View Full Version : Best decision my team ever made!

12-16-2004, 11:10 PM
It is about time. We are preparing for the 05 season and trying to figure everything out. What we can do to be more competitive, to get better etc. Our team captain decided, no smoking any type of drug this season. May sound like common sense, but about 50% of the people at the field smoke cigarettes. Including 6 of the 8 people on my team. It was cutting into practice time and was just so stupid. So as of Jan 1st, no more smoking. If you are caught, 1 warning, caught again off the team, no second chances.

And switching from proto to empire is number 2 ;)

12-16-2004, 11:21 PM
Are the smokers on your team of age? That seems pretty harsh. How long are your practices? I know that I, along with many other smokers would rather have one every hour than none for x# of hours till the end of practice. Also, does the whole team support this? Did your cap do this out of th blue or has he tried being reasonable with them before? Without any background on the story, it just seems harsh.

12-16-2004, 11:29 PM
Are the smokers on your team of age? That seems pretty harsh. How long are your practices? I know that I, along with many other smokers would rather have one every hour than none for x# of hours till the end of practice. Also, does the whole team support this? Did your cap do this out of th blue or has he tried being reasonable with them before? Without any background on the story, it just seems harsh.
It's their team, and they can make this decision if they want.

It's a privately run thing; there is nothing harsh about it.

- Goro

(I should do this to the people on my team... Murph.)

12-16-2004, 11:31 PM
I'm just saying that, unless he's already tried, a compromise would prolly leave everyone happy.

12-16-2004, 11:35 PM
Only 2 of the 6 are of age smokers, rest are underaged. IMO no smoker is a good smoker. Smoking isn't good for ANYONE. Lots of us are friends outside of paintball so we are watching eachother all the time. The captain of our team put this into plave, and he was one of the kids smoking. He is quitting and is bring everyone with him. We would waste so much time at practice when kids would have to smoke etc. It is bad for them and does NO good at all. We want to make changes for the better this season, and this is one step to doing that.

12-16-2004, 11:41 PM
Ok then, good for him then. It just seemed like a dickhead move when I first read it.

Maybe he should change the name to Team NeverSmokeAgain :D

Wc Keep
12-17-2004, 12:12 AM
dude its an awesome decision. smokers need two cigarettes between games. thats a lot of time when you add it up. tony good move.

12-17-2004, 12:16 AM
that sounds like an awesome idea. oddly enough, nobody on either of the 2 teams im on really smokes. i can think of only 1 person who has smoked that has ever been on a team with me, and he only smokes cigars very seldomly, so its not something he'd do at practice.

12-17-2004, 08:43 AM
Nobody likes a quitter...

12-17-2004, 09:00 AM
I don't smoke... but if I were on a team that the captain decided to make my personal decisions for me.. while I wouldn't be. If my actions interfere wtih practice then you may ask that I don't interfere with practice.. but until that point what I do is really my own business.

Then again, you probably have a more winning team then the ones I play on, I still play for fun even in tournaments :D

12-17-2004, 11:48 AM
no smoking any type of drug

At first I though this was a different kind of post :rolleyes:

Seriously though smoking is bad for you, quit while your still alive.

12-17-2004, 12:18 PM
I don't smoke... but if I were on a team that the captain decided to make my personal decisions for me.. while I wouldn't be. If my actions interfere wtih practice then you may ask that I don't interfere with practice.. but until that point what I do is really my own business.

It's nolonger your personal desision from the moment a non-smoker is forced to breathe your crappy pollution or has to wait for you while you finish your smoke.

12-17-2004, 12:25 PM
i think its good, but let them smoke weed on weekends still ;)

as people ahve already said always end up waiting for smokers. i cant stand that ...in the winter they gotta leave the hosue every hour for a cig while playing after nearly everygame theyr puffing up....sad

12-17-2004, 12:52 PM
Just think of all the money you guys will be saving.

How much is a pack of cigarettes? About $4?

