View Full Version : newstyle timmy vs. system x nme

12-14-2004, 08:58 PM
hey everyone i have a 2004 alias timmy and my friend just recently purchased one of the new system x nme's. he keeps argueing w/ me about how the nme is so much better than a timmy. here are some things he said about the nme vs the timmy: 1) the nme body is milled and the timmy body is made from a mold. 2) the nme has better eyes than the timmy. 3) the nme's was board is "so much better than the new frenzy board"

please give me your opinoin so I can settle this once and for all

-thanks from your local baller

12-14-2004, 09:05 PM
i vouch for the timmy not only do i know booth of these kids but i have shot that timmy and not the NME but from what i ahev heard and read i dont think it is the best gun. i am not saying it is bad but to me it has no comparison to an alias. i think that there is a reason other than popularity on why people pro temas use more KNOWN guns as opposed to small company guns. this is only my opinion but please keep on posting

- from a friend of that local baller

12-14-2004, 09:07 PM
Timmies > Timmy knockoffs

'Nuff said.

12-14-2004, 09:12 PM
shorty13-do you live in delaware? i recognize that playground.

12-14-2004, 09:25 PM
The eyes are exactly the same.

A timmy will carry infinitely better quality than ANYTHING system X.

12-14-2004, 09:27 PM
no i am not from delaware i am from ny . . .but anyway isnt that funny my friend *bypassing the cuss filter, 3 day*

12-14-2004, 09:28 PM
woops i meant eats

12-14-2004, 09:41 PM
WAS is no better than frenzy.. the eyes are the same... and Intimidators have this thing called "tolerances," something seemingly missing from SissyX products.

12-14-2004, 10:54 PM
LOL made from a mold. Do you think they just have molten aluminum and pour it into a mold of the body? And system X guns are made with a hammer and chissle one at a time? They are both milled from a blot of aluminum. I like going with the brand name guns because they are better quality in most cases and preform better.

12-14-2004, 11:10 PM
System X = Plastic

My friend's angel bolt literally split in half.

12-14-2004, 11:14 PM
Delrin is a type of plastic, you know that, yes?

12-14-2004, 11:42 PM
Bob Long guns arent exactly top-notch when it comes to tolerances, you know. I would never hold up the build quality of a timmy against any other gun.

12-15-2004, 12:41 AM
I would... to a knock-off of a timmy.

12-15-2004, 01:39 AM
its general pshychology the gun you own is all ways better than the gun your friend owns!! its just stupid pride. my friend thinks his cocker still shoots further than anything out there! and that his defiant is better than my xmag or a dm4 or an angel or a timmy!! but hey what are you going to do his pride wont let him listen to facts.. but yeah timmy is way better but alas there is better guns than a timmy its just your friend doesnt own it!! oh and ask him how in the heck do you get a molded paintball marker?

12-15-2004, 01:53 AM
Timmy, at least there is an ounce of ingenuity in them. system X just copies stuff. Im suprised they dont have a fake angel yet.

12-15-2004, 02:27 PM
i think that there is a reason other than popularity on why people pro temas use more KNOWN guns as opposed to small company guns. this is only my opinion but please keep on posting

- from a friend of that local baller

SPONSORSHIP - larger companies can afford to give away a gun or two (if you make 1000 you can loose 10 or 20 no big deal). The small companies cannot (if you make 100 giving out 10 or 20 isn't really doable). Thats why the larger companies get more pro teams as a general rule. However, in this case I have little to now knowledge of the NXE and past experience with system X is that they do not produce the best markers out there.

12-15-2004, 02:44 PM
Both guns are under the NPS Company "umbrella". With the exception of looks, they are pretty much the same gun.

12-15-2004, 04:24 PM
Alias bodies are milled. Eyes are eyes, and, my experience, WAS eyes suck. The frenzy board is better than a WAS, but, again, thats my opinion. I have a WAS in my GZ, and it is an awesome board...but, I dont think its better than the frenzy. BL was using WAS boards in some of his guns, until they designed a better (more true), board.

12-15-2004, 05:34 PM
how about this?

its all preference....

youll never be able to settle any of these things once and for all, but your more then welcome to get your opinions

im not really one to have a strict moral code against knock-offs like some others do, i dont mind them

i cant compare really, as the only aliases ive shot were in pretty crappy shape due to "user geniousity" :rolleyes:

it does look pretty cool, but im sure the nme costs a few hundred less to make then what they are charging i might consider one if they were like 600

12-15-2004, 05:57 PM
Both guns are under the NPS Company "umbrella". With the exception of looks, they are pretty much the same gun.

