View Full Version : Nextel and Sprint PCS

12-10-2004, 05:21 PM
Tentative deal to merge.. $36bil

I currently work for Nextel Communications.. This should be an interesting week starting Monday.

12-10-2004, 05:48 PM
yeah it will be interesting to watch it pan oout. I work for the newly aquired ATTWS/CIngular and it has been interesting to watch it unfold over the last yr. Yeah people still hate us , LOL but it pays the bills

12-10-2004, 07:11 PM
I have AT&T right now, but I want to switch to Nextel, so I can have the awesome walkie talkies :).

12-10-2004, 07:36 PM
That will be kinda nice. Some of the sprint phones have the walkie-talkie feature like nextel. That would be cool if sprint and nextel customers, or whatever the merger is gonna be, can walkie each other.

12-10-2004, 07:53 PM
That will be kinda nice. Some of the sprint phones have the walkie-talkie feature like nextel. That would be cool if sprint and nextel customers, or whatever the merger is gonna be, can walkie each other.

it won't happen until Nextel and sprint both comes to terms on a similar technology.. Nextel will be adopting the CDMA revision A technology that Sprint uses EVENTUALLY but they have to work out the latency issues first.. Currently, Sprint PCS "Direct Talk" takes over a second to connect -- unline instantly with Nextel. Nextel customers won't stand for delays such as that.

*IF* the merger does happen, keep in mind it still needs to be passed by regulators, etc.... You probably will see two separate networks until at LEAST 2006.

12-10-2004, 07:57 PM
So long as Sprint doesn't manage to inherit any of Nextel's ungodly crappy network, it'll be all good.

12-10-2004, 08:18 PM
hay, i have a sprint fone!!! :)

12-10-2004, 08:37 PM
Nextel has the best digital network out of all the carriers. JD Power and Associates rated them the top like 5 years in a row. Eventually, the networks will be combined.

12-10-2004, 09:49 PM
I have had Nextel for the last 4 years and it has to be the worst sevice. Half the time my phone is out of service and I cant use it.

12-10-2004, 10:28 PM
I have Sprint!

Here is the story! (http://money.cnn.com/2004/12/09/news/fortune500/sprint_nextel.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes)

12-10-2004, 10:32 PM
I have had Nextel for the last 4 years and it has to be the worst sevice. Half the time my phone is out of service and I cant use it.

Obviously, certain areas are stronger than others.. I've used mine cross country, up to montreal, toronto, etc and I've never had a problem.. But again, it's where you use it and some carriers are stronger in certain markets... In New England, the market has always been very strong.

12-10-2004, 10:34 PM
Nextel will have to continue using the iDEN technology because its the only truly functionaly worth while 2-way cellular system that works. Sprints is lagged 3-5 seconds and clarity can be sketchy, same with... who else has it, verizon?

iDEN is where it's at. Sprint better be apdpting it or getting the hell out, CDMA is a thing of the past when iDEN is around ;)

12-10-2004, 11:13 PM
Nextel will have to continue using the iDEN technology because its the only truly functionaly worth while 2-way cellular system that works. Sprints is lagged 3-5 seconds and clarity can be sketchy, same with... who else has it, verizon?

iDEN is where it's at. Sprint better be apdpting it or getting the hell out, CDMA is a thing of the past when iDEN is around ;)

I agree.. BUT eventually, Nextel is going to run out of options due to capacity and spectrum constraints.. If the merger happens, we will probably end up adopting the CDMA revision A technology which is what Sprint uses for their "push to wait" (lol) service. Due to the constraints of their current technology, their latency issues won't hash it in the job world when it comes to Nextel customers using the technology. Give Nextel/Sprint a year to hash out the protocols on CDMA-A and I bet they can knock the latency down to the same caliber as Nextel. That seems to be the general concensus around Nextel and Sprint -- along with what I've been hearing on the Market side of things. The iDEN technology itself is a GSM based TDMA service, which is one of the most secure networks in the business. The encryption that iDEN uses is top notch, which is why many government contracts utilize the Nextel service.

