View Full Version : Helping his dad... riiiiiiggghhhtt....

12-07-2004, 12:05 PM
Well this magman character or whatever his name is seems to have scammed everyone out of their hard earned money telling them this bull**** story about his dad being in the war and all... Me, along with a few other people on here saw him offering either a red, black, or blue unmilled 04 viking for cavemankevin's xmag; choice of xmag owner. I always thought the way he talked about the whole thing was fishy but I thought if it was a scam then not many people would donate, which was not the case. I have also seen him offering "his dad's" viking for other guns on pbn but never thought anything of it since I thought maybe he just wanted to see what the gun is worth or maybe it's a friend that was using his account. Well the more I looked into the matter, the more fishy it looked to me and I think this last offer he made a day or 2 ago was the final straw. Everyone who gave this cheap piece of **** lazy **** money, I suggest you do something about it. Thanks for reading :tard:.

- Bobo

12-07-2004, 12:13 PM
i thought this was sketchy from day one. why people would ever get suckered into something like this is beyond me...

The Frymarker
12-07-2004, 12:54 PM
You're kidding

I made his father two pairs of custom carved customs, worth over $100. Wow I feel completely silly.

I guess the good thing about it is the grips can't be resold because his father's name was on them. But I just feel sorry I was taken advantage of.

12-07-2004, 12:56 PM
Yeah that does suck Fry. I hope we are wrong about this, b/c if not there is a slight chance someone might severly hurt him.

12-07-2004, 01:01 PM
before people jump to conclusions, including myself, i want to hear his explaination.. BUT, i'm not convinced it was the real deal after seeing him trying to trade vikings etc... IF the one he was trading was his, why didnt he give his dad one of 3 he already had instead of scamming some dude to give him an 04 for $500

12-07-2004, 01:05 PM
Everyone should take him to small claims court for misrepresentation.

I hope he gives his side of the story, but it really sucks when someone takes advantage of the kindness of others. But, when giving to a stranger only give what you are prepared to lose...

Can anyone contact his father to find out the story?

12-07-2004, 01:09 PM
Ok. Here's the deal. I bought a viking for my dad. Then Bought a VIKING FOR MYSELF. So stop accusing me of scamming people. I bought another blue viking people. And i didnt alreasy have 3. I bought more after i bought my dads. The reason i didnt have money a few months ago, was because i didnt have a job. I now have a job and getting money.

12-07-2004, 01:11 PM
I have also seen him offering "his dad's" viking for other guns on pbn but never thought anything of it since I thought maybe he just wanted to see what the gun is worth or maybe it's a friend that was using his account. - Bobo

Would you care to show everyone where i "offered'' it to someone?

12-07-2004, 01:12 PM
It's been a month, maybe, and you were already able to buy 2 Vikings? Wow. I need a job like that -- and I'm 25 with a degree working full time. Must've been alot of lawns to mow.

Are you accepting trades of any kind? I have a 2004 Viking i can trade. Your choice of dust black, dust blue, or dust red.

12-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Yes, I would also like a job where you work.

12-07-2004, 01:15 PM
so you begged other people to help you buy your dad a marker that turned around and bought one on your own for yourself. that is pretty shady

12-07-2004, 01:18 PM
Yes, I would also like a job where you work.

i'm sixteen, and my parents pay for my vehicles insurance. I work at velocity paintball now. And applying for another job. I bought a blue 04 viking for 850 (Which is not alot of money)
I am also selling a load of my stuff to friends to buy another one. People, please stop accusing others. Guitar, paintball gear, game systems and even more stuff.

12-07-2004, 01:19 PM
PEOPLE. Please note that the thread starter joined this month (Less than a week ago) and only has 39 posts.

