View Full Version : LCD Monitor ... contrast ratio, opinions needed.

12-13-2004, 08:00 PM
Hey all ... looking at replacing my 19" LCD with a 17" LCD, and I see a ton of them with a contrast ration of 450:1 going for like $199.99 after rebates.

So what I am wondering is what do you all think of that low of a contrast ration. The room it would go in is fairly well lit, and in the summer time the sun does tend to fill the room ... is this to low do you think for the light in the room?



12-13-2004, 09:29 PM
What I have found in my limtied experience with lcds, got a compaq w/ a 1900X1200, 17 inch sony at work, and a nec 1765 at home, is that it is diffucult for some lcds to get real dark. The cheap ones typically look green when turned off.

Go with a big name, sony, samsung, nec, and get some kind of product plan, all of them will develop atleast one dead pixel.