View Full Version : What is wrong with people?

12-08-2004, 01:59 PM
Remember a few weeks ago a hunter shot eight other hunters killing six?
I've been hearing about it around school but not in the way you would think. The shooter claimed that the people he killed were making racist comments towards him and started shooting at him. So now everyone at school is taking this as an absolute truth and praising his actions in killing the racists. Its taking allot of restraint not to just punch some of these idiots in the face.
Even if a racist comment did justify murder I bet the guys who came to help weren’t on a megaphone shouting racist comments as they came to help on their quad. Multiple wounds, one gun among the party, shot while on a vehicle. How much more proof do you need, people are so stupid. I want to see this guy public ally executed with maybe savage beatings or another lesser punishment for everyone who is saying this was justified.

Big'n slo
12-08-2004, 02:24 PM
That guy should have never made it out of the woods.

12-08-2004, 02:30 PM
I have some doubts about the racists comments. My personal belief is that he FBI should be invovled, migh be already, and prsocute (yea, you like that speeeling dualist) the shooter under the hate crime leglislation.

12-08-2004, 03:30 PM
LOL, if they were so "racist" And tried to kill him, Wouldnt he not have made it outta the woods?

12-08-2004, 04:11 PM
We hunt about 40 miles away and the story so far is the other people coming to help on the wheelers did not even have any weapons with them. The only shots fired were from the first guy shot who was shot once in the neck and shoulder. This piece of crap should have been taken care of by the local police in the woods I don't care what race color he was. No court case needed. He shot the one younger guy 4 times in the back. If someone told me they are proud this guy stood up for himself he would not have teeth in his mouth anymore. I just wish we had the death penalty in Wi. Now I get to help pay for this guys room/board for the rest of his natural life.

12-08-2004, 07:43 PM
We hunt about 40 miles away and the story so far is the other people coming to help on the wheelers did not even have any weapons with them. The only shots fired were from the first guy shot who was shot once in the neck and shoulder. This piece of crap should have been taken care of by the local police in the woods I don't care what race color he was. No court case needed. He shot the one younger guy 4 times in the back. If someone told me they are proud this guy stood up for himself he would not have teeth in his mouth anymore. I just wish we had the death penalty in Wi. Now I get to help pay for this guys room/board for the rest of his natural life.

agreed 100%

and who sold this mentally deficient guy a gun?
this cant just happen out of no where

12-08-2004, 10:01 PM
agreed 100%

and who sold this mentally deficient guy a gun?
this cant just happen out of no where

The story I read said that he used to be a marksman in the army, or something like that. Same story said that racial tensions there have always been high.

12-08-2004, 11:58 PM

12-09-2004, 12:47 AM
so this is different from the last post? it looks like the same story to me but I didnt read either one of them really close.

if its 2 different stories...WTF why do they always pull the race card? I guess he can say whatever he wants after they are dead.

12-09-2004, 01:08 AM
He is being looked at for an usolved hunter death in that general part of the sate from a few years ago as well. Same type of thing. So he may not be as "innocent" as he purports.

Now about the race card. I am sure that the rightfull owners probably said some heated words that could be considered racist. Sure, thats not cool, but it in no way gives this idiot the right to open fire and do what he did. He is scum in whatever color package he is wrapped.

12-09-2004, 02:31 AM
madmolly, medicdvg: i couldnt agree more.

story has it that they guy was in the stand when the first guy came up to him to ask him to leave(only one armed). the guy then left, and removed his scope from his rifle and changed to camoflague before shooting the guy in the back. the guy who was shot radioed for help, but as his friends arrived, they were hunted down and shot.

if i was a cop and found this guy, i can deffinately say he wouldnt have made it outta the woods. things woulda been settled right then and there.

12-09-2004, 03:18 AM
being the news junkie that I am, I heard about this and here is how I feel:
1. Unless his life was in IMMEADIATE danger, murder is never justified.

2. Racism, in all of its ignornat ugliness, is something that while hurtful, debasing, and well just plain out of place anywhere, again does not justify homicide.

3. There are more appropiate and legal ways of taking care of things like this. NOT SHOOTING SOMEONE.


I don't even want to think about this anymore.

But, let me say this one last rant:
Most people are great in the locker room. I forget that exact trem. Most of them will say one thing but when it comes down to barss tacks, they will never act the way they say they will. Oh, and standing up for one's rights does not mean going on a killing spree.

12-09-2004, 03:48 AM
The story I read said that he used to be a marksman in the army, or something like that.

LOL a marksman rank in the Army is the lowest rank you can get. Don't remember the exact numbers of targets you had to hit but its on the low end.

As for the racist comments, I'm guessing most of you are white. If your a minority like me growing up in a prodominately white town and LIVED it damn everyday of you life than you'll know its hard not to snap at some point. I admit there were times where if I knew I could do some harm to some racist and get away with it I would of done something horrible. My father is a crabber and I still remember the racial tension b/t the white crabbers and the Vietnamase crabbers. Hearing this story kinda of reminds me of the earlier years that I've live here. If I was put in a situation where I was surrounded by white people shouting racist remarks and than taking a shot a me I would no doubt return fire.

