View Full Version : NXL on ESPN2

12-09-2004, 05:18 PM
I am watching it now. I want to reach through the tv and choke the announcers.

diaper eater
12-09-2004, 05:21 PM
is it true after 3 pulls they are allowed to do full auto in the nxl, my buddy just told me that, and i think its bs but i DID just see a guy on tv shootin good n fast and it looked like his finger wasnt moving

12-09-2004, 05:22 PM
is it true after 3 pulls they are allowed to do full auto in the nxl, my buddy just told me that, and i think its bs but i DID just see a guy on tv shootin good n fast and it looked like his finger wasnt moving

yep but guns are caped at 15bps

12-09-2004, 05:22 PM
yeah thats true.

12-09-2004, 05:23 PM
It is true.

Announcers who understand that generally only paintballers are gonna be watching is a good thing..

12-09-2004, 05:24 PM
the announcers are a little corny, but what can you expect, maybe only paintball players are going to watch, but people flipping through wont understand whats going on.

its all about widening the sport, so along with paintball on tv, you can expect announcers like this

12-09-2004, 05:25 PM
Three pulls of semi-only and then the gun can do whatever you want it to as long as it doesn't exceed 15bps. Full-auto, bursts, response-trigger, anything so long as it stays under 15bps. This is for the NXL only, not the other divisions of Xball.

I agree on the annoucers. Though overall it seems pretty good.

12-09-2004, 05:27 PM
I never fully understood how lame the NXL was until I saw a couple minutes of this. Letting players use FA and throw unlimited amounts of paint kinda defeats the spirit of the game - why not play lasertag or something instead?

Anyways, it's good to see that paintball is still getting spots on TV. Of course, any young impressionable player will get a completely wrong idea of the sport, but hey, such is life.

12-09-2004, 05:31 PM
You guys all i know is he jsut got lit up like a christmas tree..

12-09-2004, 05:32 PM
I think all guns in a tourny should be full auto it will cut down on cheater guns

12-09-2004, 05:32 PM
shatter, X ball is hell-a fun, even with F/A

anyway, im loving how much all these shockers are chopping :rolleyes:

diaper eater
12-09-2004, 05:40 PM
i havnt noticed these shockers chopping, but wtf is up with all the guns being shockers, what happened to variety, and that whole timmys dominating the tourney scene

12-09-2004, 05:42 PM
i havnt noticed these shockers chopping, but wtf is up with all the guns being shockers, what happened to variety, and that whole timmys dominating the tourney scene

Stange and Plilly are both Smart parts teams

12-09-2004, 05:42 PM
uhh, no 1one in the NXL gets to choose their markers, those teams are both SP teams, which explains the shockers, also, SP did some tricky business, and only got the camera crews to film games with smart parts teams in them, so their stuff would be represented (which is why some teams didnt play at all this event, taht was gay so they boycotted sp (and NXL) by not playing)

:shooting: SP

12-09-2004, 05:45 PM
Wow brian.... i didnt know SP was that gay, u need to start tellin me all this stuf... And brian call me when u get this 5646468

12-09-2004, 05:45 PM
Anyone else notice the SP teams are getting called for velocity? Coincidence?

12-09-2004, 05:49 PM
Man I'd rather watch the hot dog eating championships than this.

Paintball on TV is lame.

12-09-2004, 05:50 PM
Velocity spikes happen to all guns.. that's why masks don't break at 301 fps.

12-09-2004, 05:51 PM
its not that bad.. i mean its better then nothing

12-09-2004, 05:56 PM
its not that bad.. i mean its better then nothing

Are you sure?

12-09-2004, 05:57 PM
Any Paintball on National TV is better than NO paintball on National TV ?

Even if it is bad it might provoke someone else who thinks they can do it better ?

12-09-2004, 05:58 PM
obviously its better than nothing. you watched the whole thing didnt you? if so you must have been amused for the hour.

12-09-2004, 06:02 PM
I dont know, it was alright, nothing amazing. Maybe if they showed 300fps it would be entertaining, but the commentators and the lack of any interesting moves going on made for a dull television spot.