They probably ARE the same gun.

Knock-off doesn't mean worse quality. I used to workautoparts and was amazed at the stupid markups people would pay to get brand name filters, tires, wipres, etc even though looking at the manufacturing codes you could tell that the store brand and teh FRAM, Goodyear, etc. were made in exactly the same factory.

The Taiwanese cockers were EXACTLY the same as those being sold by WGP. Only the colours and labels differed. That's often the case with store brand. THe lower price is not lower quality. It's the price after all the costs of advertising and promoting the brand name are removed.

Heck some true knock-offs are BETTER quality. Cocker tolerances were/are garbage. High quality copies are much better.

12-15-2004, 06:23 PM
It's been my experience with system x accessories that they are total crap. I will never buy another system x product again. I don't know if that carries over to the Timmy or not tho.

12-15-2004, 06:27 PM
Well, I don't think that "Knock-Offs" are always worse than their predecessors; however, System X has continually gotten poor reviews from players that I've met, as well as online reviews. I would recommend the Bob Long Timmy over the NME, myself.

12-15-2004, 07:10 PM
woops i meant eats

What you ment was to not delibertately avoid the curse filter like that? Warning issued. You will get no more....

12-16-2004, 09:26 PM
im the owner of the nme and trust me i love the gun and i really love it because i bought it myself and thats gr8 for me my parents by me everything so i care for this thing like crazy. but the was i like better my opinion. i didnt have the money for a timmy and i wanted something no one has. trust me the nme is a marker u have to see and shoot i had a line a grc in ny shooting this thing. not one bad comment and got 3 kids to buy one they cant wait to get em. this thing is ultra fast and pictures dont do justice for this marker. and system x has changed alot totally different they are helping alot now. and actually to keep there customers happy they are giving the nme owners new feednecks new spring kits and everything for free. the nme they took alot of things they didnt like about the timmy and did it. intimidator is backing it up and considering theese guns are selling for 850. there such a better deal and come with was and everything. oh u guys gotta buy the grips so much better than dye stickies. and i love this thing and bob long is backing them up they havent had any problem saying bad things about the nme. and the nme bolt is 2 inches shorter moves lesser. and wat timmys run at 85-100 psi. my nme runs at 60psi and thats quite a bit of psi running it since were only counting to 60. well i love this guns and i dont think people should judge it until they see it. go to pbnation go to the system x forum part and read ull be pretty impressed! and im not saying it so much better than alias just my opinion is and i get 1400 shots on a 45/4500.

12-16-2004, 10:37 PM
except old style timmys like 2k2 and lasoya are both going for cheaper from wesbites then this thing....

12-16-2004, 10:58 PM
System X is sending NME owners new spring kits? Sping kits, you say? If I recall correctly, last time I opened up my timmy there was no springs anywhere but in the regulators, if those even count. And lots of people run their timmys as low as 60psi. I run mine at 65-70 psi no problem. Your argument = defeated.

12-17-2004, 02:35 AM
If you are happy with the nme that is all that counts. I own an alias right now and I love it, but the nme looks even smaller than an alias. I have never seen an nme in person, but they look nice and I've heard they are pretty quick and efficient like a timmy.

12-17-2004, 04:41 PM
pants is dumb no offense but the timmys dont have same lpr and system x regs have always been nice i even admit some of there old stuff was cheesy but now its pretty nice. the nme lpr has a spring in it sorry buddy and the nme is smaller by like 2 inches i think maybe less but it is i know that since a timmy is a spyder body and the nme isnt read on pbnation and no offense guys but none of u really have no comment because u havent read about them nor know anything about the nme im sure someone knows something but not enough and 2k2 timmys lol nme is so much better in my oppinion and a better buy. just my opinion and i love my gun. and luke man i think u should just grow up considering i wouldnt care if urs is better than mine or mine is better than urs. i do like the ripper thats hott but still would get nme over it cause of price but if i had 1600 bucks id get ripper. dont want to offend ne one here just wat i think. read on pbnation its review is about 15 people and is rated 10/10 so system x is keeping there customers happy and our doing something good with there products and this marker took them a really long time to make and make it right!