12-07-2004, 01:20 PM
Well this magman character or whatever his name is seems to have scammed everyone out of their hard earned money telling them this bull**** story about his dad being in the war and all... Me, along with a few other people on here saw him offering either a red, black, or blue unmilled 04 viking for cavemankevin's xmag; choice of xmag owner. I always thought the way he talked about the whole thing was fishy but I thought if it was a scam then not many people would donate, which was not the case. I have also seen him offering "his dad's" viking for other guns on pbn but never thought anything of it since I thought maybe he just wanted to see what the gun is worth or maybe it's a friend that was using his account. Well the more I looked into the matter, the more fishy it looked to me and I think this last offer he made a day or 2 ago was the final straw. Everyone who gave this cheap piece of **** lazy **** money, I suggest you do something about it. Thanks for reading :tard:.

- Bobo

Are you aware that he's Trading his OWN Viking, as well as mine (with my permission)?

Are you aware that while people contributed tot he fund, I was the one who front the additional $400 to BUY the damned thing? I have the paypal records to show you. Either STFU, or back down.

You Joined AO this Month. Your post count is a teeny bit less than some of us.

Its not your place to do any of that, and your own insecurities hurt the feelings of my close friend. You're an idiot.
Go back to PBN where you belong.

12-07-2004, 01:20 PM
I'm not accusing, I'm just interested in what's going on. How much do get a week from your job?

12-07-2004, 01:21 PM
Sooo.. Where did the 3rd Viking come from then?

12-07-2004, 01:22 PM
look, it still seems shady man

12-07-2004, 01:24 PM
look, it still seems shady man

Shady? How? The Third Viking was mine. I Bought TWO from other AO members on here.
Edit, qeustion wasn't for me.

12-07-2004, 01:24 PM
Sooo.. Where did the 3rd Viking come from then?

This guy has an eye on my black one. My dad wants to trade to this guy for his red viking. I'm buying a blue one (NOte i own 2 vikings at the moment) That's why im offering all 3 to the guy, becuz i have access to all 3. I'm buying the blue one on saturday. I sold my computer to buy the blue one ($1400 money was sent yesterday)

12-07-2004, 01:28 PM
Your dad wants to trade the gun you saved up for and bought him for when he'd get back from Iraq?

What kind of dad would get rid of a present like that?

Also, postcount is 100% meaningless.

12-07-2004, 01:29 PM
You Joined AO this Month. Your post count is a teeny bit less than some of us.

Its not your place to do any of that, and your own insecurities hurt the feelings of my close friend. You're an idiot.
Go back to PBN where you belong.

post count = ?????

i dont see the coralition

If I was running AO I wouldnt allow these kind if philanthropic persuits. Certinaly causes for groups or orginzations but not this "beg" to play paintball, its some of the most selfish stuff I have seen in my life. :rolleyes:

12-07-2004, 01:29 PM
There is a lot of shady stuff going down on this thread. First off I want proof (links, screen shots etc) that he is selling the viking in question. Second I'm with rk I wish I could buy a $900 gun after werking for a month ( I also have degree and werk full time). Lets ee some proof before we burn the witch.

Edit: I can't believe you're dad wants to trade a gift. This is BS.. I can't imagine any Dad worth buying a viking for caring what color it is

12-07-2004, 01:32 PM
What I can't believe is that AO member are believing someone who has been here maybe a week, against members who have been here, and posted honestly for years. I Have nothing but good Feedback, same for Magmanl337's, and Any day of the week I'd back him up 100%.
This is utter and TOTAL BS on Bobo's part, and I dontsee anyone noticing people are...trolling.

I hope heather reads this, or posts, because if/when she does, I will gladly, on the behalf of MagMan, send her the money for those grips, if she feels like she has been scammed.

You all make me sick.

12-07-2004, 01:33 PM
There is a lot of shady stuff going down on this thread. First off I want proof (links, screen shots etc) that he is selling the viking in question. Second I'm with rk I wish I could buy a $900 gun after werking for a month ( I also have degree and werk full time). Lets ee some proof before we burn the witch.

