View Full Version : My first RT valve

12-14-2004, 09:27 PM
all i can say is WOW. i just bought a Retro Valve and RT pro rail for my mag from the misc forum. i cant use the rtpro rail until i get a sear, but the RT valve is amazing. what a big difference! i cant wait to get to the field and try this thing out.

Hair trigger will work with the Retro Valve right? you dont need a RTpro valve or xvalve? cause the Retro valve is an older one, and i heard ULT wont work on it. I just hope Hair will work with it, cause im deff getting it for my mag when it comes out

12-14-2004, 09:43 PM
correct get the hair when it comes out or if it does... ever

Wc Keep
12-14-2004, 09:45 PM
take out your on off and check to see if there are two orings in your on off. if there are then you hvae a ult compatable rt

retros are not older, they are the upgrade version for the classic, minis

12-14-2004, 10:00 PM
ok cool, ill have to check it out. what if it is not ult compatible? does that mean i wouldnt be able to use Hair? Hairs do not use the ULTs if im not mistaking. i just want to make sure though

Wc Keep
12-14-2004, 10:02 PM
ok cool, ill have to check it out. what if it is not ult compatible? does that mean i wouldnt be able to use Hair? Hairs do not use the ULTs if im not mistaking. i just want to make sure though

hairs dont use ult but you have to remember that the hair is still a while away from coming out.

if its not ult compatible you can spend the money to make it ult compatible or just be satisfied with the way it is

12-14-2004, 10:56 PM
well i been shooting a classic mag for years now, so now that its more reactive is plenty enough for me. i think i will be able to wait, but if it is ult compatable, ill prob pick one up just to try it out. ill have to check tomorrow