View Full Version : wow!!!!!!!!

12-15-2004, 05:21 PM
ok dont ask me for a video cause im gonna try to make one. it probably wont be soon since i have a weird old camera and a weird old computer. so i made this pipe that has a spring in it that pushes paintballs into my feedneck REALLY FAST. i used pvc piping and some springs from my the spiraling of my assignment book at school. those springs happened to work best. so i made the piping fit onto my feedneck with electrical tape. i loaded the pipe by just pushing the balls inot the pipe. the spring was in back of the balls to pish them out. now i had 2 balls in my feedneck and 15 in the pipe. and i shot ALL the balls in about a second. so about 15 balls per second give ot take a ball. i was so suprised. so my friend wants me to shoot him with it. so we might be able to tape that but im not sure. but anyway it was so cool. the balls apear as a line or string. it as AWESOME. this was just a fun project but darn it worked good.

12-15-2004, 05:24 PM
Umm...a warp feeds faster than that, so does a halo, even an Egg can...and although you are pushing it's limits, a 10 year old VL2000 can feed almost that fast. 15bps is not all that amazing.


12-15-2004, 05:25 PM
well it was cool

12-15-2004, 05:27 PM
15bps is nothing. While the spring in a tube idea is cute.

I always thought the best way to test a markers top rate of fire would be a constant pressure on a stck of paintballs.

I figured a long tube with a free floating piston and a regulator to control the pressure.

12-15-2004, 05:32 PM
Good stuff man, now let's see that vid of you shooting your friend.

12-15-2004, 05:33 PM
15bps is nothing. While the spring in a tube idea is cute.

I always thought the best way to test a markers top rate of fire would be a constant pressure on a stck of paintballs.

I figured a long tube with a free floating piston and a regulator to control the pressure.

They actually had that back in the 90's. Someone made a 600round backpack loader that used a long tube and pressurized it with an HPS tank.

12-15-2004, 05:47 PM
They actually had that back in the 90's. Someone made a 600round backpack loader that used a long tube and pressurized it with an HPS tank.

And people complain about reloading Qloaders. :rofl:

Was the whole ball stack in one tube and pressurised at one end? How was the pressure maintained? The lotto-auto-ball thingie, if that's what you mean, really just used pressure bursts to propel balls to the loader/marker actuall feeding was gravity fed at the marker.

It could certainly be possible to design a bent tube that held that number of balls and a piston that could navigate the twists.

But, the release of the Qloader made my idea completely obsolete really. But, for experimentation purposes it would be easier to control air pressure than readjust Qloader springs.

12-15-2004, 05:54 PM
I figured a long tube with a free floating piston and a regulator to control the pressure.
Great minds think alike! :headbang:


12-15-2004, 05:56 PM
Damn you people are tough..lol! Yes, it doesn't feed as fast as other loaders or hold as much but i don't think he was going to try and market this to the industry. The fact that he made this out of spare parts makes it pretty cool. Tinkering is fun :clap:

12-15-2004, 05:57 PM
Well, not 100% sure, some of the people that were involved in the industry back around 96 or so could probably tell you. The guy was demoing it at IAO and one of his tricks was to turn the gun upside down and shoot a long string of balls.

From what I was able to gather at the time, and this is working off 8 year old memory, it was a long tube coiled in the backpack with the end of it sealed and pressured. I assume there was an LP regulator there some place as 800PSI on the ball stack might be a bit too much.

At the time I just assumed that the tube was close enough to the size of the ball that they just pressureized the whole tube and that pushed the balls though.

As for loading...yes, that was the HUGE downfall.

I had never heard anything else about it after that IAO. I think it was one of the IAO's between 96-98. I am not thinking it was 96 as that was the year our team demo'ed the traccer balls...so the backpack loader was 97 or 98.

12-15-2004, 06:04 PM
thanks wingman13. ;) like he said i was not trying to market the thing. i was just fooling around and made this for fun and it happened to work pretty well. and really? i i always that that 15 or 16 bps is fast. to you guys its not though. what do you guys consider fast?

