View Full Version : New Backup!

12-07-2004, 11:55 PM
Well since my Viking is off getting the quad detent mod installed. I get to play with the new backup toy.


12-07-2004, 11:56 PM

12-08-2004, 12:00 AM
so ugly :rolleyes:

You have way too much money Chris. I didnt realize that Fast and the Furious paid you that well :cool:

"Why does he get all the wonderful toys?"

Hey at least I share my toys. :cheers:

12-08-2004, 12:04 AM
How do you find that trigger? It looks wild but I hear it is really nice to play with :)

12-08-2004, 12:04 AM
wow almost same setup as mine, what bore stiffi?? also, where did you get that feedneck top? mine is the hybrid one i guess, i want the one on yours.

12-08-2004, 12:07 AM
Battlewear- I like trigger but I really don't feel it is worth the $75 it is new. It is light and has a great feel to it. It does help eliminate bounce but if you do want bounce get the Critical Trigger. I've hit 17 pbs with one finger on that one.

Evo- It's an older Alias. This marker I purchased used. I know that the feedneck top is also on some of the 2k2 Timmies. You can grab one off of those. I use a Stiffi Switch kit. But i'm usually just on the standar 689-688 bore.

12-08-2004, 06:15 PM
Heh. I knew you'd get one eventually. Looks good! I'm thinking of getting one of those barrels too. How do you like it?

12-08-2004, 09:09 PM
I know that question was directed at Leather, but since I had a switch kit, I thought I would chime in.

I had a switch kit. It shot very well, was light, and was very quiet. However, the anno on it is total crap, and quickly looked scratched up. I complained to site, but they gave me the brush off. So I sold it with one of my excals.

Leather, nice gun. I cant wait to hear your review of the quad detent mod, hopefully that will tame the remaining small bore paint issues.

12-08-2004, 09:25 PM
I know that question was directed at Leather, but since I had a switch kit, I thought I would chime in.

I had a switch kit. It shot very well, was light, and was very quiet. However, the anno on it is total crap, and quickly looked scratched up. I complained to site, but they gave me the brush off. So I sold it with one of my excals.

I sent an Email to Site also. No reply yet. Besides the weight there really is no benifit to the Stiffi barrels. It's actually a pain since you cannot swab them. You can only use straight shot squeegez. I'd rather carry a folding swab that cleans out the barrels better. As far as shooting clean they shoot just as clean as any other barrel I've used.

12-08-2004, 09:32 PM
SITE told me they used the same anno as everyone else, and used pretty terse language in their email to me. When I offered to send them pictures of my barrel, they ignored me. And I had always heard how great their service was, yadda yadda.

I'll stick with my ULs and my longbow for now.

So lets hear it, alias vs viking ;) I had a ND timmy for a few weeks, but everything on it kept failing. Torpedo allen screw stripped, then it died, lpr blew, hoses shot off, barbs broke. I was extremely disappointed, and frankly it didn't seem any faster than the vikes I have owned. But thats just me, I have that effect on guns.

12-08-2004, 09:40 PM
But thats just me, I have that effect on guns.


nice toy, time for you to make another VIDEO!

Hopefully i'll be getting a dragon sometime soon...

12-08-2004, 09:46 PM
why do you need a backup??? i just don't see the point unless you won it, just get a gun that works and woln't screw up so you don't need a backup. :argh:

12-08-2004, 10:00 PM
why do you need a backup??? i just don't see the point unless you won it, just get a gun that works and woln't screw up so you don't need a backup. :argh:

S*** happens. There is always that day when something can and will go wrong with your marker. That is why I have this. So you're saying you have never had a marker problem?

Every marker I've owned has been a highend "well made" marker. Something can always go wrong. Right Steelrat!?

12-08-2004, 10:02 PM
With Ryan something doesn't go wrong. He just touches the gun.

12-08-2004, 10:06 PM
So lets hear it, alias vs viking ;) I had a ND timmy for a few weeks, but everything on it kept failing. Torpedo allen screw stripped, then it died, lpr blew, hoses shot off, barbs broke. I was extremely disappointed, and frankly it didn't seem any faster than the vikes I have owned. But thats just me, I have that effect on guns.

I don't feel that one is faster than the other. I've hit 17 bps on the Alias according to the LCD. Of course on the video I made I hit the same with the Viking, DM4 and NYX. I think 17-18 is where my fingers tap out LEGALY.

With the LPR at 80ish the Alias seems to have less kick. It's also easier for me to snap shoot with it. With a 45/4500 and a stiffi it is a great front player marker. I've only played one weekend with the Alias. I like it. Don't get me wrong. When I pick it up a glowing aura does not surround me but it's a nice piece to play with.

The Viking. It is heavier...about a pound heavier. At the end of the day I can feel it. Don't say I should work out or lift more because I'm sure I press more than most of you....but for those of you who are serious backplayers, you know what I'm talking about.

BUT I also feel the weight makes it a better shooting platform. It's a solid feel that I lane better with. You can also feel the better build quality on the Viking. It is a tank. I think any variety of milled Vikings are a good weight.

If I was playing X-Ball I'd used the Alias because it is easier to whip around. Just regular speedball I lean more to the Viking.

12-08-2004, 10:06 PM
Backup's rock. You never know when you gun is randomly going to die at the field. It is a lot easier to just switch guns then spend an hr of your time trying to fix your gun. All guns can and will break down.

12-08-2004, 10:26 PM
wouldnt you rather have an 04 viking and cash for a backup ;)

pm if interested :D

12-09-2004, 11:35 PM
wouldnt you rather have an 04 viking and cash for a backup ;)

pm if interested :D

Sorry no since I already have a '04 viking and cash. ;)

12-10-2004, 03:27 PM
Sorry no since I already have a '04 viking and cash. ;)

....i hate you ;)

No sKiLLz
12-10-2004, 07:19 PM
Did Matt put the stock board back in, or did u buy it as is? :nono:

12-10-2004, 07:27 PM
Did Matt put the stock board back in, or did u buy it as is? :nono:

This one isn't Matt's. Got this one from a random guy on PBN. No...it's not a "special" one. :mad: You know I don't do that.

12-10-2004, 07:30 PM
thats a nice back up , that should be used at a main gun ;)

12-11-2004, 04:22 PM
sad part is that u make it sound like aww... man look what i have to play wiht.

Nice gun though man

The Action Figure
12-11-2004, 04:32 PM
I wish I had backups like that

12-11-2004, 04:55 PM
once I get a gun I still know it won't be as nice as LP's gear (or NS's NYX..that bad boy is a freakin gatling gun)