12-17-2004, 04:52 PM
You are as ignorant as they get and completely gave into system x's marketing. The whole cycle fast thing is a joke. Any good gun is going to be able to shoot 15-20 bps. In reality almost no one can shoot 20 bps on a completely legal gun. Hell, on my timmy I can only shoot 13 max. I have gotten 14 once raking the trigger. Since when has lower lpr been good? Last time I checked less pressure=slower cycle speed. Lets think here. They say they shortened the cycle time, then lower the lpr to completely defeat the purpose. You have 60 psi pushing the ram back on forth on the NME, 80 on most timmys. The timmy in that sense will cycle faster. When will people learn, lower lpr=not always good.

I would NEVER buy a NME, the quality of the stuff that system x produces is simply horrible. Guess what buddy, timmy lpr and hprs BOTH have a spring in them. I don't know of any reg that doesnt contain a spring. Personally the whole, shorting of the cycle thing is a joke. I don't believe one thing coming from Jim Drew. His timmy was boards are decent, but he lies more then anyone I know.

12-17-2004, 05:00 PM
im no gun tech man and how am i iggnorant i like a product i buy it plain and simple its just funny u dont like system x thats great im proud of u. i like system x nme nuff said!

12-17-2004, 05:14 PM
read on pbnation its review is about 15 people and is rated 10/10 so system x is keeping there customers happy and our doing something good with there products and this marker took them a really long time to make and make it right!

now theres some good reputable reviews right there :rolleyes:

if you like it, then you like it, you dont have to explain yourself

would be interesting to test the durability of the nme compared to a timmy though

12-17-2004, 05:27 PM
im no gun tech man and how am i iggnorant i like a product i buy it plain and simple its just funny u dont like system x thats great im proud of u. i like system x nme nuff said!

Saying 1 gun is better then the other is a joke. I really haven't said any reasons why a bob long timmy is better then the system x, besides the quality, which I'm basing on past experiences. You are claiming that they are better then bob long timmys. Explain why then. Also, it would help if you capitalized your words. Makes reading your paragraphs easier.

12-17-2004, 08:57 PM
I havent been here in awhile but this thread still applies to another one here is a link that everyone should go read and apply these two markers too
A vs B (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=122440)

12-17-2004, 09:03 PM
Delrin is a type of plastic, you know that, yes?

I am aware of that, but System X is notorious for horrible quality parts.

12-17-2004, 09:04 PM
I am aware of that, but System X is notorious for horrible quality parts.
Very true and they copy everything.

12-17-2004, 10:21 PM
i need my tank! and u still have it pete and im not the one who started this thread so yea.

12-17-2004, 10:41 PM
i need my tank! and u still have it pete and im not the one who started this thread so yea.
you will have it soon my friend.

12-18-2004, 09:49 AM
Bob Long guns arent exactly top-notch when it comes to tolerances, you know. I would never hold up the build quality of a timmy against any other gun.

I think they feel like toys bought at "Toys R Us"

Never really liked Timmies, they're too light for my taste and feel like I'm going to break em in half just holding one. I am a big guy though, so I'm sure that's a contributing factor.

Viva La AGD and MacDev!

Goldie D Pimp
12-18-2004, 10:12 AM
Well, since I"m betting 99% of you are talking without ever seeing the NME in person, I'll go ahead and throw in the review from someone who DOES have some experience with them! :)

First of all I"ll admit the past SysX products have been very questionable. However it appears that they're taking steps to change that. They've got a new design team that have worked on these guns (as well as some others that are upcoming) and they're taking more time to make sure things are "right".

When I took this thing out of the box the first thing I could say is WOW! The finish and anodizing are MUCH better than I'd expected. In fact the NME is nearly perfect.

There were no flaws in the ano and there was a distinct absense of the mill marks I've come accustomed to seeing on the timmy.

It is pretty much the same thing as a timmy, but isn't an impulse just a copy of the bushy? Just because it operates the same doesn't mean it is... I can name a ton of blow forward ram operated guns that are all VERY similar aside from manufacturer so the "it's a timmy knock off arguement" really doesn't phase me much.

As far as speed and functionality, it shoots fast and has little kick. In fact I really like it.

Compared to the guns I've seen from SysX in the past, the NME blows them away and is on the level if not better than what I've seen from recent timmys.

I'm not a hard sell though.. I'm not as picky as others.

