View Full Version : Paintball : Style or Substance?

12-11-2004, 06:47 AM
Fairly self explanatory. Discussion welcome.


12-11-2004, 07:50 AM
For me, it's primarily substance, but style doesn't hurt. For many others, style/hype seems to be the driving factor.

12-11-2004, 08:12 AM
I think this is a tricky question and a bit unfair. The correct answer depends on your type of game, your playing demographic, etc. And honestly you will not get an honest answer from the average player on this matter… why? Because they tend to see things from their perspective.

That is why large companies hire people who know how to ask questions and then interpret the answers given, and not just ask the customers directly and go from what they hear. Context, context, context. ;)

:dance: :dance: :dance:

12-11-2004, 08:25 AM
As a speedballer, no style will hurt or hinder my game. Therefore, since the substance is down [my gun goes faster than I can, I can shoot my gun where I want it to shoot, etc..] we move on to style.

Unless you mean actually playing, where substance comes first.. but if I'm going for a bunker that I'm confident about, I might make an extra step to make it pretty because chances are I'll get him anyway.

12-11-2004, 09:22 AM
"It is better to look good than to feel good.....and Yooo Looook Mahvelous!"

(To bad you suck at Paintball :D)

12-11-2004, 09:38 AM
Style... my playing ability improves as I play, but I have reached a point that I think, without serious daily dedication to practice, that I am not going to increase it much more. As such that leaves me style, or is it anti-style. I've come to the point that my Dye gear sits in my closet, and I play in jeans and t-shirts (where allowed) or jeans and a dress shirt. The last one on one I played in it was commented, frequently that it looked like I had stepped out of a casual day at a large office building (new jeans, button down short sleeve shirt). Imagine the suprise when I took the snake.

12-11-2004, 10:20 AM
its all about the pants pissing fight or flight feeling as the ref counts it down......

Kaiser Bob
12-11-2004, 10:25 AM
its all about the pants pissing fight or flight feeling as the ref counts it down......

You know, I was just thinking that ive never heard about someone wetting themselves or puking in their masks at the 10 second call... guess noone has gotten that nervous at a tourney thus far.

12-11-2004, 11:49 AM
Style, gotta get the honeys.

12-11-2004, 12:03 PM
style? what style? All i have to do since i dont get to play to often is concentrate on my skill...i wanna get some redz apperal soon though.

barrel break
12-11-2004, 01:07 PM
My last two guns were substance, a 98 custom, and an 03 vert cocker with no cosmetic upgrades. this time i think im going for style, with a sonic cocker. as to what i play in, i have a dye jersey and empire pants. I dont play much and wanna look good when i do! actually i wear those for comfort...

12-11-2004, 01:21 PM
I gotta look good, right yo?

12-11-2004, 01:22 PM
I totally think style... does anyone buy a marker based on the parts inside? why do people name the color schemes of the markers?? does something being 'ninja' or 'stormtrooper' have ANY bearing whatsoever on making an elimination? Why have tourney players co-opted the 'gangsta' slang? It makes them seem cool... 'We Kill Suckers'?? c'mon... Look at DYE... and I know I'm going to get blasted for this, BUT: Other than the DM4, which incidentally is NOT their gun, I have never heard anything positive said about dye equipment other than 'that looks AWESOME'... I'm just as guilty, I bought a DYE LCD based on it's looks. You won't sell unless you look like you have game... so all the substance in the world doesn't matter if the cool kids aren't using it.

12-11-2004, 01:28 PM
I would go substance (assuming I am taking the meaning in the manner intended). I don't care how pretty I look when I get shot out. I really don't care if I looked cool getting shot out, I am still out and no amount of shiny is going to make that different. Form should follow function. For some odd reason no matter how cool of a move you make if it doesn't work, and people are shaking their heads thinking you are a complete and total dummy, then it really isn't that cool.

style? what style? All i have to do since i dont get to play to often is concentrate on my skill...i wanna get some redz apperal soon though.

I love that... It makes it sound like being able to play and work on your skill is a bad thing, although I don't think that was how it was intended... :rolleyes: Please forgive my early morning amusement.

12-11-2004, 01:30 PM

Blowing heads off comes second.

- Goro

12-11-2004, 07:22 PM
substance , nothing like watching Captain Bling, Bling & the toadies trying to act all bad-azz seems like a good share of the time they cant fix thier own markers. last time I was at speedball there was a "team" that looked like they were all that & a box O cookies that couldnt play worth sour owl poo & two of the guys didnt even know how to adjust thier matching karnies. I'LL take substance any day. :ninja:

12-11-2004, 07:56 PM
substance , nothing like watching Captain Bling, Bling & the toadies trying to act all bad-azz seems like a good share of the time they cant fix thier own markers. last time I was at speedball there was a "team" that looked like they were all that & a box O cookies that couldnt play worth sour owl poo & two of the guys didnt even know how to adjust thier matching karnies. I'LL take substance any day. :ninja:
The people who worry about looking good are usually the best players, seeing as playing like noobs doesn't look too good, now does it?

- Goro

12-11-2004, 08:11 PM

If you dont look good you adnt got nothing.

Mike Smith
12-11-2004, 08:17 PM
What is "ambling around until I find some trouble"?
Style or substance?????

Tyger, what do you mean?
Is cabin fever getting to you already?

BTW, you've seen me play.... What do you think?

Mike Smith

12-11-2004, 08:21 PM
"It is better to look good than to feel good.....and Yooo Looook Mahvelous!"

(To bad you suck at Paintball :D)

lol, thats great. for me, substance comes first, but once i get that down for particular moves, then i add some style. nothing cooler than diving over a snake and shooting the guy while in midair while being shot at from across the field and by the guy youre bunkering.

12-11-2004, 08:30 PM
What is "ambling around until I find some trouble"?
Style or substance?????

Tyger, what do you mean?
Is cabin fever getting to you already?

BTW, you've seen me play.... What do you think?

Mike Smith

Fairly self explanatory, really. What's paintball more about? Style or substance? I'm getting a feel for things. I'm more curious than anything else. I'm seeing if an idea I have is valid or not.


Mike Smith
12-11-2004, 08:43 PM
Ok Tyger, but you didn't answer my question. I have no idea.

I don't think I have either style or substance, I just have fun....

12-11-2004, 10:17 PM
Ok Tyger, but you didn't answer my question. I have no idea.

I don't think I have either style or substance, I just have fun....

Amen, as to Tyger's recent comment at the moment paintball is all about style. Personally I fit in to this category to some degree, mainly because I don't want a gun that looks like one everyone else on the planet has. I want mine to be unique so that expresses a part of me in it. However, if it came down to it, I would take substance over style in any of my markers. My Phantom is my primary and it isn't exactly pretty, but it works when I need it to.

12-12-2004, 01:25 AM
I don't think that it is one or the other. I think they go hand in hand. For example, I decided that I wanted a Phantom because I liked the way it performed, but it also looked good with a sexy acid wash, so I had to order it acid washed as well. :p

12-12-2004, 02:13 AM
style (which i hate)

cause 95.9987454359434657348543586% (took me a while to calculate) of the people want to look good...so they by "Dye" "Empire/Empir3" "JT"...

...just look at how many people bought the dm4 / nerf...

12-12-2004, 06:36 AM
Has to be Style for sure.

If paintball was all substance, AGD would be doing very well financially and it would be the Gardner's selling off Smart Parts. :D