View Full Version : Info on Devil Mags-Plz

12-12-2004, 01:23 AM
Anyone own a Devil Mag? Could you review them for me. Why would they be better or worst than anyother electro. Any good pics of them around. Been to Chris's website but the pics are not real strong. Sounds like a hell of a marker, just wondering what you all thought.


Major Ho
12-12-2004, 02:20 AM
Take a gander around, it was just on the next page.
Not really out yet since they are "custom", made to order

GA Devil
12-13-2004, 11:06 AM
if you go to the reviews section on my site there are 2 reviews from users. 1 was doobie from here at AO and the other is a guy who plays for Fat City Xball team and a couple of them used 1 in 2 games at World Cup.

12-13-2004, 02:42 PM
here is my review
fast :)
faster :D
can a hopper feed that fast :confused:
omg, wtf is that 1111, a mag shooting so |33torz, run dude :shooting:

that last one was sarcastic just to let you know
the gun is fast and reliable. just get whatever body floats your boat and get it installed.