300fps probably couldnt be showed on the air. :(

Creative Mayhem
12-09-2004, 06:03 PM
mmmmm Lisa Harvey.... at least they got that announcer/interviewer right :D

12-09-2004, 06:03 PM
what pissed me off was that they only filmed SP teams..i wanted to see Trauma and Oakland play...

12-09-2004, 06:03 PM
Man I'd rather watch the hot dog eating championships than this.

Paintball on TV is lame.

i was thinkin along the same lines....i got bored.

12-09-2004, 06:05 PM
Ehh, could have been better, but it still put a smile on my face. The one guy from NYX, his accent was killin' me.

12-09-2004, 06:06 PM
obviously its better than nothing. you watched the whole thing didnt you? if so you must have been amused for the hour.

It's archived, yes.

I'm less than impressed.


12-09-2004, 06:09 PM
I was less than impressed also.
Question for all you viewers: How could it have been better?

12-09-2004, 06:10 PM
I found the commentary to be mediocre and the commentators lacking some seriously needed enthusiasim. :rolleyes: Nonetheless, it was good to see some decent coverage on television. :)

Evil Preacher
12-09-2004, 06:24 PM
Hey it was a good program...

Put me right to sleep for my nap...

Thanks ESPN

12-09-2004, 06:32 PM
Wasn't bad. I knew what to expect though since I was there watching. This was one of the more boring games for sure, but it was the final, so thats why they played it. At least they got it on tv. I noticed you guys complain a lot.

12-09-2004, 06:34 PM
my head hurts.

i have never seen camera movments be so quick. i could barely follow what was goin on, and I saw it live.. so, an average joe sixpack must either be confused or fell asleep like the dude above.

and the commercials were horrible, horrible horrible.

imho, paintball isnt meant for tv. maybe for the xgames or something like that. but making paintball a main attractice cant work, it doenst make sense

12-09-2004, 06:47 PM
As I pointed out before (on another forum, sorry....).

Camera angles, jump cuts, and other editing techniques can highlight OR diminish certain aspects of the subject you're filming.

For example, show the beginning of a move, jump cut to another player, jump cut back to show the original player in his position and shooting. Don't show the slide, show the before and after.

I'm not saying anything, other than it was an EXCEPTIONALLY clean game.


12-09-2004, 06:47 PM
chalk up the velocity spikes to the crappy regs on the shockers. the new maxxy blows. spool valve markers, are directly dependant on their imput to velocity

12-09-2004, 07:43 PM
ive got it on my computer but jayloo or pbvids wont host it. so if anyone didnt see it and want to i can send it to them or if someone wants to host it.. its 80mb and one hour long

12-09-2004, 07:44 PM
well..I'm pretty much known on AO for being a pessimistic negative jerk...so you can pretty much guess what I would say about this show...

btw, the one thing I will say is that I would have rather watched the battle for 3rd/4th place with Chicago against Oakland...oh well..

Mighty Mike
12-09-2004, 08:07 PM
I've seen some bad paintball videos, but this espn nxl show has got to be the worst. My head is still hurting form the annoying commentators, and the many different camera movements shown every second. It would have been nice to watch some other teams than an hour of Philly vs. Strange. :rolleyes:

12-09-2004, 08:11 PM
ive got it on my computer but jayloo or pbvids wont host it. so if anyone didnt see it and want to i can send it to them or if someone wants to host it.. its 80mb and one hour long

Why wont jayloo host it? I gotta hear this.

12-09-2004, 08:12 PM
over 20 minutes.. i think i pm'd you at jayloo.com

12-09-2004, 08:19 PM
I've seen some bad paintball videos, but this espn nxl show has got to be the worst. My head is still hurting form the annoying commentators, and the many different camera movements shown every second. It would have been nice to watch some other teams than an hour of Philly vs. Strange. :rolleyes:

at least maybe some quick clips of the prelims...that would added some more weight to the reason behind the finals...not just because Bill Gardner told me so..

12-09-2004, 08:25 PM
I loved it. I thought it was a big step in the right direction. The announcers were great! "Well Bob, Strange is gonna need to make a move this round..." Corny yes, but so awesome!