Edit: I can't believe you're dad wants to trade a gift. This is BS.. I can't imagine any Dad worth buying a viking for caring what color it is

Are you silly? IT WASNT $900, and I said I FRONTED THE MONEY FOR IT.

12-07-2004, 01:33 PM
I've asked more than once, too, in the original thread to see a picture of your dad with his marker.. SHOOTING it. Not holding it. Not carrying around an aka gun bag (for all we know he could be holding it for you).

Unlike some 14-15yr olds, alot of us weren't born yesterday.

12-07-2004, 01:34 PM
You're kidding

I made his father two pairs of custom carved customs, worth over $100. Wow I feel completely silly.

I guess the good thing about it is the grips can't be resold because his father's name was on them. But I just feel sorry I was taken advantage of.

If you really feel that Way, PM me your Paypal addy, and I'll get this squared Away. Even better if you have a phone number I can possibly reach you at later in the day after class. This is Astounding.

12-07-2004, 01:35 PM
I work at velocity paintball now. And applying for another job. I bought a blue 04 viking for 850 (Which is not alot of money)

Even if you were working at that paintball shop full time thats a lot of money. $850 to a 16 yo working in a paintball shop who has only had a job for a month or so is most definitely a lot of money.

12-07-2004, 01:36 PM
I sold my computer to buy the blue one ($1400 money was sent yesterday)

Kid who had to beg and borrow money to buy his dad a gun had enough money to buy a $1400 computer? More, actually, since the resale is less than what you pay for it.

12-07-2004, 01:37 PM
Are you silly? IT WASNT $900, and I said I FRONTED THE MONEY FOR IT.

I thought you said you fronted him $400 for the gun.

12-07-2004, 01:37 PM
What I can't believe is that AO member are believing someone who has been here maybe a week, against members who have been here, and posted honestly for years.

You all make me sick.

Read what I posted. I dont think we should allow posts like this just for this reason

12-07-2004, 01:38 PM
looks like fish.. smells like fish.. gotta be fish..

12-07-2004, 01:40 PM
I hope we are wrong about this, b/c if not there is a slight chance someone might severly hurt him.

Quoted for truth.

12-07-2004, 01:40 PM
Read what I posted. I dont think we should allow posts like this just for this reason

This is what I meant
You're going to believe a novice member, OVER people who have been posting here for years, without strife. Honest trades, buying, and the what not.

Why hasn't HE posted again, BTW?

12-07-2004, 01:41 PM
What sticks in my craw is the fact that he solicited donations, including convincing a seller to drop his asking price 40%, when he obviously had access to funds to purchase his Dad's marker. Not a scam, just a dick thing to do, IMO.

12-07-2004, 01:44 PM
Yeah, why didn't you sell your computer in the first place to get money for your "dads" gun?

12-07-2004, 01:44 PM
What sticks in my craw is the fact that he solicited donations, including convincing a seller to drop his asking price 40%, when he obviously had access to funds to purchase his Dad's marker. Not a scam, just a dick thing to do, IMO.

That too. He presented himself as strapped for cash so he solicited discounts and freebies across AO.

Then as soon as he uses said discounts and freebies for a setup, he proceeds to sell his over-priced computer to buy himself a gun.

12-07-2004, 01:44 PM
I'm still waiting for Heather to post a second time, or to PM me.

12-07-2004, 01:46 PM
That too. He presented himself as strapped for cash so he solicited discounts and freebies across AO.

Then as soon as he uses said discounts and freebies for a setup, he proceeds to sell his over-priced computer to buy himself a gun.

Proceeds? Do you know How much money was actually donated to him? $40(minus paypal fees). Do you know How much I paid? The Rest(minus paypal fees). He borrowed the money from ME.
As for the Computer, he's been trying to sell it for the past several months becuase another person is giving him the run around.

12-07-2004, 01:49 PM
Jesus....wtf is up with AO lately? Who donated? Who's pissed? Other than Frymark, and they said they'd pay her if she wanted. All you have is some noob with a post that's barely legible. Quit jumping to conclusions people until you know the whole picture.

