying point for anyone except the newbie who sees the electro spyder at wall mart.
a battery costs what, 2 dollars? its worth it.
dont know too many people that got a timmy for $15, thatd be pretty nice... but anyway, yeah that is fun getting a timmy user out with a lower end marker... but seriously, id still rather have a high end marker.
im not going to even get into that, yes of course you only need to hit someone once, but just try to argue that shooting more wont help. of course a guy with a phantom can get a guy with a timmy out, but having a timmy would be an advantage.

12-05-2004, 03:56 PM
god master alexander, your a tool. what high end electro comes with modes of fire any more?

mags arent invinvible, they go down too

dont waste money on batterys? wtf? you already gotta buy a but load of em for your hopper, why not throw on in the gripframe while your at it?

beating some one with a timmy.... wow you get praise from other newbs... who gives a damn?

not needing to shoot 17bps? just stfu man, there is a reason we shoot this fast in tourny ball, and if you dont understand why, then /yourself

12-05-2004, 04:00 PM
So you weren't expecting it to do anything, yet it seems like you're surprised it hasn't. If you played just as well with an emag and revvy, why bother upgrading?

are you saying it should have helped my game?

12-05-2004, 04:09 PM

its temptinng

12-05-2004, 04:12 PM
the dm4 is an awesome marker, and it out performs the e-mag in many ways. apparently you arent playing competitively enough to really use its full effects though. Sorry to hear this. if you are happy with it, i would stick with it, if not, then get rid of it.

pretty sure i am using it to its full effect.

pretty sure i know its a good marker

just not sure if its done anything another marker cant.

12-05-2004, 04:22 PM
I played just as well with my emag and revvy.

so whats the point of having the newest top of the line stuff? just so you can walk around the stagin areas showing off so people gawk at it?

Ding, ding ding ding!

I was listening to these morons at a local pro shop. There were 4-5 of them hangning out blabing about the newst "gats." There was an even number of dm4's, shockers, and timmy's amoungst thier group. All they could talk about was which gun they were getting next, new angel, freestyle......

Some day, or maybe never, people are going to find that most guns are same crap different pile. They all shoot fast, they all shoot 300 fps, etc.... Buy what you like and not what is the hype on a message board or whats cool to the local "tourney' crowd.

There is one absolute fact, I have never had a mag that cuased me any trouble. I have however, owned about everything else that has given me some problem in the past.

12-05-2004, 04:57 PM
are you saying it should have helped my game?

No, I'm saying why get it if you didn't think it would be an improvement?

12-05-2004, 05:41 PM
I guess you just learned the hard way. Any good electronic marker in the $500 range will perform as good as any other regardless of cost. If your comparing "legally" set up markers that's even more true.

Beyond that, there are those that prefer to "buy" status at any cost. Some people like to have the newbs follow them around like puppies and gawk at the latest "must have" marker. If that makes them feel better, good for them.

Now me for instance, I buy what ever like regardless of cost. I'm a grown up and can afford to shoot whatevere I want. But.....I don't do it to 'gain' anything. I do it cause for me,playing is more of a Hobby so I buy what ever I think will be fun to try. I know what I'm capable of and I know what the marker is capable of so after that it's mearly a comfort and "feel" kinda thing......or 'cause I just wanna. :D The bottom line is you just have to be realistic about your purchases and honest with yourself as to why you make them.

Well, that's enough preaching, if you learned something from all of this then at least some of the money was well spent. So......whatcha gonna do now?

12-05-2004, 05:59 PM
Any good electronic marker in the $500 range will perform as good as any other regardless of cost.

not in my experience, friend got a b2k3 w/pds and that thing had so many problems, not to mention it kicked like a mule and was the gas hoggiest marker i've ever seen (yes even worse than a level 10'd mag)

12-05-2004, 06:08 PM
not in my experience, friend got a b2k3 w/pds and that thing had so many problems, not to mention it kicked like a mule and was the gas hoggiest marker i've ever seen (yes even worse than a level 10'd mag)

You mean the lvl10 mag that gets around 1550 per 68/4500. I had a bko and for 300 bucks it was a dam good buy.

