View Full Version : Tac One Hopper and HPA suggestions

12-13-2004, 09:55 PM
I was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on some hoppers and hpa tanks that work well with the tac one. Thanks for any help

12-13-2004, 10:28 PM
depends on how much money you want to spend. for a tank, i recommend crossfire. most people can agree that they make the best presets. for a hopper, i would either recommend a 12v revvy w/ xboard or halob. even though you wont outshoot the halob, they are high quality and will last. dont go with the egg2, they break all the time. if you got the 12v revvy you could use your intelliframes capabilites of making the revvy spin everytime you pull the trigger.

so, low budget: crossfire 45/45 or 68/45, and 12v w/xboard
if you want to spend more get an adjustable tank and an halo b

12-13-2004, 10:29 PM
you are probably going to want a force feed loader to keep up with rapid fire situations. A revy will work fine for most situations. But there will be times you will out shoot it. Lvl X isnt bullet proof. I have a reloader b and it works fine. Stock detents hold the paint back great. Halo B, or eggy II. I bought a reloader b cause it is adjustable speed and it will be the last hopper you have to buy. If you buy a revy or a egg II, you may want to upgrade later and you just wasted 50 to 100 bucks.

HPA I have a nitro duck Xstream. Its nice. A little long but i have a bullet drop which puts the tank right where i want it. The gun is nice and tight. I love it. And with the adjustable you can either add reactivity or remove it from your gun.

I hope you like your new gun, i love mine.

12-17-2004, 11:57 AM
What are the estimated shot counts for various HPA systems? (Moslty 4500 at 68, 88, and 92 cui.)

I am strongly considering a tac-one after I retired my old lvl 7 'Mag, but only have a 68-3000 preset. I would like to plan on buying a 4500, but an not sure what size I'll need to get a good amount of shots during a scenario game.

No luck on the search so far...any numbers out there?

12-17-2004, 12:03 PM

i remembered this thread from about a week ago.

12-17-2004, 12:18 PM
Thank you kindly. Just what I needed.

Seems that a 68-4500 will do quite nicely. If I can shoot all the paint I carry, that's more than enough! :D

12-17-2004, 10:21 PM
Nitro Duck definately makes the best presets and screw-ins for that matter.

As for a loader, definately invest in something you won't need to ditch later. A HALO B, Reloader B, or Qloader would be great. Buying a viewloader is like throwing money into a bonfire.

12-18-2004, 09:11 AM
I just bought a Tac-One and set out to make a very light marker setup. You will have to tailor your hopper and tank to your playing style, just like you can tune your Mag (read the advanced info on input pressure). If you are generally shooting at maximum rate, you probably want a warp feed system and a larger tank. I'm more of a sniper, but I don't sit and wait for people, it's just that I figured out how to hit a target with one paintball instead of 26. So generally I shoot 1 ball every few seconds, but occasionally get into larger battles. Since you bought a Tac-One you are probably more into woodsball, and the Ricochet loaders are highly recommended for that. They are possibly the lightest out there and very reliable. I covered the inside of one with soundproof foam and now it hold 115 balls, just like my soundproof pods. I also use a Nitro Duck 45/4500 preset tank, and I would buy a 25/4500 if someone would make one. I don't like to carry any more than I need, why walk off the field with 3 full pods of paint? So, in summary, you should think about how you want to play, then get gear that does what you want. Less weight and less bulk is always better. Work on yur accuracy and scale down the amount of balls and air you need and you will be very happy. As a final note, I also added a CCM/Stiffi barrel system to my setup. Very quiet, and if my friends knew how accurate it was they wouldn't play with me anymore. I got my ricochet from [email protected], Cindy has the best prices on the web, and I got free shipping and barrel/pod swabs as a bonus. I have many hours into this Tac-One project.

12-18-2004, 07:22 PM
12V revvys aren't that good any more. They don't have catch cups. When a revvy gets low , the paddles just kick the paintballs around in circles before going down the neck.

Get yourself a Richochet Apache instead. It feeds 18bps, plenty of speed for any gun. Unless you shoot full auto all the time. HALO B's are a waste of money are are huge and heavy blimps. No one really needs 35 bps. No human can move their fingers 35 times in one second on semi-auto. Even in electronic mode, no gun YET can shoot that fast. Except Z-Man's RT on a SCUBA tank, lol.

For HPA it depends on how much money you want to spend. Get yourself a 4500 psi AGD Flatline or a SP Max-Flo system.