View Full Version : im gettin a ping pong table

12-06-2004, 07:58 PM
im so excited, ive always wanted a ping pong table and now im going to finally have one. any one else have one?

ping pong table (http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&vertical=FIT&pid=00626300000)

12-06-2004, 08:26 PM
I used mine for about a year. Then we kinda forgot about it. It comes in real handy when you need a large table for lots of people.

12-06-2004, 08:27 PM
Ping pong table to you, beirut table to me.

Will Wood
12-06-2004, 08:53 PM
Ping pong table to you, beirut table to me.
:bounce: Yup! You better cover it with something though...PingPong tables hate liquid.

And wait till Miscue sees this thread :D He'll set you up with everything you need to know.

12-06-2004, 08:58 PM
I LOVE pingpong, been playing since I was 9 or so, then it broke, and we got a new table 2 or so years ago. Definitely one of my favorite things to do.

12-06-2004, 08:58 PM
we have a table at our house too, but in college its known as a beerpong table

Will Wood
12-06-2004, 09:17 PM
beirut table

12-06-2004, 09:45 PM
I have 2. One at home, and one here at school. We paint em pretty well so the beer doesn't soak in. I'm addicted to beer pong. Beruit gets boring and takes to many cups. Ping pong itself is fun, but it's tricky to switch between beer pong and ping pong.

12-06-2004, 09:47 PM
:bounce: Yup! You better cover it with something though...PingPong tables hate liquid.

And wait till Miscue sees this thread :D He'll set you up with everything you need to know.

Well... he's already picked a table so I'll keep quiet. :)

12-06-2004, 10:30 PM
no miscue, dont hold back, gimme some advice if you have some. keep in mind i want to stay in a lowish price range

12-06-2004, 10:34 PM
no miscue, dont hold back, gimme some advice if you have some. keep in mind i want to stay in a lowish price range

How serious are you about ping pong, and where will it be stored/played?

12-06-2004, 11:06 PM
Well, for $100 - can't beat that. Heck, my paddle costs more... and a premium net is like $50. :p

This is about as good as I can find for about $200 -


Things I noticed: 3/4" top (1/2" will warp), decent legs/wheels, and USATT approved which means it should bounce somewhat like a tournament table.

<img src="http://i.walmart.com/i/p/00/75/48/06/05/0075480605781_500X500.jpg">
This looks like a good table to start with.

This is what you had listed:
<img src="http://content.sears.com/data/product_images/006/26300/00626300000-dlv.jpg">
Honestly, it looks flimsy and has a very thin 1/2" top. A 1/2" top WILL warp, I would get no less than 3/4" top if you want it to last several years. The legs aren't supported very well at all - not too sturdy.

This is what higher end tables looks like:
<img src="http://store1.yimg.com/I/sportsunlimited_1819_50062776">
<img src="http://store1.yimg.com/I/sportsunlimited_1819_92411131">

What you'll notice is, they look sturdier as the price goes up. What to look for is sturdy wheels/legs and thick top. A tournament table bounces better - good tables all bounce about the same. Also, some of the expensive ones fold up very compactly. The USATT rating on the table I showed you is a good sign that it should bounce pretty well.

This bounce consistency will make ZERO difference if you don't get serious with it and play on other tables. A crappy table can really screw me up - my serves don't go where they're supposed to and everything else is thrown off... makes it difficult and frustrating.

12-07-2004, 12:05 AM
wow thanks for the advice, i think i might wait longer and save up to get a better one. i dont think im going to get too serious about ping pong, but i want a table that will last a while. thanks again

12-07-2004, 06:58 PM
Don't get him started on paddles ;)

You're probably O.K. with a mid-level table. Important thing is to not buy the cheapest option available. Just shop arond and do what you can within your budget.

12-07-2004, 07:19 PM
i didn't know there was that much to ping pong.

12-07-2004, 08:19 PM
I think that table will be fine for some for fun basement pingpong, but if you can spend like 100 more, go for a nicer one.

Miscue, how do you suggest holding your paddle, the normal way(like a tennis racket), or like you are holding chop sticks, dont know the offical names of them.

12-07-2004, 11:14 PM
beer pong!

12-08-2004, 12:09 AM
I think that table will be fine for some for fun basement pingpong, but if you can spend like 100 more, go for a nicer one.

Miscue, how do you suggest holding your paddle, the normal way(like a tennis racket), or like you are holding chop sticks, dont know the offical names of them.

Well, shakehands and penholder are the two main ones. There's some variations that are perfectly viable, but I won't mention.

Neither is superior to the other, just different... with pros and cons. As you get better, what grip you use will have an effect on your style. If you're not very good, your style is missing the table... so it doesn't really matter. :p

Pick whatever feels most natural to you. But here's the thing, pick one way and do it CORRECTLY. http://www.ehow.com/how_15226_grip-paddle-table.html
One problem is, the typical paddle itself is a shakehands paddle - and it's uncomfortable to hold it penholder style. If you do play penholder, get a penholder blade. There are two kinds: Chinese and Japanese. You'll notice that only the shakehands handle goes right up to the rubber. Also, penholder blades only use one side with rubber.

<img src="http://www.hiqua.com/pingpong/pDWdr5a.jpg"><img src="http://www.hiqua.com/pingpong/pDWdr5b.jpg">
Even though there is no rubber, they're supposed to put a black paint sheet on the back.

Chinese (Notice the short handle, some are even shorter):
<img src="http://www.hiqua.com/pingpong/p202ASN.jpg">

<img src="http://www.hiqua.com/pingpong/pXSF1018b.jpg">

<img src="http://home.covad.net/~chunglau/kongbh.jpg">
You'll notice he holds it on the highest part of the grip with index extended - copy that. I see a lot of noobs hold it lower, or have their index finger pointing up or something - I could explain what problems this causes, but won't.

The grip should be loose - the general rule is... loose enough that someone could pull it right from your hand. Also your wrist needs to be relaxed, not stiff at all. You have to be able to adjust your racquet angle and such, and it takes a relaxed grip to make whip-like motions. If you think about how you flick someone with a gym towel, you don't do with with a stiff wrist.

Kong Linghui (who plays shakehands) talks a little bit about playing against penholders.

12-15-2004, 09:35 PM
ok well i finally got one. not sure of the brand or ne thing. I got it from walmart, its a 3/4 inch and its pretty nice. ok gotta go play some ping pong :)