View Full Version : how long do yall think psp will be around for

12-10-2004, 02:11 PM
i think they are toast after 2 seasons. this one and maybe 1 more. there is no way they can keep up with nppl. i mean nppl actually has real refs dedicated to refing instead of using biased teams for reffing events. plus now we have 6 fields and 200 teams. now that i hear about all this gay 15 bps cap rule and u can have rampers and stuff it just makes me think psp is going down even faster. anyone else think this or am i just making no sence

12-10-2004, 02:23 PM
i think psp and nxl will sink before 2 seasons. xball is probably one of the best ideas for a tournament series but its run by fools. everybody thought that the first series to hit TV would make it, but pb has been on TV many times before and it hasent really helped us out any. that espn2 thing was total crap, in my opinion. if nxl becomes the SP playground that some people think its gonna be then there will be serious backlash, as there already is, and im not talkin gun sales.

and yes, nppl events are run far better and the refs are quality. nxl refs are good, but the rest of the psp suffers badly from poor reffing. the fact that psp openly embraces full auto is bunk, when you have the nppl trying to crack down on full auto and bounce and whatnot with their robot.

all this to get it on TV, as if this will solve everybodies problems. the thing with the nppl, they seem to focus more on putting on a good tournament as opposed to getting air time. yes, they will get air time if theres a chance, but they havent pushed for it like the psp. the psp is content to run poor tournaments as long as its televised. the nppl has the far better attitude, in my opinion

12-10-2004, 03:09 PM
um... NPPL has been on tv before, do you all forget about when it was on fox sports net?

Toxic Dave
12-10-2004, 06:08 PM
Let me see, 300+ teams at the event that PSP held 2 months ago amkes it look like they aren't doing too badly.

Both leagues have the same problems, the NPPL just does a really good job of promoting things that make it seem as if everything was perfect in their world. The PSP does a pretty bad PR job, but at least they don't send out a press release every time one of their employee's has a good meal, or gets a new haircut.

The reffing has it's up's and downs in both leagues, the reffing at World Cup was very good, harsh, but even, Chicago's reffing was a bit off. Here's a tip the NPPL refs aren't any better or worse, the NPPL just makes much ado of their robot, that anybody who wants to can get past, they make much ado of their ref training, that lasts half a day and is almost all book work.

The one thing that the PSP has on thier side is X Ball, anybody who's played it or watched it (in person) loves it, 7 man is cool, but it isn't close to being in the same league.


12-11-2004, 01:39 PM
The PSP does a pretty bad PR job, but at least they don't send out a press release every time one of their employee's has a good meal, or gets a new haircut.

Haha! So very true!!! What field did you ref for the World cup? (I too was reffing there)


12-11-2004, 04:16 PM
xball is sweet, no doubt of that. However, the PSP is very poorly run, and the NXL is a sinking ship. Id like to see an NPPL run xball/7man event.

12-11-2004, 08:51 PM
PSP (AKA PanAM, AKA Great Western Tournament Serries) - They've been around for a long time, however, they aren't a Pro Circuit, where as the NPPL is. PSP is an Amature serries, so I really don't see them going anywhere any time soon.

12-11-2004, 08:56 PM
Psp isnt an am series. PSP won't die, the only time it will be gone is if they combine with nppl. Xball is a far better format to watch then 7 man. Yawn, its not fun watching 7 guys sit at their bunkers shooting 8 pods. Xball is so much more intense.

12-11-2004, 09:41 PM
PSP will be around awhile. Hell it's already been nearly 20 years. See, they were partnered with NPPL then there was the spit 3 years(I think 3) ago. PSP will live on, especially since they're partnered with NXL, which Dick Clark productions now owns.

12-12-2004, 03:26 AM
PSP will be around awhile. Hell it's already been nearly 20 years. See, they were partnered with NPPL then there was the spit 3 years(I think 3) ago. PSP will live on, especially since they're partnered with NXL, which Dick Clark productions now owns.

it's actually a wee bit more confusing than that. PSP has always existed (in some form) and so has NPPL...it really hard to explain to people outside of paintball but the way I put it was think of PSP as the owners of the league and the NPPL as the Players Association (much like baseball, football, basketball, and hockey) and what would happen if the players said screw the owners we're starting our own league...and were then allowed to play in both..