View Full Version : Quick question from a new Tac One Owner

12-07-2004, 10:04 PM
This is my first post so here i am.
Anyhoo, I just got my Tac one and am trying to decide on what kinda nito tank to get.
Was gonna go with the Air America Apocolypse2k body bag special i see they have.Then the captain of the team Im on just got back from the texas Throwdown and said everyone down there said that crossfire was the way to go and that they wouldent use air america.
Just wondering what experiences any of you had with either one of these tanks and what you all suggest.
From doing some reading here it seems alot of people really dig the crossfire.
Thanx in advance,
1MG scenerio team
Raven Squad

12-08-2004, 10:55 AM
Not to change the subject but is the fore grip also a gas through grip as well.. Looking to pick me up a tac one first of Jan. anything I should know.. As for the air Crossfire rules..


12-08-2004, 11:36 AM
Crossfires are great tanks. As are the new Air American screw in tanks.

12-08-2004, 11:53 AM
I have been using Air America tanks for a long time now and I really like them. Since 97 I've had one small problem with a reg seat. Very reliable one can't go wrong. Alot of my team and friends use the crossfire with nothing bad to say. They are both fine systems

12-08-2004, 05:04 PM
Thanx for your input everyone!
I just wanna make sure im getting a quality system as im planning to use my tac one for my main marker. Guess im kinda ignorant on what would work best and all.
didnt mean ta sound to stupid.

12-08-2004, 05:25 PM
I'm getting a 68/4500 crossfire stubby for my tac.

Creative Mayhem
12-08-2004, 05:57 PM
I own 3 AA regs/tanks and have had nothing but good results. My Raptor and Tsunami regs are prolly older than most kids here on AO, and they work flawlessly. I reccommend AA all the way.

12-08-2004, 06:58 PM
WOW thanx.
Im really glad i joined these forums as everyone has been totaly friendly and helpfull.
Think im gonna end up going with the aa apocolypse 2k body bag series.
after that, time to make a move on a night vision scope i got my eye on! :dance:
thanx again for the advice and being super friendly and not flaming me for asking such a general question.