Any good electronic marker in the $500 range will perform as good as any other regardless of cost.

the truth hurts! :shooting:

12-05-2004, 06:16 PM
well, magman , dude . no need to be that mean to the guy . its just his opinion.

yes after a certain point markers are all decent and not great leaps and bounds abouve another one. If you need money and like how the Dm4 shoots, trade for a dm3 and some money, use your revy. if you like to play like that go ahead. the diffirence in the way it shoots will be minor. mostly only in weight and size.

there are diffirences in how we like our markers, and to make them look pretty.
a Freestyle will do the same thing a ND freestyle will do.
An Xmag will do the same thing an Emag will do.

but there are huge price diffrences there...why ?
because people like to look good smacking people.

i suggest you get somthing that will get the job done well, and that you arent afriad of scratching.

like a Dm3, Emag , Aced LCD angel...all great guns that scratches just add character too.

12-05-2004, 06:42 PM
you know the real problem here? the buyer wanted something to just magically improve his game. this isnt going to happen. by just purchasing a marker. you need to learn how to use the marker to your advantage. i find that i can shoot more accurately and faster with a trix style marker. less kick etc etc. and it doesnt chop as much as my sfl did, with a correctly installed lx, and a black vcg efficiency mod to the lx.

my dm4 still out shot the sfl, in fills and in all other aspects of the game. i learned how to use it to my advantage. i wasnt just a better player from the second it was in my hand, and this isnt going to happen

12-05-2004, 07:02 PM
its temptinng

well think it over, here my pbn feedback

gun info here, u get everything in pics + stock barrel

lmk chief :D

12-05-2004, 07:48 PM
not in my experience, friend got a b2k3 w/pds and that thing had so many problems, not to mention it kicked like a mule and was the gas hoggiest marker i've ever seen (yes even worse than a level 10'd mag)


Go check the Timmy,Angel,AKA...........whatever forums. They're all perfect and trouble free right out of the box. :rolleyes:

12-05-2004, 07:58 PM
you know the real problem here? the buyer wanted something to just magically improve his game.

that is NOT why i bought the marker.

i, as any NORMAL player would know that the gun doesnt make the player.

I purchased the ALMIGHTY dm4 cause my teammates got some and even though i still could keep up with them on the field, i wanted to be able to shoot as fast as them in the chrono and gay around with it. I also got it for 850, practically brand new and blank warranty. would you pass that up? doubit it


12-05-2004, 08:05 PM
I agree, aside from some software issues 90% of the markers over $500 are goign to be the same for 98% of the people out there.

I shoot Shockers because i like there feel... not because they are perfect out of the box (I strip everyone down and 50% of the time remov metal shavings before ever attaching air). Find a marker you like, and use it.

12-05-2004, 08:09 PM
Well, that's enough preaching, if you learned something from all of this then at least some of the money was well spent. So......whatcha gonna do now?

good question jay... i have no idea to be honest. i am sure you already knew that though cause we have spoke before.. but yeah

12-05-2004, 11:25 PM
this is exactly what i think:

you only need 1 gun, a good one so you don't need a backup (mag)
you can only use semi auto so why do u need 5+ fireing modes?
don't waste some of your money on batteries,
you get praised when you beat up a guy who has a $15 timmy with a $40 syder,
you only need to hit the person once (so shoot 17 bps???)

just some thoughts i had, some people share them too.

You are such an idiot.

12-06-2004, 12:06 AM
wow ...so much flaming. he only said his opinions

12-06-2004, 12:08 AM
But nasty, the thing is his opinions are wrong.


Kaiser Bob
12-06-2004, 11:36 AM
I feel like a idiot though. i just got caught up in the fact that my teamates got dm4s and when I found this deal i jumped on it. Now i dont wanna slide into the snake or play rough with this thing.

Go ahead and get dirty with it if you think you might keep it. Personally I've always watched the players that had higher end guns that looked like they actually USED them instead of posed with them. Scratches are character :)

12-06-2004, 02:03 PM
and a black vcg efficiency mod to the lx.

i know i dont check the boards as much as i used to, mostly because i have found a lack of intelligent info, but did i miss something?