12-07-2004, 01:49 PM
Even if you were working at that paintball shop full time thats a lot of money. $850 to a 16 yo working in a paintball shop who has only had a job for a month or so is most definitely a lot of money.

if he's working there even part time, it's easy to make 450 a paycheck. 2 paychecks = 900... do your math thordic... it's toally possible. :ninja:

12-07-2004, 01:49 PM
[QUOTE=Automaggot68]Proceeds? Do you know How much money was actually donated to him? $40(minus paypal fees). Do you know How much I paid? The Rest(minus paypal fees). He borrowed the money from ME.
As for the Computer, he's been trying to sell it for the past several months becuase another person is giving him the run around.[/QUOTE

$40? That's it? You guys aren't very good at scamming people. JK ha

12-07-2004, 01:50 PM
Yeah, why didn't you sell your computer in the first place to get money for your "dads" gun?
So im magically going to find a buyer right off the bat? IT took me 6 weeks to find someone that wanted it.

12-07-2004, 01:50 PM
This is what I meant
You're going to believe a novice member, OVER people who have been posting here for years, without strife. Honest trades, buying, and the what not.

Why hasn't HE posted again, BTW?

read this again please and show me where it says that I believe either one of yoru crappy stories:

post count = ?????

i dont see the coralition

If I was running AO I wouldnt allow these kind if philanthropic persuits. Certinaly causes for groups or orginzations but not this "beg" to play paintball, its some of the most selfish stuff I have seen in my life.

I am saying we shouldnt put this crap on AO becuase it ALWAYS looks shady!

12-07-2004, 01:50 PM
You said 10 minutes ago you donated $400. Now you say you donated almost $900.

And the amount doesn't matter. People still donated money because they thought there was a need. A need which argueably wasn't there.

He could have taken a slight hit on his computer price and ebay'd it. Don't give me this "Oh he was trying so hard to sell it so he could buy a gun for his dad and puppies for all the neighborhood children and food for the homeless!".

And I'm surprised you are defending him as you gave him either $400 or $900 (let us know when you make up your mind) to get his dad a gun and he went out and bought himself two guns a month later.

Either you like his dad a whole lot more than he does, or he used you for money.

12-07-2004, 01:51 PM
$40? That's it? You guys aren't very good at scamming people.
Maybe because they weren't....

12-07-2004, 01:51 PM
That too. He presented himself as strapped for cash so he solicited discounts and freebies across AO.

Then as soon as he uses said discounts and freebies for a setup, he proceeds to sell his over-priced computer to buy himself a gun.

that's his choice... maybe he didn't have a second computer at the time, and now he does, so he can sell the other one... who are you to jump to these conclusions.

12-07-2004, 01:52 PM
what about the 2004 Viking he got for his 'dad' that he got for $500 and so graciously thanked the seller for over here and on PBN for the great discount?

12-07-2004, 01:52 PM
if he's working there even part time, it's easy to make 450 a paycheck. 2 paychecks = 900... do your math thordic... it's toally possible. :ninja:

I didn't say it wasn't possible, I just said its still a lot of money.

Minimum wage is around $5.50, is it not?

Working a 40 hour week, thats $220 a week, or $440 a paycheck. (How you got $450 for part time assumes that he is getting a bit better than min. wage, but why you would pay a 16 yo in a paintball shop that much more than min. wage, especially when he is obviously a new hire, is beyond me).

So if he got $880 in his first month, and didn't spend a DIME on anything else, then sure, he could have bought the gun.

But its still a lot of money.

