View Full Version : Best Upgrade Barrel for Automags?

12-07-2004, 07:11 PM
Hey I hope this is the appropriate place for this, couldn't find anywhere else.

Since you guys are the experts on AGD, I would like your opinions on the best barrel for a TAC-ONE, I don't have one yet but will soon and I want to be able to start saving for a barrel.

I am frontman on a speedball team. The main things I want is it to be 10-12", quiet, accurate, have bore size choices, color choices, ported(goes with the quiet part), possibly self cleaning, and a reasonable price, were talking anywhere to $100.
Or a kit anywhere to $150, the main ones I have been thinking of are DYE, Custom Products, J&J Ceramic, Teardrops and whispers, but thats why I'm asking you, the ones who know ;) :headbang: .
So whats the best barrel for the TAC?


12-07-2004, 07:17 PM
J&J Ceramic full tilt

12-07-2004, 08:31 PM
if youre going with a non-kit barrel, go with one that best matches the paint you most regularly use. this means try barrels out at your local shop. almost any barrel can be accurate as hell as long as the paint matches.

12-07-2004, 08:57 PM
My personal opinion would be getting a stiffi switch kit. The stiffi is quiet, accurate, cleans well, and lighter than any other barrel out there. There is a dealer in the Dealers forum selling either the switch kit or the barrel.

I use a 14" stiffi .689 on my xmag and it is quiet and durable.

Carbon Blue
12-07-2004, 09:01 PM
I love my Dye barrels both the ultralite and stainless steel. But i have one question. I want to switch on over to a stiffi but they dont make twist locks for the mag. So i now i currently have a 12inch dye ultralite 2 piece. Would i be able to screw in the stiffi onto the back on the ultra lite?

12-07-2004, 09:09 PM
carbon blue - check out site's web site for info on the tips... http://www.sitemfg.com/stiff-tip.html

also i believe the dealer in the dealer forum also sells tips.

Carbon Blue
12-07-2004, 10:59 PM
thanks alot! so this should be fine with my ultra lite back half right?

12-09-2004, 09:30 PM
J&J Ceramic full tilt
Anything J&J. Definitely. I have a J&J Ceramic($35) for my A-5 and that gives nearly identical accuracy as that of a Boomstick($165). If that full tilt thing is a kit, definitely get that. Let's see... Self cleaning, quiet(ported), very accurate. But I don't know about color choices.

12-10-2004, 10:39 PM
Everytime I use a DYE barrel on a mag it works wonders. From automags to minimags to emags. I have used them all. My fav was the ultralight .689. It worked for every paint style I used. I have also used the old SS style barrels along with the glued boomsticks and they worked great.

I also used a J&J ceramic, it was good but not as good as the DYE's (yeah, it does cost more but it really does work better.)

12-10-2004, 10:45 PM
I love my Dye barrels both the ultralite and stainless steel. But i have one question. I want to switch on over to a stiffi but they dont make twist locks for the mag. So i now i currently have a 12inch dye ultralite 2 piece. Would i be able to screw in the stiffi onto the back on the ultra lite?

Don't do it. I have been around both. DYE is way way way better. :wow:

12-11-2004, 12:03 AM
But it all comes down to the paint you use. Expensive paint in a semi-low quality barrel will give you better accuracy than cheap paint in a Boomstick.

About that Boomstick to Ceramic controversy. 35 dollars / Ceramic's accuracy to 125 dollars / Boomstick's accuracy. Which is greater? Guess it depends if you're a hardcore paintaballer that's got the money to increase their accuracy by a hair.

EDIT: Forgot to say this....

People on the Tippmann forum say the Bigshot is just as accurate as a Boomstick. Well, I own a Ceramic and a Bigshot and can say the Ceramic is just as good as the Bigshot. That said, many people are unknowingly implying that the Ceramic is just as good as a Boomstick.

12-11-2004, 10:28 AM
I know alot of guys on my team and one of the gus on my squad have switched over to the hammerhead system.
Ive also used j&j ceramic as well which is verry accurate.

12-11-2004, 11:23 AM
I have used the Poison Products, "Poison Arrow System" for a year now. All three "EDGE" Field teams use this product (Mr.Yuck, PointBlank and Short Bus). I think I can speak for the the rest of the guys by saying it is one of the best we have ever used! Tac driving accuracy and if for what ever reason you might have a ball breakage one can shoot through it maintaining 90% accuracy! Shooting my Emag I have had maybe one or two balls ever blow-up, but I was firing the lanes as quick as I could, I never really noticed. Most of us don't have squeegees anymore or we don't carry them on the field anyway, we don't need them. The "Poison Arrow System" is the Finest I personally have used. There is a full write-up of it in the new APG. Or look for it at www.smootherthanglass.com ...

12-11-2004, 07:27 PM
by far the best barrel system on the market is the Powerlyte Scepter. Look at the reviews on pbreviews.com. Only barrel system to have so many high reviews on it.

I have had most of the system out today and the Scepter is an OUTSTANDING product!

Give it a try.