12-15-2004, 06:06 PM
Make me a loader that can feed 50bps then you will be fast. I think the Qloader can do over 30bps, so anything slower isn't impressive;)

12-15-2004, 06:07 PM
thanks wingman13. ;) like he said i was not trying to market the thing. i was just fooling around and made this for fun and it happened to work pretty well. and really? i i always that that 15 or 16 bps is fast. to you guys its not though. what do you guys consider fast?

Don't get me wrong. I think it's cool you can get that fast from something you tinkered.

But FAST is at least 20bps. See WARPIG for state-of-the-art fast. :)

12-15-2004, 06:13 PM
ill try to make something that goes 20 bps. if i accomplish this ill let everyone know in a new thread. but for now im ok with 15 or 16 bps. not many of my friends are that good at dodging.

12-15-2004, 07:04 PM
They actually had that back in the 90's. Someone made a 600round backpack loader that used a long tube and pressurized it with an HPS tank.

I think this is what you're talking about, bro'. Look about halfway down the page.


12-15-2004, 07:07 PM
That would be it. Good find.

12-15-2004, 07:09 PM
That would be it. Good find.

I'm so cool. :D

12-15-2004, 07:17 PM
Umm...a warp feeds faster than that, so does a halo, even an Egg can...and although you are pushing it's limits, a 10 year old VL2000 can feed almost that fast. 15bps is not all that amazing.


Damn man,.. dont poo-poo on his parade

12-15-2004, 07:25 PM
That would be it. Good find.

Yup. But it's bursts of air not steady pressure.

Bet the "proprietary ball sensor system" is break-beam eyes?

12-15-2004, 08:32 PM
jees, its just a piece of piping with a spring. it took me about 1 minute to think of. nobody needs to go and compare my 5 minute invention with electronic hoppers. alsthough it does work good.

12-15-2004, 08:59 PM
how does the tube of balls stay pressurized? how do they attach all this stuff together? what do they use to pressurize the tube? i just want an explanation on everything. thanks if you can explain this.

12-15-2004, 09:16 PM
I am not sure anyone can actually answer those questions. I do know it used compressed air...that's about the end of it.

12-17-2004, 10:55 AM
Yup. But it's bursts of air not steady pressure.

Bet the "proprietary ball sensor system" is break-beam eyes?

The ball sensor they didn't talk about, but it looked like just a spring loaded lever switch in the mount block that connected the feed tube to the paintgun, to detect a missing paintball. Much of the time when they demoed, they kept a beer can cozy over the block to keep it hidden.

They didn't start firing upside down - they'd shoot, and turn upside down while shooting, then back up. That left me with the impression that without air pressure, that first ball had to fall in, for the system to activate. In the back pack was a .68ci AA Apocalypse connected via a solenoid valve to the coiled hose (don't try to reload that in a game :-). When the system activated, it just blew air down the hose at fairly low pressure. Ronnie Howell (Team Nemesis) and Johny Rathburn (now works for PMI) were the guys demoing it. That's Johnny in the picture shooting.

12-17-2004, 11:41 AM
Bill's the man! :clap:

When the system activated, it just blew air down the hose at fairly low pressure.

Wow. Imagine running out of air for your hopper in the middle of a game. :rofl:

But, how many balls were in it? With enough balls, you certainly don't need to worry about reloading.


12-17-2004, 12:45 PM
I am pretty sure it was 600 balls.

12-17-2004, 10:53 PM
Well, not 100% sure, some of the people that were involved in the industry back around 96 or so could probably tell you. The guy was demoing it at IAO and one of his tricks was to turn the gun upside down and shoot a long string of balls.

From what I was able to gather at the time, and this is working off 8 year old memory, it was a long tube coiled in the backpack with the end of it sealed and pressured. I assume there was an LP regulator there some place as 800PSI on the ball stack might be a bit too much.

At the time I just assumed that the tube was close enough to the size of the ball that they just pressureized the whole tube and that pushed the balls though.

As for loading...yes, that was the HUGE downfall.

I had never heard anything else about it after that IAO. I think it was one of the IAO's between 96-98. I am not thinking it was 96 as that was the year our team demo'ed the traccer balls...so the backpack loader was 97 or 98.

I know a guy who has a very strange backpack loader for a one of a kind Angel package he owns. I am not certain it is the same as you describe , but its really wild.