12-07-2004, 01:53 PM
i cant beleive people are looking past the facts ...

fact 1. he sold his comp :wow: :wow:
fact 2. he made an offer with automaggot's viking :wow:
fact 3. he bought a second viking of his own . after he sold his own comp ... :wow:
fact 4. he also parted out his mag to have cash ... here on ao :wow:

he told me over a month ago that he was going to sell his comp to buy a viking ...

i have talked to him on aim for maybe a month now ..

and why the hell would he even take the time to make a post about the viking he got his dad if he was out to burn people out of cash to get the viking in the first place

i think this post is retarded started by someone ... who opened his mouth before he knew anything about any of this

as for his dad wanting a milled viking instead of the one he has now the world is full of options ...

i think this stupid thread should be deleted .......

12-07-2004, 01:53 PM
You said 10 minutes ago you donated $400. Now you say you donated almost $900.

And the amount doesn't matter. People still donated money because they thought there was a need. A need which argueably wasn't there.

He could have taken a slight hit on his computer price and ebay'd it. Don't give me this "Oh he was trying so hard to sell it so he could buy a gun for his dad and puppies for all the neighborhood children and food for the homeless!".

And I'm surprised you are defending him as you gave him either $400 or $900 (let us know when you make up your mind) to get his dad a gun and he went out and bought himself two guns a month later.

Either you like his dad a whole lot more than he does, or he used you for money.

did he give him $400 or FRONT him $400... that's two different things

12-07-2004, 01:53 PM
that's his choice... maybe he didn't have a second computer at the time, and now he does, so he can sell the other one... who are you to jump to these conclusions.

I do have two computers and 2 laptops. Which is why im selling one. Though one laptop and one computer is my parents, its still there for me to use.

He fronted 300, and then my mom paid him back. I now owe my mom money for that, tho its considerably less now that i have been paying it off.

12-07-2004, 01:53 PM
that's his choice... maybe he didn't have a second computer at the time, and now he does, so he can sell the other one... who are you to jump to these conclusions.

So he didn't want to sacrifice anything himself, he just wanted OTHER people to sacrifice / donate for his dad?

Such a great kid :rolleyes:

12-07-2004, 01:54 PM
did he give him $400 or FRONT him $400... that's two different things

Well if he is obviously spending all his income now on new guns for himself, apparntly he doesn't care about paying his friend back anyway.

12-07-2004, 01:55 PM
i cant beleive people are looking past the facts ...

fact 1. he sold his comp :wow: :wow:
fact 2. he made an offer with automaggot's viking :wow:
fact 3. he bought a second viking of his own . after he sold his own comp ... :wow:
fact 4. he also parted out his mag to have cash ... here on ao :wow:

he told me over a month ago that he was going to sell his comp to buy a viking ...

i have talked to him on aim for maybe a month now ..

and why the hell would he even take the time to make a post about the viking he got his dad if he was out to burn people out of cash to get the viking in the first place

i think this post is retarded started by someone ... who opened his mouth before he knew anything about any of this

as for his dad wanting a milled viking instead of the one he has now the world is full of options ...

i think this stupid thread should be deleted .......


12-07-2004, 01:56 PM
You said 10 minutes ago you donated $400. Now you say you donated almost $900.

And the amount doesn't matter. People still donated money because they thought there was a need. A need which argueably wasn't there.

He could have taken a slight hit on his computer price and ebay'd it. Don't give me this "Oh he was trying so hard to sell it so he could buy a gun for his dad and puppies for all the neighborhood children and food for the homeless!".

And I'm surprised you are defending him as you gave him either $400 or $900 (let us know when you make up your mind) to get his dad a gun and he went out and bought himself two guns a month later.

Either you like his dad a whole lot more than he does, or he used you for money.
When did I say I donated $900? I didn't. I said I fronted the $400 from the rest of the viking. It was NEVER $900.
And when did I start with the Bs of "Oh he was trying so hard to sell it so he could buy a gun for his dad and puppies for all the neighborhood children and food for the homeless!"? I said some guy gave him the run around.

Defending him? Why wouldn't I? He lives two miles away! He's my FRIEND.