12-09-2004, 08:20 AM
You know Kendog if it is so hard to live in the town go back to whereever you came from then. I am white and damn proud of it and I treat my white,hispanic,african american friends and asian friends all the same treat me right and I treat you right. For you to come on here saying it is so hard to live in a town of us whitey blue devils then move don't cry about it for god's sake get off your lazy but and move if it affects you so much you think about "snapping" You sir to me are just below pond scum not becuase you are asian but because you are a dumb human being.

12-09-2004, 08:56 AM
LOL a marksman rank in the Army is the lowest rank you can get. Don't remember the exact numbers of targets you had to hit but its on the low end.

As for the racist comments, I'm guessing most of you are white. If your a minority like me growing up in a prodominately white town and LIVED it damn everyday of you life than you'll know its hard not to snap at some point. I admit there were times where if I knew I could do some harm to some racist and get away with it I would of done something horrible. My father is a crabber and I still remember the racial tension b/t the white crabbers and the Vietnamase crabbers. Hearing this story kinda of reminds me of the earlier years that I've live here. If I was put in a situation where I was surrounded by white people shouting racist remarks and than taking a shot a me I would no doubt return fire.

Yeah I grew up an American in Austria. Try that. We are all white only I'm the one that everyone loves to hate. Racism is such a non-issuse anymore. I personally think ppl that "feel" they are being discriminated againsts are LOOKING for these type of comments. It's no different then getting made fun of for having big ears or walking pigeon toed.
We had a situation at work where some black guys were joking with the only girl on the shift. They asked her if she's every had any chocolate ( sexual harasment right there, but she want's offended ). She replied with "oh you guys" and they though she was refering to their skin color and imediatly blew the whistle on her. What does that tell ya!?
Anyway, truth be told the ONLY minority on this planted is the single white male ages 18-25. We have NO laws or right's groups that protect us.

12-09-2004, 09:16 AM
If I was put in a situation where I was surrounded by white people shouting racist remarks and than taking a shot a me I would no doubt return fire.
And would you shoot the guy four times, shoot his friends in the back as they ran away, and shoot the unarmed people who came to help?
I really doubt they shot at him, even if they did their was no need to hang around, no need to shoot unarmed people as they ran away, and no reason to shoot people comming to help. Who knows if they even said anything racist, this guy has no proof of that he could easially just be pulling the race card to get support from various groups. I bet he is going to have some big shot lawyer funded by these groups to try and get him a lesser sentance now.
And if you did this I would no doubt hope that you to be slowly tortured to death. Their is no excuse for what this guy did.

12-09-2004, 09:26 AM
Anyway, truth be told the ONLY minority on this planted is the single white male ages 18-25. We have NO laws or right's groups that protect us.

Heh, we have about four pretty defind types of neighborhoods, poor black, poor hispanic, italian (they arn't poor but they tend to stick together), and not poor (all ethnicities). Anyone is fine in the italian or non-poor section. But if a white guy walks through the poor black or hispanic sections they often have problems. Beer bottles and name calling for the most part but their have been plenty of robberies and rapes. The only ones doing the discrimination around here is those guys.

12-09-2004, 11:13 AM
He only quit shooting becuase he only had one clip full of shells. If he would have had more shells he would not have stopped shooting. This guy did not want to leave witnesses and after you are going to jail for two counts of manslaughter what is 4 more going to do. We don't execute people here in WI and I don't know why.

12-09-2004, 12:21 PM
He only quit shooting becuase he only had one clip full of shells. If he would have had more shells he would not have stopped shooting. This guy did not want to leave witnesses and after you are going to jail for two counts of manslaughter what is 4 more going to do. We don't execute people here in WI and I don't know why.
It costs about three times more to execute someone then keep them in jail for life, several million dollars, I bet that's a big reason. In China it only costs fifty cents though. Maybie we need to take a lesson and stop with all this fancy execution stuff and go back to good old fasion hanging or fireing squads (both are considered acceptable forms of execution).

12-09-2004, 01:52 PM
How does killing someone cost more than keeping them in prison for life?? I don't get that logic. On average it cost 20K to keep an inmate a year. Say he lives for 25 years. That is 500K spent. Execute him and cost 5 bucks in good old rat poison.

12-09-2004, 02:02 PM
Because they generally get all kinds of apeals, paperwork has to be filed, a huge investigation is needed, lawyers, paperwork, paying the staff, maintence, it costs millions to execute someone because of all the red tape. They cannot just hang people down at the courthouse anymore.

Big'n slo
12-09-2004, 02:30 PM
Heck, just staple some antlers on that bastid and release him back into the wild.
They could make a fortune selling licenses.

12-09-2004, 02:49 PM
lol big 'n slo, that is an awesome idea.

madmolly: again, still totally agree with you. i just hope that when this guy gets to jail, the wisconsin inmates take care of him like they did with jeffery dahmer. the beating and possible death that could be caused by the inmates would be better, and cheaper than having him killed anyway.

12-09-2004, 03:34 PM
Never thought of it that way. Prisons do tend to give internal justice to those that really need it. Anyone that shoots some kid 4 times in the back with a 7.62X39 Assault riffle needs the same kind humane treatment Dahmer got. Send him to Columbia will be my new chant.