It's going to be a very intersting time for the two companies and how things pan out. I've been in the wireless/Nextel industry for over 8 years now and I have been a loyal Nextel supporter since day one. It's going to be a hectic but exciting time for the wireless industry.. Consolidation was coming, it was just the matter of when. 6 Carriers was way too many.

I personally hope we keep the iDEN system and Sprint adapts their system but who knows what will happen.. It is doubtful they will keep it, since it runs along the 800mhz bands which Nextel is trying to free up for Public Safety. Everyone is thinking about faster 3G technologies these days and I presume that will be the direction we will be headed as well.

12-11-2004, 12:00 AM
I can't say that I won't miss the dead spots ourside of town once the merger is complete, that's for sure.

I'm hoping that they completely revise the new service for PTT before launching it... I'd hate to have to sacrifice my beloved 2-way for some craptastic Sprint style 2-way while they work out the kinks.

12-11-2004, 03:01 AM
GSM- all of eurpoe can't be wrong

12-11-2004, 04:22 AM
I have had Sprint for about the last 7 or so years and have been very happy with them. Nextel on the other hand, my father and my uncles business use to use Nextel. They have to have the worst network besides Cricket. My father was sitting inside 3 Rivers stadium in downtown Pittsburgh. I tried to call him and I kept getting that damn "Please wait while the nextel subscriber you are trying to reach is loacted" or what ever the hell that damn female voice says.
But I do see this as a good move if it does work. Nextel has money, Sprint seems to have the technology and network.

12-11-2004, 07:59 AM
GSM- all of eurpoe can't be wrong

Yes they can! :p

Actually Sprint has the money.

12-11-2004, 08:29 AM
I have had Sprint for about the last 7 or so years and have been very happy with them. Nextel on the other hand, my father and my uncles business use to use Nextel. They have to have the worst network besides Cricket. My father was sitting inside 3 Rivers stadium in downtown Pittsburgh. I tried to call him and I kept getting that damn "Please wait while the nextel subscriber you are trying to reach is loacted" or what ever the hell that damn female voice says.
But I do see this as a good move if it does work. Nextel has money, Sprint seems to have the technology and network.

Well ya kinda have it backasswards... You're right when you say Nextel has money, they do have lots of it. It's not Nextels network that is poor, it's Nextels coverage area and lack of cell towers. iDEN is a superior network to the other networks used by other providers. If Nextel could put up as many towers as Verizon, Sprint, Cingular, etc. The choice for cellular service for anyone would be very clear considering Nextels rate plans are better than everyones. I only know of one provider you can talk 5000 minutes a month and only pay $60, Nextel all the way :)

12-11-2004, 09:30 AM
Yes they can! :p

Actually Sprint has the money.

ACTUALLY: When it comes to politics all of europe IS wrong. But meh....I like GSM, I guess that's because USCC is cdma and they were a headache and a half. I predict with their current customer support they will be gone in less then 5 years. I haven't talked with a cingle person that likes them in my area. :mad:

12-11-2004, 12:15 PM
Well ya kinda have it backasswards... You're right when you say Nextel has money, they do have lots of it. It's not Nextels network that is poor, it's Nextels coverage area and lack of cell towers. iDEN is a superior network to the other networks used by other providers. If Nextel could put up as many towers as Verizon, Sprint, Cingular, etc. The choice for cellular service for anyone would be very clear considering Nextels rate plans are better than everyones. I only know of one provider you can talk 5000 minutes a month and only pay $60, Nextel all the way :)

Exactly.. What people don't realize.. Nextel is an entirely digital network.. Unlike every other carrier, we don't have an analog fallback. If you were to pit digital coverage vs digital coverage, i'm sure opinions would change a bit but we just haven't been around as long as the others.

12-11-2004, 01:35 PM
Actually I want a Nextel for one reason really, all of my friends have Nextels and so when I am in school I can beep them and get their phones taken away :D.

12-11-2004, 04:56 PM
Nextel is the only phone to get service on the tug hil plateau around here. My verizion doesnt, and Ive never seen anyone talking on a non nextel cellphone in the bars during snowmobile season.

Hmph. Love hate relationship.