12-07-2004, 01:56 PM
Just so you guys know I'm starting a fund for my brother's, uncle, cousin's, dog's roommate. Anyone want to contribute?

12-07-2004, 01:56 PM
Well if he is obviously spending all his income now on new guns for himself, apparntly he doesn't care about paying his friend back anyway.

We did pay him back. But i shouldn't be having to post that here, or anywhere. Thats my personal life, and you people are being intrusive.

12-07-2004, 01:57 PM
I dropped my watch in the toilet, I sure hope someone donates a new one for me.

12-07-2004, 01:58 PM
Well if he is obviously spending all his income now on new guns for himself, apparntly he doesn't care about paying his friend back anyway.

WTF Do you know about the guy?
How do you know I wasn't paid back, or given something in return for the money? You dont.
You dont know a god damned thing about this, and half of you dont either. Tihs thread is retarded, and a mod needs to get in here, and freakin Send out the Three Day's, along with me.

12-07-2004, 01:58 PM
I dropped my watch in the toilet, I sure hope someone donates a new one for me.

You know Thordic, I've seen your posts before, but I never thought you'd stoop to that level. Wow.

12-07-2004, 02:00 PM
I stopped reading after the post count insult... it really showed me how immature you are. The one question that I have is this: Why is your story so different from "you friend's" or whoever this mysterious guest is? This is all assuring me more and more that this was a scam. If your 16 then why the **** do we have to give you money to buy "your dad" the gun if you can get your own ****ing job or do something on your own you ****ing mooch. Everyone that donated has to work for their own money and most of them are not any older then 17 or 18. Why the **** do you get to sit back and watch the money flow in from hard working people who feel compassion for you when your not even doing anything yourself to try to fix the situation or whatever.

12-07-2004, 02:02 PM
I stopped reading after the post count insult... it really showed me how immature you are. The one question that I have is this: Why is your story so different from "you friend's" or whoever this mysterious guest is? This is all assuring me more and more that this was a scam. If your 16 then why the **** do we have to give you money to buy "your dad" the gun if you can get your own ****ing job or do something on your own you ****ing mooch. Everyone that donated has to work for their own money and most of them are not any older then 17 or 18. Why the **** do you get to sit back and watch the money flow in from hard working people who feel compassion for you when your not even doing anything yourself to try to fix the situation or whatever.


12-07-2004, 02:04 PM

:argh: :tard:

12-07-2004, 02:05 PM
I stopped reading after the post count insult... it really showed me how immature you are. The one question that I have is this: Why is your story so different from "you friend's" or whoever this mysterious guest is? This is all assuring me more and more that this was a scam. If your 16 then why the **** do we have to give you money to buy "your dad" the gun if you can get your own ****ing job or do something on your own you ****ing mooch. Everyone that donated has to work for their own money and most of them are not any older then 17 or 18. Why the **** do you get to sit back and watch the money flow in from hard working people who feel compassion for you when your not even doing anything yourself to try to fix the situation or whatever.

Greatest post in AO History. EVAR.
The money SURE did flow from THAT scam. Woooooo. :rolleyes:

12-07-2004, 02:06 PM
I stopped reading after the post count insult... it really showed me how immature you are. The one question that I have is this: Why is your story so different from "you friend's" or whoever this mysterious guest is? This is all assuring me more and more that this was a scam. If your 16 then why the **** do we have to give you money to buy "your dad" the gun if you can get your own ****ing job or do something on your own you ****ing mooch. Everyone that donated has to work for their own money and most of them are not any older then 17 or 18. Why the **** do you get to sit back and watch the money flow in from hard working people who feel compassion for you when your not even doing anything yourself to try to fix the situation or whatever.

I just turned 16 you dick.

12-07-2004, 08:24 PM
I just turned 16 you dick.

I am not putting up with this stuff.... several bans coming down starting with yours for flaming...

3 days to you... more coming.

$BoMoney$ you get 7 days for excessive cursing and flaming.