12-09-2004, 08:28 PM
hey i would watch the (************'s) if you havent read the announcement you will most likely be getting banned now. :eek:

Major Ho
12-09-2004, 08:35 PM
Anyone catch the strange player's gun (About Phillys 9th point or so) dump about 15 rounds into the snake in front of him when his fingers were clearly off his trigger?
I kind of want to see the player tracking like on a few other paintball videos Ive seen. That and not as much herky jerky camera cuts

12-09-2004, 08:35 PM
over 20 minutes.. i think i pm'd you at jayloo.com

and you couldn't cut it into 3 20 minute chunks because...?

12-09-2004, 08:46 PM
I think its sad ESPN gave this an hour, but only give the PB2X show 30min. Its not much better, but it does show more aspects of paintball in general.

If its true about having ESPN only shoot footage of SP sponsored teams, its pretty shady.

12-09-2004, 08:51 PM
Anyone catch the strange player's gun (About Phillys 9th point or so) dump about 15 rounds into the snake in front of him when his fingers were clearly off his trigger?

HAHA, I saw the backwords C he put into it, that was great...

all and all(just like the xbox game), far from perfect but a step in the right direction

12-09-2004, 08:55 PM
over 20 minutes.. i think i pm'd you at jayloo.com

I sent you a pm back with a url and passeord. U can upload it there.

12-09-2004, 09:05 PM
Let me rant about how crappy this was.

Off the break on one round there were 6 camera shots in about 6 seconds. How about we just show the break offs splited down the middle not to mention the NYX's accent who made me want to drive bambo shoots up my finger nails. I felt like i was having seizures from the flashing camera angles. Don't bother wasting your time guys on downloading it, it just sucked

"How many balls fit in THAT HOPPE OMTG!!!"

"About 200 *stupid Australian accent*

(all going on while images of players flashing)

12-09-2004, 09:08 PM
Let me rant about how crappy this was.

Off the break on one round there were 6 camera shots in about 6 seconds. How about we just show the break offs splited down the middle not to mention the NYX's accent who made me want to drive bambo shoots up my finger nails. I felt like i was having seizures from the flashing camera angles. Don't bother wasting your time guys on downloading it, it just sucked

"How many balls fit in THAT HOPPE OMTG!!!"

"About 200 *stupid Australian accent*

(all going on while images of players flashing)

They should have gotten Will Arroyo (now out of paintball) or Matty Marshall...at least they can make it sound interesting and they have one thing that announcing team lacked..it's called "personality"...

12-09-2004, 09:09 PM
They should have gotten Will Arroyo (now out of paintball) or Matty Marshall...at least they can make it sound interesting and they have one thing that announcing team lacked..it's called "personality"...
Its also called knowing what they are talking about and not having the feeling of putting a gun to your head.

12-09-2004, 09:23 PM
uhh, no 1one in the NXL gets to choose their markers, those teams are both SP teams, which explains the shockers, also, SP did some tricky business, and only got the camera crews to film games with smart parts teams in them, so their stuff would be represented (which is why some teams didnt play at all this event, taht was gay so they boycotted sp (and NXL) by not playing)

:shooting: SP

You must be kidding me :eek: ... and they allowed to continue this crappy stuff?

12-09-2004, 09:39 PM
and you couldn't cut it into 3 20 minute chunks because...?
it takes a while to cut it up then save it to my computer for some reason like 15 minutes at least for each one

Toxic Dave
12-09-2004, 10:41 PM
Here's the deal why SP teams were the only one's shown. The game that was shown was the final match of the event, Strange was a huge underdog, and beat both Trauma and The Assasins to get into the finals Philly beat Aftershock and Miami Effect to make it to the finals.

It's fun to say that the whole thing was rigged, but if you think that either Baltimore or Oakland would take a dive for whatever reason and you'd be insane. Odds work out in SP's favor NXL team sponosrship-wise as well, because they are major sponsors of 3 teams(philly, miami, and detroit), then again Dye sponsors 4 teams(NY, LA, SD, CHI). I'm sure if it were 2 Dye teams no one would say anything though.

Didn't see the show, saw the match live though, the one problem was that this particular match was for all the glory and both teams were playing very careful, making it one of the more unexciting NXL games I've ever seen.


P.S. Ny accents make me insane, and I live here.