One of my friends is a die hard timmy fan. In his eyes, if it's not timmy, it's crap. He hates, angels, imps, shockers, trixs..... Anyhow he was able to pick and NME up for a good price so he did.

I was completely expecting him to yell about how much he hated it. BUT he actually was impressed with it as well. He's done nothing but rave about it.

Neither of us have had the NME for very long, so durability and reliability hasn't been completely tested, but so far so good.

I'm not going to get involved in the which gun is better than the other arguement.

What I do want to get across is the fact that the NME isn't what you're used to seeing from sysx. Give it a shot and check it out in person before you start bashing something you've only seen pics of on the net.

12-18-2004, 07:56 PM
goldie u explained it alot better than i could and reliability lukas alias broke how many times and kept breaking wat like 4-6 times and the recent owner wanted to throw it i do have to admit though intimadator gave him a new one and was pretty quick i dont know if that one broke though to. i know julio riveria from nyx and he had a alias and hated it his broke 3 times and this is one of the best gun techs out there. peter can u plz drop it off at the shop and make sure u have my name put on the tank cause i gotta go down there get my cocker fixed from the trade with dan.

12-24-2004, 06:03 PM
i ordered it from system x anyway got it in today....

well lets just say i am very happy with my purchase... so far i will be calling joe in morning to get it to shoot even faster.... till i get a chance to play with it on sunday i will give you what i got from it today with the shooting and testing i did....

open of box: very impressed with how it is presented the gun comes in a sweet looking box with everything cut to fit perfect.gun was nice and shiney no finger prints nothing out of place.

Manual: was very informative gives pic. and description of everything in it... which is a good thing

parts kit: it comes with a parts kit that has mutilple orings bumpers detents and extra hose which is a good thing to have

First Test: well the first test went well i was able to rip a steady rope out of box no settings changed was using a 70/45 stubby with empire b reloader(fresh batt.) was shotting proto paint,formula 13, and heat (gave me a wide range of paint from better to lower grade)
first test with proto paint was fresh had a desent paint to barrel match...

crono: within a +\- of 3 out of box which i was very pleased with

Shooting: well lets just say fastest gun i have EVER shot (keep in mind i am a tech at a shop where i live so i have shot alot of guns) me and my other friends were ablt to shoot clear lines no gapping at all out of box... no shoot down no bounce nothing completely legal wa cronoed around 285. not one chop with over 2 cases of paint shot through it, had some barrel breaks but that was not guns fault that is the paint.. and that did not happen till we shot the heat through it so,,, no heat for me lol

weight: well with it being a little over 3 pounds with barrel and asa and a line it is not the lightest but not in the heavy range either .. with my tank and hopper it is a comfortable setup that is not heavy on either side well balanced gun.

Construction: gun is built very well, everything is nice and tight nothing looks like it was thrown on there well thought out design. gun feels sturdy and like it can take a superman without any problems.(we will see sunday)

Looks: well i love it... it is in the catagory of the best looking out there IMO ... the polished black with all black parts... only thing not black is the steel braided line and the bolt... which gives it something cool i think... with my empire diamond smoke and the black dye c5 tank cover it really looked like a sweet gun

My serial number is NME0089 so i am low in the bunch from how it feels and how it shot today i do not think that i will have any problems with a low serial number gun haveing defects like some other companies have done.. but we will see.

Pics i can take them but are not sure how to post them. so i can take and someone post for me or show me how too would be cool just pm me i will have pics either tomorrow or sat...

i will be able to post another review after my first day of play with it.

just so people do not think i do not know anything about paintball i have been playing since 96' and have shot jsut about every gun made between then and now... i had a choice to get any gun out there (had the money too) but i took an intrest in this.. and i am very pleased so far and i do no think i will be let down at all

if anyone has any tips or anything like that let me know i would like to know them. or anything that i should know..

12-25-2004, 12:20 AM
Looks: well i love it... it is in the catagory of the best looking out there IMO

I dont own an NME but I'd have to agree with that. It just looks so damn sweet in black :ninja:

12-25-2004, 12:32 AM
Both guns are under the NPS Company "umbrella". With the exception of looks, they are pretty much the same gun.

No they aren't. :mad:

Where do you people come up with this stuff?

NPS has nothing to do with System X.

BTW, The timmy body is machined NOT molded.

Is the NME gripframe still die cast? or are they machining them now? The original concept model I saw was aweful, but it sounds like they may be getting better.