View Full Version : Austin pball this weekend dec. 18th or 19th

12-15-2004, 10:48 PM
Hey all Austin ballers, just wanted to know if anyone was planning on playing this weekend. I'm flying out for christmas from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada on the 17th of December to visit family and was hoping to get a game in possibly out in Austin since its still so nice down there. Only problem is i would need to be supplied equipment, but I was hoping that I would find someone with some christmas cheer LOL. anyways, if anyone has any games planned let me know and i'll see if i can get out there for it. oh, and you would have to post directions and prices for me if possible since i dont' know the city at all. anyways, hope to haer from someone soon.

Matt Janzen

12-16-2004, 01:51 PM
Howdy hailstorm!

Quite a few nice Canucks on the board, so I'm sure you can meet some guys to play with. Just so you know, there is a seperate forum, AO Meet & Greet, for planning games and events. Don't worry about "wrong forum, n00berz 12121211!!!!" if it happens, just ignore...

Enjoy yourself here, and see you on the field!


12-16-2004, 04:06 PM
hope you dont melt down here in our cold winters LOL

You will need to check out www.txpb.com they charge you an arm and leg but they have a lot of nice fields and a good ref staff. They rent markers an A-5 with flatline and nitro is there top rental.
I would let u use mine but my son is going to Houston to play down there and he ganked my mag :)

Have fun in Austin make sure you hit 6th street its the best place to party


12-16-2004, 04:49 PM
check out petty's paintball...it's about 45 min south of Austin but it's a great field. They don't always have their airball field up so just call ahead if that's more what you're looking for..


12-16-2004, 05:56 PM
AO Canada in the works (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=152279)

Oh, Canada!


12-20-2004, 05:35 PM
thanks for the info guys.....its really appreciated. Sadly i didn't have room to bring any of my gear so I don't exactly wanna go and play with rental equipment lol, you guys know how it is. Anyways, i'm going to go and check out paintball mart this week sometime.....it sounds like quite the place. I read a little bit about Texas PB steelsoul, it sounds pretty sweet but like you said a little expensive..appreciate the willingness to let me use the equipment, thats exactly what I love about AO. Any other ideas on good places to check while in Austin? I don't know if I'd have time to drive down to Petty's to play Clare, but if there is anyone playing a game on the 26th than I might very well try my damndest to get down there to check it out and see what Texas ballers are all about and then I guess I could be talked into using rental gear. I really would like to get one day in, as this weather is incredible compared to what I just came from ;) Anyways, thanks for your help y'all.


oh and by the way, if that AO Canada is anywhere close to me than I'll definitely be coming out for that. Oh, and steelsoul what am I looking for on 6th St? any place inparticular?