View Full Version : alright, many many question...

11-07-2001, 12:32 PM
as the title implies, i have many many questions. some tech, others just to find out what's what in the world of AGD and paintball.

1) the new nubbins... no this is a great idea, but somehow, i missed the boat on them. i could care less about getting them for free, as to me a company caring enough to work on on of the nuisances of having a Mag, to me. so, after the free supply has been exhausted, when and hw would i go about buying new ones or is this sort of a prototype by letting AO prototype it for you to work the bugs out?

2) on/offs... i know have have listened to the reasons why other reg bodies and 8 hole mods do absolutely nothing for the gun and offer no improvement over the stock reg body at all. i see this and understand this, but for me, and i don't know if it has been talked about or is just common knowledge, but what about the on/offs? sure, using them is the ultimate acid test, to see if thee is a noticable change in the gun. its rather easy to change them but who has the money to buy them all up and test them out? so, what i'm asking is, what about the on/offs? someone explain this to me.

3) non-intellifeeds... its not that i don't like those frames, but i have never had a problem with out shooting my revy. maybe i'm slow and everyone else is fast, or i just don't try to get that high ROF. but i do like the 45 frames with the blade triggers. so, what's going on with them? or are they an extension of the Intelli-frame? i wouldn't mind using one if that's all that there is, but i don't like tying my revy to one gun( ihave multiple guns).

4) the new frames II...i noticed that on the new frames from AGD, that the rear feild strip screw is not counter sunk, link in the stock carbine fiber frames. is this to simplify the machining process, or does this not change the feel of the frame with the screw stuck out, since you hand is moved down and doesn't nessesscarily rest on that part of the frame.

5) powerfeed plugs... agan, i must have missed the boat. guess i will have to hang out here move than before. any one got a spare room? but so far, i haven't seen a picture of one. what is this to address? i never had a problem with mine, unless i forget to turn it so the balls will flow in the gun.

6) electronic frames... i have been toying with the idea of getting one, more than likely the Hyperframe as Boo-yah(we all know the company) is no longer there. now, why doesn't the collective at AGD make their own? yes its a cheap way of going but has this been addresses? some of the problems that have surfaced with the Hyperframe is that there is wear on the on/off and the bolt itself, but has been addressed by Centerflag. but with the rise in popularity of the E-mag, why couldn't this be made real? couldn't the same technology(without the magnet trigger, i'm a realist here) be made in a kit form to to a cheaper version, so that those of us that don't have E-mags can almost keep up with them.

7) i am not sure if i did register my Mag with AGD. i attempt this when i got my Mag, but is there anyway to check to make sure that i do have mine registered? its CF51523, and the name is Doug Gallagher.

i think that's it for now. answer them in a whole of as seperate questions. thank you.

11-07-2001, 12:56 PM
Since I am at work, I will answer the best I can.

1. Releasing free nubbins to the AO members I am sure is more of a test. See if they work, see how people like them, etc. I am sure they will be for sale some time in the near future.

2. Just as most mods for mags, after market On/Off valves do nothing. In some cases they can ever have a negative effect on the gun. Although I have not used all of them, I have tried 5 or 6 different ones over the years and have McCauley thrown a few of them away. So again, for the most part, internal AGD parts are usually the best. All the mods that actually helped have been included in the gun (ie, Power Tube spacers)

3. The intelliFrame is just what you want. All it is, is a mechanical two finger (or blade) .45 frame. You have to actually go out and buy the guts to make it work with the IntelliFeed system. The name is a little deceiving.

4. I think it's just the way it is machined. I don't even notice that it there. I don't see it causing any problems.

5. The Parabolic (sp?) power feed plug does not have the flat spot on it. I guess they where having problems when people run the warp that the balls would not stack up right because of the flat spot. I don't think it is a big deal unless you run a warp feed or maybe a Halo loader. I have had a mag for about 8 years now and never had a problem with my PF plug:)

6. The difference in an electronic grip and the emag is big. Kinda like comparing apples to oranges:) Now, from what I assume (and you know what happens when you assume) AGD does not make an electronic frame because of the reliability issue. Tom has stated a few times that AGD will not sell a product that is not as reliable as it can be. From what I have seen from the electronic frames, they are not the most reliable thing in the world.
Now, AGD is offering upgrades to Emags. If you look at it this way, you can buy an electronic frame for $250 or you can buy an emag upgrade for a little more than double that. Which is a better deal?:)

7. Best thing to do is call the AGD office and ask if the gun is registered to you. Their phone number is on www.airgun.com .

