View Full Version : Big Game on Sunday at Hogback

11-07-2001, 03:32 PM
anybody else coming? If so, I will see you there! This will be my first field play.

Hogback is in Northern Viginia

lets rock!


11-07-2001, 05:09 PM
I might come. See there is one at Pev's field also. I like the historical aspects of the one at hogback however. I did the d-day one and that was too much fun. If I go you'll probably see me. I might have a new Emag, and if I do it will be easy to recognize me because Emags aren't all that popular at that field. I like hogback a lot but I do not like Jim though.....

11-07-2001, 06:46 PM
cool, yeah, I saw the one at Pev's too, but all my buds were going to the hogback one, and I wanted to go with them, and I have to give one guy a ride, so we had to all stick to the plan. I would eventually like to try the Pev's field too. Yeah, from talking to one of the guys at check-it, they don't like Warps OR E-Mags, and I think they are both the coolest. If I see a guy with an Emag walkin around I'll be sure to day hi, and if someone turns the heat on just cause you got an Emag, I'll defend you, then I'll go get a warp and let then snicker some more:)


Major Ho
11-07-2001, 08:23 PM
D'oh! I was gonna go out and play the weekend after this one. Thats kinda messed up that they both have their big games the same weekend/day. Forces the ppl to pick sides...I KNOW there is a bitter rivalry btwn the stores...and I think its so messed up that they do that.
Go to hogback again the weekend after. I'll be there....Have a lil mini AO weekend. Im sure FeeltheRT will come with...

11-07-2001, 08:47 PM
DAMNIT i am going to the Pev's big game cuz rob told me it would be cool. :(

11-07-2001, 08:57 PM
well, cool
I guess I will be seeing a few people at hogback from AO. I will probably be at Pevs field on Saturday too if anyone plans on going then. If I get the Emag it will be new, probably black and will have no warp.

See ya there,

11-07-2001, 11:05 PM
Hogback blows goto Pevs we 0wn h0gb4ck !1!!



11-08-2001, 08:34 AM
it seems i have to miss both the big games this year, since i've already made plans to head down to JMU this weekend.

i was at the last Hogback D-Day event, and that easteregg big-game thing, and that was a blast, it's ashame they are both on the same day :(

11-08-2001, 01:42 PM
hrmm, i'd really like to goto the Hogback BG to get used to the Hogback fields again and getting ready for hte Hogback 3 man comming up... but Pevs' Big Game is at Quantico military base this year...

11-08-2001, 02:18 PM
no, i'm pretty sure that idea got caned a while back, and Pevs will just open all of there woods fields into one big area (or something like that, the head ref was saying something along those lines after the safty brief the last time i was there)

11-08-2001, 04:32 PM
Yeah hogback is bad but I might go anyway. I am going to go to Pevs on saturday and play walk on. If I like the field, then I will go there for the big game. Dave, why not go to Pevs?

11-08-2001, 07:30 PM
I think I knew about something going on at Pev's, but I didn't know it was the same weekend, and that same day I realized that Pev's was also having a Big Game, I was allready out to get tickets for me and a friend to Hogback cause thats where our group had all ready planned to go. I would very much like to go to the Pev's field. By the way, Rob, when I go to Pev's probably tomorrow, can I like have a huge PEV'S sticker to put on my hopper? I am a PEV'S supporter, and I am sure some people at Hogback would get a kick out of it:)


Major Ho
11-08-2001, 09:20 PM
Quantico has been delayed numerous times...Finally cancelled due to Sept. 11. They are too tight on security now to have hundreds of wee tots running around with "guns"
At hogback way back when I had two separate refs come up to me trying to call me out cuz they thought I had a big splat on my hopper. Its a big orange splat with the old pevs lettering real small in the middle.
Enh...Hogback is ok...Very child oriented. They cater to their younger players. VERY strict on the 15-20 foot rule. Ref yelled at me and wouldnt let me even enter that radius of the other player when it was a stalemate.
Go to pevs...better speedball/hyperball ;)

11-08-2001, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by RobAGD
Hogback blows goto Pevs we 0wn h0gb4ck !1!!



w00t w00t! h0p3 t0 s33 j00 th3r3 r0b s0 j00 c4n l1t3 m13 4sr3 up w1th j00r 3m4g. enough l33t talk. Yeah it shall be fun!!

*evil grin*

Major Ho
11-09-2001, 09:29 AM
Phew....Way over my head.
Darn you computer jocks...and your crazy computer language :D

11-09-2001, 03:22 PM
let me translate
"w00t w00t! h0p3 t0 s33 j00 th3r3 r0b s0 j00 c4n l1t3 m13 4sr3 up w1th j00r 3m4g. enough l33t talk. Yeah it shall be fun!!

*evil grin*"

"woot woot hope to see you there rob so you can lite my *** up with your emag. Enough elite talk. "