View Full Version : Hah, Funny stories (Girl Problem Jokes)

12-08-2004, 06:26 PM
Ok well the title of the thread is funny stories, i meant funny stories that occured with somebody you were or are dating(i've been dating this girl a whole year, goddamn im wasting my High school years)

One time im talking to my girlfriend about Biilemia, she is very conciencious about her weight so i asked her if she had ever made herself throw up. Now she isnt fat but i thought of a great joke to go along with the conversation. So when i asked her she says "No i could never make myself do that i hate throwing up" so me being so devilishly clever i respond with, "Well maybe you should think about it." Hilarious

Now this next story isnt about me but a friend of mine who was in the room at the time while we were fighting. So this girl is flipping on me about how im immature(Yeah well i am but she dates me sooo..) and how my jokes are mean and cruel. So the room goes silent while she is *****ing and everyone looks at me....Then out of nowhere my friend picks up the stapler on the teachers desk and goes "Smile!" And clicks it down.....God was that a good time, may sound lame reading it but if you knew the mood swings this girl goes through it was hilarious. She proceeded to cry and hate me for about a half hour :rolleyes:

This girl has become annoying with her constant complaining about her home life and how its so horrible, when its really not bad. (Drama Queen)
So all of this plus much much more has lead up to me wanting to give her the ticket to dumpsville, Population her. But i cant because we have 2 classes together (math, english) any ideas on how to get the guidance counselour to let me switch out of these classes or move the blocks?

If you have any funny stories about a Past relationship post them here.....or any suggestions for something to tell my counselour.

oh yeah and im an *** for anybody that didnt catch it.

12-08-2004, 07:02 PM
LOL, Well I think every guy is a mean joker with his G/F. If she cant take it, well shes get the **** over it, and if she doesnt well that sucks. MY G/F mean jokes to me all the time! So ya, Fair game :clap:

12-08-2004, 07:19 PM
When I have a girlfriend, I call her girlfriend. To me, she has no name, except for girlfriend. I guess that explains why I dont have too many of them.

12-09-2004, 11:16 PM
I had a 'funny' relationship once. She puked, so the 'relationship' was over. All over me actually. It sucked.

12-10-2004, 12:19 AM
i just broke up with my g/f o well, i did have mean jokes and comments but she was stupid so she did not even get half of them.

ok so here is what you do tell your g/f that you want to downgrade relationships to just friends, or friends with benifits your choice, do it in person and try not to hurt her at all by saying it's not her it's you, but what you really mean is that i hate you get out of my life.
oh yeah and do it in person, not over the phone or on aim.

12-10-2004, 03:41 PM
For the first couple of years with my ex-wife I never went to strip clubs. Even though she always told me," I don't care if you go out there."
Well when I delivery drove I got a service call on the weekend to check a candy machine at the local strip bar.
I turned to my brother after the call and said "Jeff get your coat. We are headed to the nudy bar"
From across the room I hear " WTF ARE YOU GOING OUT THERE FOR!!? :mad: "

I knew I would get that reaction out of her and the pissed look on her face was priceless.

12-10-2004, 05:05 PM
Hah, funny thing about my stories is the girl cheated on me 5 months ago (with best friend) and i just found out 2 days ago....Hooch(Because of No swearing/ swearing=ban). Dropped her on the curb face first (Figuratively).

12-11-2004, 01:16 AM
Hah, funny thing about my stories is the girl cheated on me 5 months ago (with best friend) and i just found out 2 days ago....Hooch(Because of No swearing/ swearing=ban). Dropped her on the curb face first (Figuratively).

LOL, they alwayz play the "I dont Care" game. I think its funny theei like "I dont Care if you go", then ur like..."Ok'", then walk away and do it. She hates that, and I think its funny! :dance: <--- (Me dancin at the club with all the OTHER chicks)

12-11-2004, 01:24 AM
If I knew a relationship was going sour, I would try and fart as much as possible. It made breaking up easier.

12-11-2004, 01:25 AM
lololol they arent my girlfriends but I make fun of the girls in my 4th period class..
Like this one girl was singing pretty bad, so I pulled one of the jokes my dad always says. I said
"Hey Katie, where's that money?"
"Huh? What money?"
"The money your parents gave you for singing lessons"
Haha everyone started cracking up

I say so much stuff to this girl, I'm suprised we're still friends :p
I guess I'm just that irresistable :rolleyes:

Ohhhh man why am I posting on a paintball fourm at 1:24 am? Bed time.