12-09-2004, 10:52 PM
is it true after 3 pulls they are allowed to do full auto in the nxl, my buddy just told me that, and i think its bs but i DID just see a guy on tv shootin good n fast and it looked like his finger wasnt moving

yes, i have a strange shocker i bought from the team and it has the team NXL board and it is 3 pulls then full auto at 15 bps

12-09-2004, 10:54 PM
ive got it on my computer but jayloo or pbvids wont host it. so if anyone didnt see it and want to i can send it to them or if someone wants to host it.. its 80mb and one hour long

Here is the direct link to your video 51.41MB @ (320 x 240).


Hope you dont mind I took out all of the commercials and I put only the pball ones in a different video 3.41MB @ (320 x 240)

12-09-2004, 11:02 PM
"About 200 *stupid Australian accent*

Um, no, your accent mapping needs honing :)

12-09-2004, 11:22 PM
Here's the deal why SP teams were the only one's shown. The game that was shown was the final match of the event, Strange was a huge underdog, and beat both Trauma and The Assasins to get into the finals Philly beat Aftershock and Miami Effect to make it to the finals.

It's fun to say that the whole thing was rigged, but if you think that either Baltimore or Oakland would take a dive for whatever reason and you'd be insane. Odds work out in SP's favor NXL team sponosrship-wise as well, because they are major sponsors of 3 teams(philly, miami, and detroit), then again Dye sponsors 4 teams(NY, LA, SD, CHI). I'm sure if it were 2 Dye teams no one would say anything though.

Didn't see the show, saw the match live though, the one problem was that this particular match was for all the glory and both teams were playing very careful, making it one of the more unexciting NXL games I've ever seen.


P.S. Ny accents make me insane, and I live here.

Yes...i think that was the most boring match of paintball I've ever seen in my life...even more so than watching a bunch of recballers with talons play speedball...

12-09-2004, 11:27 PM
PSP is capping at 15bps

Head knight of Ni
12-09-2004, 11:29 PM
Anyone else notice the SP teams are getting called for velocity? Coincidence?

Hah. You should have been there, the ref with the radar gun was standing over detroit players for a minute at a time. Only saw him over PA players for a few seconds.

Head knight of Ni
12-09-2004, 11:32 PM
Here's the deal why SP teams were the only one's shown. The game that was shown was the final match of the event, Strange was a huge underdog, and beat both Trauma and The Assasins to get into the finals Philly beat Aftershock and Miami Effect to make it to the finals.

It's fun to say that the whole thing was rigged, but if you think that either Baltimore or Oakland would take a dive for whatever reason and you'd be insane. Odds work out in SP's favor NXL team sponosrship-wise as well, because they are major sponsors of 3 teams(philly, miami, and detroit), then again Dye sponsors 4 teams(NY, LA, SD, CHI). I'm sure if it were 2 Dye teams no one would say anything though.

Didn't see the show, saw the match live though, the one problem was that this particular match was for all the glory and both teams were playing very careful, making it one of the more unexciting NXL games I've ever seen.


P.S. Ny accents make me insane, and I live here.

Would have been different if they had done the original finals. Strange and other team like legacy(0-19-1) would have been at home.

12-09-2004, 11:36 PM
Um, no, your accent mapping needs honing :)
Does it matter? His comentary still sucked along with his annoying accent.

12-10-2004, 04:22 AM
that guy has always sucked at announcing but i thought it was a good broadcast.. the problem with paintball is that of coarse especially off the break there is alot going on and ofcoarse you all would probably complain that you didnt get to see everyone get hit all and all i think they did a great job but the editing could have been better especially not using the camer that has a hit on it!!! and i also liked the one game format it made it so that you could tell what went one leave highlights to highlight reels!! problem is it cost money to shoot 30 cameras so obviously you want to get the best most high stakes game filmed!! finals just so happened that the smart parts teams were on their games that tourney.. ever watch wrestling on tv only final matches are shown dispite the fact that some of them are slow and boring as to where the semi finals match in that weight was amazing but everyone wants to see the money match!!!

12-10-2004, 07:24 AM
http://www.jayloo.com/files/vids/300/NXLonESPN2_700a.wmv theres the video if you want to review it or what not. thanks jayloo for hosting it.