Hope that helps, and I hope people will correct me if I am wrong at any point.

11-07-2001, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Nobody

1) the new nubbins... so, after the free supply has been exhausted, when and hw would i go about buying new ones or is this sort of a prototype by letting AO prototype it for you to work the bugs out?

We're essentially Beta testing. New molds were made after our samples had been sent. Even the parts that were sent had been modified with a slight sanding done to them.

2) on/offs... but what about the on/offs? but who has the money to buy them all up and test them out? so, what i'm asking is, what about the on/off?

I have tried a Z-Valve. It failed with dismal results. Sputtering, burping and easy to shortsroke. The consensus here is that no aftermarket internal upgrade is an improvement. AGD doesn't compromise in their design. Mags are premium guns that don't benefit from different internals.

3) non-intellifeeds... so, what's going on with them? or are they an extension of the Intelli-frame?

The I-frame is a nice high quality double trigger. It allows to hook a switch for intellifeed, but it is not mandatory to wire it as such. It's an option! I'm happy with mine.

4) the new frames II...i noticed that on the new frames from AGD, that the rear feild strip screw is not counter sunk,

This is my gripe about the I-Frame. I get what I call an Intellibruise on the top of my hand from it. I don't know why it was made this way.

That's about all of your questions I can field. Hopefully it helps.

11-07-2001, 03:24 PM
With regards to the electronic grip frame - What people don't understand is that with the 100,000 Automags and Minimags out there, this will have to be designed to work with ALL of them.

AGD would make an aftermarket electronic grip-frame very high quality, but it still will have problems with some guns because of tolerance issues. Changes in machine shops over the years, different wear amounts on the parts and people using aftermarket parts in their valve are all factors that make not all Mags within the same tolerance specs. It's just flat out impossible to make an electronic grip-frame that can be sold on the market and every person that buys it will be able to bolt it on and not have a single problem. The deal is, all Mags went out of the factory working the way they should. With the changes in tolerances as a result of aforementioned factors, it's just not possible for an electronic grip-frame that needs to hold tight tolerances to work with all of them.

E-Mags are thorougly tested at the factory to make sure everything is in proper working order, which is why ALL E-Mags work the way they should. AGD is doing the E-Mag upgrade, which means you send in your gun, they swap out the valve and put it in a new E-Mag. Then it's tested and everything is set so it works the way it should. This is about as close as we will ever get to seeing AGD do something to make standard Mags electronic. Hyperframes and Mako electronic grip-frames will continue to be produced for Mags, but you won't see an AGD one, because they know that it can't work for all Mags.

11-07-2001, 03:44 PM
Black, hmm...basicly what I said...but in more words and sounding smarter:) But what about all his other questions, I'm sure you can do better than me on them too:)

11-07-2001, 04:13 PM
let me clearify ywhat i want in one question.

maybe i wanted more than it works answer. i know this. i stand by AGD and them saying that this is the best product for my Mag. but why is it? i know AGD has tested it to be the best, but is there something that could be done? AGD is not infinte in its wisedom(close to it, but but infinite;) ), and there will always be someone out there that thinks that they can make a better mousetrap. but why isn't there a better one?

i read the desciiption of the Z-Valve and it looks like a lot of thought was put in it. though, it seems to have a not-so-good life outside the factory.

sorry, but i an existentialist. i don't want it works, deal with it. i already know it works, but what i would like to know is why. hell, cockers work without you messing with them, but i want to know why they don't, for example.

keep them coming. i want this to end up in Have Blue as the definitive answer to the mystery On/Off question.

11-07-2001, 04:33 PM
Hmmm. I do agree that tolerances play a huge factor. Whereas there may be a gun or two out there that if I gave them my Z-valve, they would find tremendous improvement.

Most I can do is theorize. I can theorize about the validity of the aftermarket manufacturers claims. I can theorize about AGD's approach to design.

I'm sure that the AGD folks are no stranger to any of the parts out there. From what I understand the techs frequently have to replace these parts to get a gun to work again.
However, if some company did come out with a product that truly enhanced the performance then efforts would be done to incorporate these improvements into future releases.

I'll bite though. I say we do a comparo! I have a Z-valve and a stock valve. Someone else in the area probably has a Reactor valve. We can get together and pool these parts to do an honest test. We can test the valves through a couple of Mags (to somewhat test the tolerance theory). Any takers?
AGD could you supply us with some regulator seats so we can use a fresh one after taking the reg off (Z-Valve includes a different reg pin)?