View Full Version : What should I do?

12-12-2004, 03:26 PM
Ok, so a week or two ago my parents offered to buy me a new marker for christmas. I was pretty surprised, because in the past they have only once spent more than ~$350 on one holiday. In fact what i got for my birthday last year was two magazines and three DVDs, but it turns out that they decided they should make that up by buying me a new marker this christmas... and the fact that one of my friends parents just bought him a new laptop, and another one of my friends is getting a $3000 gaming computer and a rt ule custom for Hanukah also probably has something to do with it. At first I was planning on asking them for a DC freestyle, but then I realized that ive only been playing consistantly for about two and a half years, and have only been in one real tournament (although I do plan on playing more). I am not sure if, at this point, I really should be getting a new marker. I would like one, but Ive only been playing for about two years, and I guess its not really necessary. $1000 is a lot of money, especially for one person as a holiday gift. I do have my own money, also; I have worked rebuilding our porch with my dad since the summer and I have about $500 from that, plus money in the bank from painting the house the summer before that. So ive come to AO to help me make a decision. Should I: 1) accept their offer. the DC freestyle probably wont be out until after christmas, but they (and I) have no problem with no present on christmas and then a late gift. 2) accept their offer, but use the money that I have earned to pay for half of it. I should get a new marker, but $1000 is a bit too much for them to spend. 3) decline their offer, and ask for a few upgrades for my mag instead (rail, vert frame, foregrip, and maybe an adjustable tank) and then, later, after I have a bit more experience and have played in more tourneys, buy the DC freestyle with my own money. My mag will suffice for now, it is a very good marker, even though I would like an electro.

12-12-2004, 03:29 PM
I would upgrade my mag if I was you, actually I will be :D

12-12-2004, 03:34 PM
you could upgrade your mag to electro also. Maybe you should talk to the Devil mag guy....

but the real reason im posting is to say you are a good kid. SO many kids i know/knew would have just milked mom/ dad for everything they could get.

12-12-2004, 03:37 PM
just get a shocktech bushmaster their 777.99 and their amazing ive shot one very fast i loved and was acually about to buy it but i didnt have the money

12-12-2004, 03:45 PM
Take them up on the offer of spending $1000 on you, but don't buy a new gun. Upgrade the Mag and ask them if they can help you pay for playing through the year until the $1000 is gone. This will help them as they do not have to fish out $1000 all at once and it will also help you play more.

12-12-2004, 03:48 PM
I like muzicmans idea, man I wish I was young enough to get gifts still.

12-12-2004, 03:54 PM
Take them up on the offer of spending $1000 on you, but don't buy a new gun. Upgrade the Mag and ask them if they can help you pay for playing through the year until the $1000 is gone. This will help them as they do not have to fish out $1000 all at once and it will also help you play more.

Muzikman is VERY smart. Put the money towards playing. A nice marker sitting in a bag in the basement won't make you happy.

Cheers, eh!


12-14-2004, 03:33 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone, I think i will take muzikman's advice. Ill just get a few upgrades and ask them to pay for paint and entrance for a while.

12-14-2004, 03:42 PM
happy to hear that you are a hard working kid. i DONT like it when i see kids just livng off their parents. i do similar things like that. i mow lawns and do any yard work that i am offered from neighbors and people. about the money: nice offer from your parents!! i =like musikman's advice. i would do alot of ups on your mag and with whats left just use it for playing and any other things to use it for. i think you would be more happier with slowly using the money other than using it all at once and then being broke again. but goodluck with the mag and upgrading it. ;)

12-14-2004, 03:48 PM
Buy an 05 speed.

they offered and you would respect it as you seem to be the type that doesnt take things for granted.

12-14-2004, 03:58 PM
You could always pick up a set of emag lowers to go with your mech mag... then do what muzikman said about the rest of the cash... Seems like a noble thing to do.. besides, you might even earn even MORE brownie points by saying "thanks but no thanks" :)

12-14-2004, 04:01 PM
keep mag, wait till the hair trigger comes out. spend money on playing.

12-14-2004, 04:08 PM
I just wanted to comment it was nice seeing a kid on AO who was actually thinking about his parents as something other than a source of gear.

Good job :)

12-14-2004, 04:13 PM
same as thor!

awsome show of maturity :)

i would take them up on something cheaper.

non-vision shocker- 650
(can put vision on it later)
vision- 780 i believe
dye 03 trix- 750? new
proto trix-899?

i dont know how much vikings cost, but there atleast one in that price range

12-14-2004, 04:17 PM
keep mag, wait till the hair trigger comes out. spend money on playing.

that may be a very long time. I'm waiting on it too to build my first mag.

12-14-2004, 04:28 PM
You could always pick up a set of emag lowers to go with your mech mag... then do what muzikman said about the rest of the cash... Seems like a noble thing to do.. besides, you might even earn even MORE brownie points by saying "thanks but no thanks" :)
I was thinking of emag lowers, and also considering a devilmag upgrade, but there are quite a few things i dont like about the emag, like the battery pack and mods needed to make it tourney legal, and the devilmag costs quite a bit. I tried the freestyle at AONE and absolutely loved it, and decided that if i go electro, thats what im getting.

12-14-2004, 04:43 PM
just get a shocktech bushmaster their 777.99 and their amazing ive shot one very fast i loved and was acually about to buy it but i didnt have the money

12-14-2004, 04:45 PM
I was thinking of emag lowers, and also considering a devilmag upgrade, but there are quite a few things i dont like about the emag, like the battery pack and mods needed to make it tourney legal, and the devilmag costs quite a bit. I tried the freestyle at AONE and absolutely loved it, and decided that if i go electro, thats what im getting.
You dont have to mod an Emag for it to be tourney legal..and also,if you liked the Freestyle,you MAY want to checkk out like an NYX matrix or DM4..they both rock,and im not trying to be bandwagon,but the DM4 is honestly the fastest gun ive ever shot..or you could go the way i did,and buy a 2k3 Matrix,and spend 200,and have a DM4 board put into it ;)

12-14-2004, 04:49 PM
I was thinking of emag lowers, and also considering a devilmag upgrade, but there are quite a few things i dont like about the emag, like the battery pack and mods needed to make it tourney legal, and the devilmag costs quite a bit. I tried the freestyle at AONE and absolutely loved it, and decided that if i go electro, thats what im getting.

yeah, the freestyle the DC guys had shot real nice. I can't wait to see theirs.. If I were going to buy emag lowers, I would actually go for the devilmag vert frame w/ the eyes.. Predator board is much faster than the emag board... battery in the grip. etc.. Its HOT.

Oh, and I agree to what Thor said as well.

12-15-2004, 02:41 AM
wow cool kid my parents never offered they did buy me a spyder and a hammer back when those were on the small pricey side! then again my mom did buy me a car.. anyways the emag is great but the predator board is better. but look around there are alot of great electros out there and you dont have to spend 1000+ on a marker.

12-15-2004, 05:10 PM
:headbang: +50 coolness points for slade.