If each of you were smoking half a pack a day, that's about $80-90 a week between the six of you that you're saving and could put towards paintball or something worthwhile.

12-17-2004, 01:15 PM
just think of the health benefits as well.. no smoking means better lungs.. which means you'll be able to be in better shape.. which means you can make your breaks better, faster, more efficient... not to mention the cost savings.

12-17-2004, 01:21 PM
smoke free is the way to be :cool:

12-17-2004, 02:03 PM
What about freebaseing paintballs...it that still OK to do?

Cuz if I don't get my fix at least once a week, I turn in to a ****. My wife kicks me out for a few hours to the local buy spot and I base a case or two then I am good to go. I got my trackmarks from getting lit up behind a bunker, but i can cover those up with my shirt. The marks on the neck are hard to hide. Damn, I am jonesin again...thank GOD it's Friday!

(Later that night)
"Hi. My name is Boski and I am a paint-aholic. It's been six day, five hours, twenty five minutes and ....hua thirty seconds since I was last high on paintball....." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-17-2004, 02:48 PM
Drink beer instead.

12-17-2004, 02:53 PM
^^ thats worst ^^

12-17-2004, 03:00 PM
rehabs an option but nobody likes rehab..... Rehab is for quiters.

12-17-2004, 04:23 PM
I don't smoke... but if I were on a team that the captain decided to make my personal decisions for me.. while I wouldn't be. If my actions interfere wtih practice then you may ask that I don't interfere with practice.. but until that point what I do is really my own business.

Then again, you probably have a more winning team then the ones I play on, I still play for fun even in tournaments :D

If people on our team won't let us make decision that benifit the whole team, then we don't want you on our team. We try to be more then a "team". We are more like a family of close friends.

12-17-2004, 04:39 PM
If people on our team won't let us make decision that benifit the whole team, then we don't want you on our team. We try to be more then a "team". We are more like a family of close friends.

I think of my team as friends too... but different styles, no harm in that. Like I said, you guys probably win more... running a team by democratic vote with most hte players having VETO power tends to make things hard to get done and cause divisions too (we do that). :clap:

12-17-2004, 05:00 PM
theres this dude who smokes at our feild alot and hes like got emphaziema (sp?) now and like cant make it to the first bunker without coughing up a lung. its pretty gross

12-17-2004, 05:04 PM
That is a good desicion little harsh on the consequences though.

12-17-2004, 05:30 PM
Everyone is going to be helping eachother quit.

Fireitup, I'm suprised he can even run with emphizema. Such a horrible disease. My grandpa had it, it didn't kill him though, lung cancer did...

Mr. Mouse
12-17-2004, 05:36 PM
if i were on a team with smokers id let them take there break if they were doing good during games/practice, bbut if they started doing bad id take there pack and smash it, i would this because ive grown up with my whole family smoking basically all my life and i absolutly hate it. but if they werent doing bad i mean whatever works for them :)

12-17-2004, 06:37 PM
Great idea! Smoking is a destructive habit, and it will absolutely kill your physical performance.

Now they'll have a little extra $$$, a healthy body, better performance, and most importantly, more time on the field.

12-17-2004, 07:40 PM
tl;dr most of the thread except the first few posts.

Anyway, my take is that many smokers, when deprived of their cigs, get cranky and obnoxious. May not be a good idea to have them not be allowed to smoke for a day.. if they hustle thru a cig one can be done in under a minute.

Remember, its their choice to make, not yours to make for them. Unless they're extremely heavy smokers [over a pack a day] their lungs are not going to be so serverly impaired that they can't perform. Remember, it's paintball, not a marathon.

On top of that, I enjoy a cigar or two [ok, black and milds cuz they go quicker ;)] during a day of balling cuz I view paintball as a social event, and i'd consider myself a social smoker. But I guess that's the difference between going out and shooting some guys versus practice.