12-06-2004, 02:27 PM
I think its funny cause I shoot my emag at the rec field in the off season and ppl w/ rentals get me out sometimes. I dont gawk about it, its just an out. Its funny cause I always hear them bragging, like" I got the guy w/ the emag out" :rolleyes: That must mean they are really good right? :cool: riiiiight.

well, I felt the same way. Its like a pit of endless spending. At least you got a good deal for it. Lucky for me, I bought an angel after my emag, and didnt like it, this incident convinced me to be loyal to my emag.

I say youre still cool though, cause 850 is a good deal on one. Maybe you can sell it and still get some money off of it. Hell, maybe even make some money. ;)

Let it be a lesson, its not wise to spend about 900 on a gun just to jump on the bandwagon. Dont worry, be optimisic, Im sure there are more expensive lessons in life. At least you didnt loose several thousand and an arm street racing like my friends to finally get the picture.

12-06-2004, 03:40 PM
the black vcg mod is that he takes an old lx bolt, removeable stem style, and super polishes the stem, there fore it will opperate to lower pressures. great mod if you ask me

12-06-2004, 04:17 PM
it has done nothing for my game except lose $$$$ in comparison to my emag. (i wasnt expecting it to do anything, but you know what i mean). I played just as well with my emag and revvy.

so whats the point of having the newest top of the line stuff? just so you can walk around the stagin areas showing off so people gawk at it? cause i got alot of that latley. but i cant justify having it when i could go back to an emag and get like 4-500 bucks back in my account. ( keep in mind i am strap for cash anyway)

That pretty much sums it up. I was in a race to have the newest and coolest markers for a while. It gets expensive and gets you no where. I still own alot of markers I don't use. I use my XMag and carry a back up mag. Mind you I carry a back up not because I think my XMag will go down but because I want to save money. I'll use my X a couple of games and go through a couple of thousand paintballs. I then switch to one of my trusty mechanical mags so I can stay the rest of the day to play. I walked all over WorldCup this year and looked at all the newest toys. I really didn't see a single one that I could shoot any faster than my XMag. Actually once I upgraded to the 3.2 software I was outshooting my Hyperflow Preset. Had to buy an adjustable reg too since anything over 16 bps the gun began to Chuff. Were I you I'd sell the Disturbingly Mangled 4 (I never did like the looks of them) and go back to the marker that you were happier with. By adjusting the trigger a bit and running the 3.2 software you'll easily keep up. Keep it long enough and people will gawk at it wondering what it is. I still get people wondering what my Old Skool RT is.

12-06-2004, 04:32 PM
i had a feeling thats what you were talking about.

12-06-2004, 05:41 PM
Ding, ding ding ding!

I was listening to these morons at a local pro shop. There were 4-5 of them hangning out blabing about the newst "gats." There was an even number of dm4's, shockers, and timmy's amoungst thier group. All they could talk about was which gun they were getting next, new angel, freestyle......

Some day, or maybe never, people are going to find that most guns are same crap different pile. They all shoot fast, they all shoot 300 fps, etc.... Buy what you like and not what is the hype on a message board or whats cool to the local "tourney' crowd.

There is one absolute fact, I have never had a mag that cuased me any trouble. I have however, owned about everything else that has given me some problem in the past.

I agree, I get caught up in it sometimes wanting that better marker. How do you know there not thinking that when they are walking off the field. Marker not going to amke the player, but there is no doubt they can shoot fast and sen more balls then a mech. Just practice I'm sure you will find the strentghs of you new Matrix.

12-06-2004, 07:19 PM
I agree, I get caught up in it sometimes wanting that better marker. How do you know there not thinking that when they are walking off the field. Marker not going to amke the player, but there is no doubt they can shoot fast and sen more balls then a mech. Just practice I'm sure you will find the strentghs of you new Matrix.

oh i know the strengths of the matrix. fast, little to no kick and consistent. ease of operation and mantainence is simple.

but so was my TMC trix and somewhat my old emag.

but yeah, i guess we beat this to a pulp.. soo yeah

12-06-2004, 10:48 PM
give me a detailed description of why the dm4 is better then a hmm lets say a 03 shocker or some other 500-700 dollar gun. what makes it THAT much better, and why would you have to be good to understand that?