View Full Version : When does Tom sleep??

11-06-2001, 04:22 PM
Ever notice how the majority of Tom's posts are in the middle of the night? I just think it's too funny. Maybe Tom's having trouble sleeping or something. Usually though he is thinkin up ways to give away stuff. Maybe AGD would be more profitable if Tom wasnt giving away everything when he's not thinkin straight!!
Just something i noticed....

11-06-2001, 04:24 PM
I don't know when he sleeps...I just know WHERE he sleeps:p

11-06-2001, 04:26 PM
I know this is off the subject buy where do you normally play. :D

11-06-2001, 04:29 PM
basically a variety of places. Dave's, Sam's, Apocalypse, Country Club, Jungle Cat, and CPX. most time spent is in Illinois though. I would say Challenge Park is where i have played most over the years. how bout yourself???

11-06-2001, 04:31 PM
mainly Sams, but now that I am at Whitewater have been going to Edge, Country Club, Challenge Extreme :D

11-06-2001, 09:04 PM
Maybe Tom acually sleeps it's just that he sleep walks and types all the promo's. so when he wakes up he is kicking him self for giving away all the cool stuff!:rolleyes:

11-06-2001, 09:18 PM
Tom does sleep, he just doesn't get up until about noon. :)

11-06-2001, 09:24 PM
that sounds like me :)

11-06-2001, 10:44 PM
he sleeps while his blue shirt is in the wash:D

11-06-2001, 10:47 PM
......they dont need much sleep!

that would also explain the high quality of his guns...he has elfen-engineered them!:D

11-07-2001, 08:03 AM
Tom does what I do... He sleeps at work! He does all of his work in the middle of the night so he can doze at is desk! I wonder how often he pulls a Costanza by climbing under his desk and knapping? Just kiddin Tom!

11-07-2001, 08:08 AM
I keep hearing about this SLEEP thing. I think I used to do that at some point in my life. ;)