12-17-2004, 08:32 PM
on the team im currently on we have a rule of no smokeing or drinking ro anything until after tournaments or practices. its a little more reasonable for the smokers and safer for the others. but good job to your cap. for makeing that decision i hate underaged smokers.(especially female ones)

12-18-2004, 12:02 AM
Dude tony are you feeling alright man?

12-18-2004, 09:44 AM
It is about time. We are preparing for the 05 season and trying to figure everything out. What we can do to be more competitive, to get better etc. Our team captain decided, no smoking any type of drug this season. May sound like common sense, but about 50% of the people at the field smoke cigarettes. Including 6 of the 8 people on my team. It was cutting into practice time and was just so stupid. So as of Jan 1st, no more smoking. If you are caught, 1 warning, caught again off the team, no second chances.

And switching from proto to empire is number 2 ;)

I don't play on teams that don't smoke :) In fact, I don't think i've ever been on a team that the whole team didnt smoke cigarettes and weed.... Viva La Team Dank!


12-18-2004, 12:24 PM
Dude tony are you feeling alright man?

yes, porque?

Telf, I'm sure kids are probably still going to smoke, as long as they don't do it at the field, I don't really care. The captain does though. I would still like to see everyone quit. It is doing no good to anyone.

12-20-2004, 10:57 PM
This is an awesome idea, but why stop at smoking?

I mean, there are other activities that slow down practices. I purpose you consult with your caption to remove poop rights, maybe even urination. Heck, just get rid of the port-a-potty on the field. Every time spent in the bathroom is time could have been spent running drills. :D

Or everyone could go onto go on the Atkins diet, if you eat over 300 carbs a week, your cut from the team. I mean you want a thin agil team don't you? [/end sarcasim]

Our team captain decided, no smoking any type of drug this season. May sound like common sense, but about 50% of the people at the field smoke cigarettes

I am not a smoker, nor do I support smoking. But your caption made a personal decision for everyone on the team that doesn't seem fair. Theres nothing wrong with saying no smoking during practices, I can see how it would delay playing time and/or even be a hassle in some situations. But to say no smoking all together or your cut, thats a litte egotistic. Seems like your capt wants to quit smoking, and if he has to go through the trouble of quiting, everyone else has to.

Either way, its good you guys are looking at the next season more seriously. Hard work almost always pays off.

12-20-2004, 11:01 PM
Me and my Captian decided this when I used to play paintball...

Then I quit paintball...

12-20-2004, 11:33 PM
This is an awesome idea, but why stop at smoking?

I mean, there are other activities that slow down practices. I purpose you consult with your caption to remove poop rights, maybe even urination. Heck, just get rid of the port-a-potty on the field. Every time spent in the bathroom is time could have been spent running drills. :D

Or everyone could go onto go on the Atkins diet, if you eat over 300 carbs a week, your cut from the team. I mean you want a thin agil team don't you? [/end sarcasim]

I am not a smoker, nor do I support smoking. But your caption made a personal decision for everyone on the team that doesn't seem fair. Theres nothing wrong with saying no smoking during practices, I can see how it would delay playing time and/or even be a hassle in some situations. But to say no smoking all together or your cut, thats a litte egotistic. Seems like your capt wants to quit smoking, and if he has to go through the trouble of quiting, everyone else has to.

Either way, its good you guys are looking at the next season more seriously. Hard work almost always pays off.

This wasn't solely the captains choice. The other kid on our team and myself have been pushing everyone to stop. So he took it into his hands and is going to try to get everyone to stop. There are plenty of good kids out there that can fill spots on our team. We aren't worried.

12-21-2004, 11:35 AM
Good choice!! :clap: If you all stick with it you will see better proformance. Plus if your teammates rather smoke than practice Quiting smoking is not going to help. They need to decide if they want to play and be competitive. I use to belong to a martial arts fighting team and the guys that did not give up smoking or leaving early to go bar hopping never got there full potential. Everyone's young and dumb at one part in there life. Good luck I hope you team uses this rule to pull together. :shooting: